I've been on Jow Forums for a decade and on Jow Forums for a good part of it
I'm still a liberal and the holocaust happened as taught. All I see on Jow Forums is trolls, and shizos false flagging other shizos.
You give too much power to this platform.
I've been on Jow Forums for a decade and on Jow Forums for a good part of it
>You give too much power to this platform.
>makes a thread
>shizos false flagging other shizos
This is anti-Semitic because Jews have a high risk of being schizophrenic and neurotic.
Ever thought about the idea, that taking your meds isn't some evil jew conspiracy but the fact that you're handicapped?
get your fucking burka on whore.
based kraut giving us the real truth on the holocaust.
thank you
ok kike
I have been on on Abilify and Prozac for almost 8 years now. It works just fine.
a brown person feeling proud. disgusting.
Jews are based
I like your beer
its like you're not even trying jew
Holocaust happened I almost died laughing
I totally believe you!
I like nothing abut your country, but I lke that you like our beer.
I have been here since beginning of past decade and I still too believe in holocaust. I have never seen here legitimate and provable arguments for holocaust denial
You'd do mankind a favour if your incel ass would choke.
youre the shizophrenia that gives me credibility.
Thank you.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
*end of past decade, not beginning
You don’t even know me asshole
I know, I feed on the hate
Are you the liberal Bavarian poster that used to troll here?
Protip faggot:
A real oldfag never divulges how long he has been on Jow Forums. It's the primary fucking rule of old fagging. It never ends the debate no matter if you say five years or one hundred. Your LARP SKILLS scream Rookie Retard. Libtards suck at everything huh? Hahaha.
If you say so... I dont need you to tell me how long ive been visiting this shitty place
no, but I wish I knew who you're talking about
I've been posting on Jow Forums since 2006. Anyway, when I was in school we were taught that 9 million Jews were holocausted. I went my whole life thinking that it was 9 million Jews that were holocausted until I start going on /new/ about a decade ago. Then, I start hearing 6 million and sure enough, 6 million is the tally of mainstream holocaust history. So, I think "what the fuck, I thought it was 9 million.". So, I get one of my old encyclopedias at my parent's that was published in the 80s, look up holocaust, and sure enough, 9 million. How the fuck do they count an extra 3 million dead? So, that basically put the whole thing in doubt to me.
If I go by what I was taught, I would have to insist the number of Jews holocausted was 9 million. But, nobody says that anymore.
Are you sure that your holocaust narrative is up to date? You might want to get it revised depending on how long ago you were taught holocaust history. When I was in school, we were taught about Jews being made into lampshades and human soap. Those are no longer part of mainstream holocaust history.
I'd suggest updating about every decade because you never know what kind of new information might be revealed about the 6 million bodies that disappeared off the face of the earth with no trace of them.
>been here 10 years
>believes holohoax
This means you must not have left to independently verify the thousands of souces, associated credibility, and objective evidence, you're retarded, or a sellout. In any case you sir, using that flag are a tragedy of a proportion that will see and seem nonexistent to what will befall you personally next.