What is the future of Italy now as leftwingers managed to steal the government?
What is the future of Italy now as leftwingers managed to steal the government?
Have sex...
future is blacc
Few years of uneasy alliance leading to massive election loss. Italian economy is in a shitty state and now already disliked PD and turncoats from M5S will get shat on for preventing a collapse. Sadly Lega isn't capable of mustering support that would allow it to fix something other than immigration so I guess I can say that in no time Italians will join Greeks.
It’s literally the first and the second most voted parties at last parlamentary elections . The fuck are you talking about.
You’re functionally illiterate.
I will fuck more black pussies for 5 euro.
Obviously you have no idea what you're talking about. Greece economy equates to one Italian city. If Italy goes down the whole euroone will bankrupt. It will be like lehman brothers multiblied by 1000.
pic related with italians
who cares? fuck shitaly
We are done.
In the end tho, we ll see after the global depression.
I think that if Italy it llbe thanks to pure military power, and thus a quasi fascism thingy.
don't know if you're ignorant or a leftist
you've grown thanks to european and italian tax payers shut the fuck up
Leave him be, he’s gonna post haploautism soon.
gov will fall once renzi party reaches 10% at polls
>in no time Italians will join Greeks
I hope so
if we join the greeks you'll join zimbabwe though
Why can’t the EU sell Poland to Putin?
user what do you think about Fusaro's Vox? I've read a pretty butthurt article about this new political party but i doubt it will be more than a meme factory (like usual Fusaro)
We can't expand without removing trash, desu.
A few years of cucking followed by complete Lega control. It will be glorious. I can't wait.
If you wanna read the article
You can almost hear the journo REEEEing while reading.
Two parties that a few months ago hated each other, lost a ton of votes in the EU elections and got together just to prevent the italian people from electing their new government
Probably anal sex, obese women with manly tats and hairy upper lips, and unconditional nigger worship, you know? Good ol' 'Murcian values!
Why polish men are so ugly and women are so beautiful,whats wrong?
A fucking political thread with less than 30 post.
Never change Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
Real nazi are in jail,this place is flooded with niggers,jews,autistics,troll, trannies and all the degeneracy of the world.
Italy will resist
>Polish women UNDER 30
Fixed it u u u u
So do you think Salvini and his party will make a comeback in the next elections?
He's polling at more than 30%
How much does he need at a minimum to not need another party to form the government?
Definitely. The question is how much damage will the left cause before il capitano comes back
It will depends by electoral law. M5Cucks and globalists already said the wanna change it.
I want to believe but Im a filthy Argie.
Whats the number today?
Same like 2000 years. Nothing.
I hope everything goes allright for italy. I'm less than 2 years away from getting my citizenship and I plan to emmigrate there
40% alone or in coalition. He and FdI have easily the 40% today by polls. So traitors in charge will probably change the law increasing the % at 50%.
I really hope so, the blacks are pouring in now, if you let them stay they will be fucking your daughters and destroy your country
>I'm less than 2 years away from getting my citizenship
How did you get an estimate? Pretty precise time frame.
I see. Do you think Salvinis move to dissolve the government was the right choice?
No, but probably they would have BTFO him anyway so it was simply a matter of time. He tried his political move to accellerates toward snap election while traitors where still doing under the table talks. He failed, now he's at opposition. It would've happened anyway.
Everything back at 2015 business as usual state?
Open borders, Africans welcome, etc,etc,etc?
How much has it changed since he was outed?
In two weeks of this new govt +300% of niggers arrivals. Also they're talking about green economy aka more taxes.
From Salvini's flat tax to more taxes its a bit depressing.
It's been 2000 years. Our Italian is rusty. Can londis have a summary.
Is it making the South support for Salvini grow at least?
Did you screenshot your own post?
Google translator best I can do.
Im screening your reply too.
Says the poor smelly slav(e)
I do the same.
And they say Germans have no sense of humor.
I'm not German, I'm Bavaryan.
show ur feet turk
I'm Bavaryan.
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
Thanks Juan.
> Italians should take elections seriously
Porn star was elected 20 years ago
> the globalist commies are going to loose the commie vote to the Nationalist commies.
Globohomo is getting fucked in Italy.
>Italy never had a future after that kike brutus killed the god emperor caeser. fuck Italy it can get blacked like everywhere else.
>Globohomo is getting fucked in Italy.
Hope you are right but Im not well informed enough to make a prediction.
Hope Salvini makes a big comeback but I dont know.
Agreed. Based Pole.
spaghetti bros share your views please, also what is casa pound doing?
>*share your wives
If Italy goes under Europe will return to the dark ages.
>How did you get an estimate? Pretty precise time frame.
At the buenos aires consulate they tell you that by law, the process can't take more than 2 years. It might be less but not more
Hell Im starting to gather the documentation...god Im fucked.
The Based Bavaryan Barrages Bitter Bombs.
all of those companies exist on the backs of eastern europeans working below minimum wage and with resources bought from eastern countries
t. textile industry knower
Try to get the turn now. Even if you get the turn today, you'll have to take the documents like 5 months later, and furthermore, even if you arrive to the consulate with an incomplete folder, they give you another turn that same day so you can gather the rest of the documents.
Hurry up though, when this country explodes (soon) getting a turn will be almost impóssible, and there are talks about imposing generational limits on citizenship, so if you're getting it through your great grandfather you could be fucked if you wait too long
What the fuck are you talking about? Oh boohoo youre not able to buy 10k belts, or shitty, small sportscars
>No parma
>No nutella
ya blew it
Thats the best advise I could ask for user. Thank you.
Im still missing the grandfather birth certificate from the comune, I mean I found it on the Antenati page but I dont have the legal copy yet. Do you think thats one of the documents they would let me present on a later date?
>Do you think thats one of the documents they would let me present on a later date?
Yes. It's exactly what happened to me. That document was missing by the time I had to bring the documents and I asked them for one month to bring it. They gave me another turn and I brought it at the accorded date.
If you're looking for the document you could ask the patronato ACLI for help. They where the ones that sent the email to the commune. They charge you 200 pesos for their services. They are located close to the obelisco
Also, another reason to get the turn soon is that the 2 years timer starts running at the time they create your file, even if documents are missing, so the delay in bringing the rest of them doesn't affect you
we got their back
No you don't. You voted PSOE like the leftist faggots you are
we literally have no government and the left just imploded, this November they're going out
Great info user. Thank you.
How did you get the turn?
Went to the consulate or via email?
And let me guess, spaniards are gonna vote for the PP cuckservatives?
>Went to the consulate or via email?
Oh boy. You're about to get on the wildest of rides. I was one of the last people to get the turn through their webpage. Not it's done through watsapp video call. There are instructions on the consulate webpage. But let me tell you, it's gonna take you months to get a turn. They offer like 12 turns per day and there are literally tens of thousands of argies trying to get one at the same time. It's pretty much a lotery at this point. I still can't believe how lucky I was to get one. It took me 6 months of trying every day
*Now it's done through watsapp video call
can't really tell how the right it's gonna split their votes, but it's gona be a pp+cs+vox coalition one way or another
God help me.
Again user thank you.
It is this one right?
Yeah, that's it. Great people. They helped me and advised me a lot about the citizenship process.
You have my gratitude user.
Good karma coming your way.
Just thought about it.
Do they demand you speak Italian to get the process started?