>civil war in your country
would you have problems fighting and shooting at ''your own people'', or is your disgust when it comes to treasonous leftists so big that borders and language doesn't matter anymore, only the hope for a bright butue and who is on the right and who is on the wrong side of it?
Civil war in your country
i hav 2 poop, brb
I'll probably just be a rubble dweller who loots the dead
I'd have trouble shooting at the troops since I am a vet but no problem shooting at general lefty degenerates.
There won’t be a civil war in my country because everyone is too fat, lazy, and content. Anyone who tries to go guerrilla and start a civil war would be swiftly sent to the nearest supermax prison and none would be the wiser.
>own people
Why? Are they my family? No, so why would I share patriotic ties with someone I don't even know? Just because we are living in the same country doesn't mean I'm inclined to share some relation with them.
While I could technically aim and fire guns of various sizes properly (hell yeah, grandfather lived on a village and had a couple guns), I'm certain my fitness would be my biggest hindrance.
>my own people
There aren't many left. Statistically, the next generation won't be majority white. So no, I have no problem here.
I think the difference is that at this point, anyone in knows they're doing it for a meal ticket, or they're too stupid to wake up to the situation regardless of what's in front of them.
The nation that previous generations fought for is gone. The honorable institutions that were built have been torn down. It's lip service to cheap facsimiles of the real thing at this point. Nothing more. Even patriotism isn't real, not anymore.
Well, I can understand that for America. But in Europe this language and border clusterfuck makes it even more complex - or at least it has been.
>>civil war in your country
Never going to happen or it already would have by now
But for the sake of argument:
>would you have problems fighting and shooting at ''your own people''
It depends on what you mean about "your own people" I'd try not to kill any fellow white people but then again I would also know to not trust them since over half of them would be more than happy to sell me out to a wild pack niggers or a gaggle of kikes and their politician puppets.
I makes me sick to my stomach how immoral whites can rationalize ANY action no matter how absurd or perverse.
"My people" my ass..
Just start shooting and let God sort them out.
>Every user for themselves
why is a media that drops large scale "lie bombs" on millions of people, damaging thier minds, and their whole lives, not already considered war? How is this not considered more evil than a typical explosive? In actuality, it is far more evil to attack someones mind....
>Language barrier
This might just be showing my ignorance, but when I was in Germany, most whites there had passable English skills, or could at least understand it. Is this not the case elsewhere? Or am I misunderstanding?
Sidenote: English might be a good barrier to entry. Non-whites have a lot of fucking trouble picking it up in any passable sense. Hence ebonics bullshit that's become the norm.
Yes I would have trouble murdering human beings in any situation you psycho.
The winner of the next civil war will be the one with the most vets on it.
Also saved
Leftists aren't people
How do you feel about your countrymen, Norge?
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
I never said barrier, I'm talking about the whole us vs them thought that exists based on language. From a racial point of view North Germans probably has more in common with Danes than with South Germans but they both speak German so they are Germans so to speak... not sure how to explain it other than that mixing pott America probably has an easier time shooting at eachother than Europe - no offence.
Hate most tbqh
Even in a civil war, i would try to target non-personnel if possible. Violence would only be in justified self-defense.
de Touqueville wrote about this in the 1800s, in Democracy. and it still holds true today. Despite our infestation of jews and their ilk, America more than any other nation has a tendency towards forming random voluntary social alliances. Look at the natural disasters and what happens. When the chips are down, Americans pull together. Which is why our best possible chance to save this nation is to burn it down.
Our country is our people. Not things. Not money. Not even land. It is the soul of our people. Our volk.
throwing my hologram in with my poker chips, let's fucking do war
Who the fuck are you and why do you care?
If they chose to betray you, they are not your people. They are the enemy and deserve death as much as any kike. If you're fighting a civil war in your home country, and you're killing 'other whites' who are fighting FOR the shitskins, there is no 'killing each other' only 'you' and 'killing your enemies'.
>no offense
None taken. I know what the jews have done to our nation. I think the us vs them problem you're talking about in Europe may have actually been fixed by (((their))) schemes here. Our people have no identity, like what you're referring to. They took it from us, and replaced with a cheap consumerist identity based on products and things rather than cultural pride. but that's going away as the value of money disappears. What WE are left with is an increasing sense of tribalism wrapped around the most basic form of identitarianism we have left:
Their us vs them rhetoric. Based on race. Maybe knowing that, there's a way to exacerbate a similar divide in Europe?
No. Not at all whatsoever.
But for any glowniggers collecting data, yes and I would never. Promise.
Kek i dont have a problem as long as we have a secular atheist ethnostate
I would have absolutely no problem killing half this country.
Give me the codes. I'll prove it!
No need for war just round up all the corrupt people who have violated others rights to eqaulity under the law, freedom of speech, encroached on 2a,or used the government to enrich themselves through crony capitalism.
Pretty much resetting the whole system and setting a example for future generations of the consequences.
