Why do feminists who hate white men still want to fuck them?
Why do feminists who hate white men still want to fuck them?
Lessers beg to be colonized by the BWC
why do women say one thing and do the opposite? its the way they are
You only just realized they are only trying to divide white people to get a chance to be with one?
Repressed feelings
>bitches be cray
Always always ALWAYS A-L-W-A-Y-S...
This, Poland gets it. Women are driven by their feelings not logic. Treat them like jews and expect them to do the opposite of what they say.
>self depreciation insult
Oldest rule of the book: "Don't stick your dick in crazy."
They hate white men because white men don't want to fuck them. Take a wild guess as to why there's so many false rape accusations by females that just "wanted to get back at them" because the man didn't wanna have to do much with them afterwards.
They know they should be better but are incapable of it
She's a nobody. Why do we care about what she says?
aaah cortez..lol..i know why
she went to school in an area that was Chad popular. she was a nobody and craved some LAX CHAD COCK, but couldnt get it. so she got all disgruntled and edgy, and it became "DAMN THOSE WHITE MEN", meanwhile alls she can cough up is some limp wristed pussy marxist kike cuck to date her. she the typical northeast puerto rican..retarded.
Because feminism is simply the world's longest running and most elaborate female shit test and it makes their ginies tingle when they see men who tell em to shut the fuck up and make em a sammich.
She provides an observation from the perspective of a woman (herself) regarding the behaviour of women who ARE "somebody's" in Omar and AOC. They share a common attitude and behaviour and she is pointing that out by noting their hypocrisy, comparing it to her own.
Because 95% of white guys aren’t attracted to shitskins
That increases to 99.9% with shitskin feminists
People always want the thing that they can’t have... I guess
Whiteness is the most attractive trait for both men and women. I'm not even white by Jow Forums standards (black hair brown eyes) but I'm white as fuck by nigger standards because my skin is the same color as printing paper. I went to a mostly nigger school in inner city Chicago and I was the only light colored boy there and the nigger girls literally worshiped me. Every time I came into class 3 of them would jump to me and start playing with my hair, there was a girl who would sing my name whenever she saw me and sit in my lap for the whole class, I got asked to prom by 8 different girls. The nigger boys hated me for it and constantly threatened to jump me. I know for a fact its only my whiteness that made me attractive because once I moved out of Chicago to a white area I stopped getting female attention.
also notable that the most prominent black models aren't even really "black" more like very light brown