>They took it from us, and replaced with a cheap consumerist identity based on products and things rather than cultural pride. but that's going away as the value of money disappears.
They took it from us, and replaced with a cheap consumerist identity based on products and things rather than cultural pride. but that's going away as the value of money disappears.
That is without any doubt the direction in which we're heading in Western Europe too.
>Based on race
Well I consider that to be better and preferable. Language and blood are two different things, and focus should be on the latter. After all, a shitskin grown up in country x will also speak the language there. Doesn't change the fact that he doesn't belong there. But I might have a different view on what races there are than just white/non-white.
>the one with the most vets on it
I think we know who that's going to be.
Actually, my people disappeared a long time ago. France is just a leftist, stupid, mixed degenerate nation. Leftists are even worse than the people they protect, I would have no regrets if I had to shoot at them.
I mean, it’s difficult to say since I’m not gonna pretend I’ve ever been in such a position. But I think it’s kill or be killed, and remember what you’re fighting for. If you keep your head wrapped around those two things, you can do it. You just squeeze the trigger, and then the bullet handles the rest.
If there was a civil war in my country I'd kill every peronist and every welfare leech bolivian nigger I saw
Given how much I know about the make up of the army it would be easy to target the subhumans and NPCs instead of the honest kids just trying to get some college money and earn a decent living. I was one of them back in the day. Honestly I don't see any chance of a civil war that doesn't start within the military before the wider nation.
Sometimes it's better to excise a necrotic part of your own body, no matter how much you love your body. In fact, the more you want to preserve your body and life, the more important it is to do that procedure.
The 20 year long war on terror has created a shadow army of almost 700,000 combat veterans, a high number of whom are highly disgusted by what our nation turned into while they were off fighting. They additionally feel betrayed by a system which used and expended them then renegged on its promises to them. Almost every one of my veteran buddies misses combat and feels bored and dissatisfied with life in the civvie world.
Just last week I was visiting one of my buddies who had been a scout sniper in the sandbox, and he was building a rifle "Cuz when the revolution starts I'll finally get to do the only thing I've ever been good at again."
The military is big, and libshits can find woke vets just like neocons can find based nigs, but by and large I sense a very real undercurrent of discontent and anger in the Combat Veteran community that suggests to me the majority will side against the NPCs.
5 years ago I would've said that political violence against a fellow American was unjustifiable.
Now whenever I hear someone who thinks they've got a non violent or political solution I hope for violence anyway. The damage dealt is too great to forgive and the Jewish globalist elite should be put upon the sword. Publicly.
Nope. I lost my moral compass a long time ago. I crossed the line of radicalisation and now just lay in wait like a Lyon stalking its prey. I have a extensive list. On this list are the things that the government has done that has been considered hostile to me and my future.
It also has the name's and address of everything politician that supported theose hostile law's. And finally it has the name's and address of journalists and social commentarys. Who massaged the political agenda into the brains of my unconscious countrymen............
This should be the response every one should be answering with. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with knowing who your enemies are and where they sleep.....be productive and learn were you can find those who betrayed you and your countrymen when the time comes.
>is your disgust when it comes to treasonous leftists so big that borders and language doesn't matter anymore
Have you seen the military lately?
The only people gonna be at odds will be the .gov and the dethroned middle lower class.
When the parasite starved the host battles begin.
Wrong it’s the .gov gonna be in the crosshairs
is he done pooping yet?? he isn't coming back...
>would you have problems fighting and shooting at ''your own people''
If they came to kill me, what choice will i have?
I'm a father after all and my millitary brother will help me out.
libshits would run scared if all us vets chimped the fuck out. i'm not going to go around knocking people off for my own goverment no matter what they say.
But if truoble comes I'll defend my self.
But i doubt that would happen in NZ i'm quite safe.
can't say the same for america or austiralia i've seen locals chimpout in mobs
No doubt
if anything happens here shit will hit the fan hard.
but most ethnics never met with each other
and the east asains will side with whites and so will the arabs and jews over the brown hoard
everyone knows you can't trust a dot head or moari or a nigger.
But NZ is too laid back for war anyway which is a good thing
the big cities might go full blown retard though.
Sorry about your guns bro I hope you were able to have a few boating accidents
the hard part would be telling friend from foe unless we actually choose a uniform
It's been over an hour I'm getting worried.
Somebody should go check on him he's been gone a fair while
Yeah. we still got shitty ww2 weapon though
but no big things and even that is hard to get
I guess we have to make do with bow and arrow and airsoft guns lmao
yeah we are fucked mate
But given how bad the last civil war was here in NZ it would go on for longer then 50 years
because the last civil war was about that long
except way more leftists would eat a bullet
given that 70% of the mill' is a right winger
been there, done that.
when the bullets start flying, you forget you are fighting "your own people".
*knock *knock hey buddy you ok in there
It's been a minute, but from what I recall, combat arms are still majority white. Support personnel is a different story, but those are gibs jobs. Look at the make up of 0311 or 11B.