how many jews has this place redpilled about the holocaust? is it enough to finally bury it for the next generation forever?
How many jews has this place redpilled about the holocaust...
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should have shopped this for more relevance really.
most people simply avoid the subject to avoid needless arguing. if the event is brought up by a jew, just say it never happened, over and over. They'll go away eventually.
you're wrong despite your digits user
6 million
whats with all the 55s hmmm
ok........ thats weird
Okay this is epic
i know, and you swanning in getting the 88s really does add a cherry on top, well done user
If you had 88s, I would have lost my shit.
Much as I want it not to be true, most Holocaust revisionist proofs don't hold up to scrutiny. Most people really don't do that much research into it and just believe and share the first thing that supports their bias. That being said I think that many of the claims made by Jews are also not 100% true and there are many liars like Wiesel(I think?) and the woman in the Spielberg doc who said she had to repeatedly shit out and swallow her diamonds (Spielberg is probably a scat fetishist or just like spreading degeneracy).
But sorry, much of the Ernst Zundl stuff is bullshit.
Unless someone can show me some real, damning evidence against the Holocaust. Also, it pisses me off that people share stuff that is so easily debunked. It only makes the Zionists look better. The same goes for the fake Talmud quotes that get passed around. There is enough real stuff in the Talmud that could be examined but morons have to ruin it by including fake quotes.
Most of your big contemporary Nazi leaders are FBI informants. Likely sex offenders or drug offenders or people like Weev who have been flipped by the FBI.
Seriously, how can anyone take Weev seriously when it's so obvious when he makes his little monologues that he is play-acting with his stupid deep voice he affects. Charlottesville was a hugely successful Fed Op.
i think i would have left the interwebbers if such an event happened.
i agree, a big amount of falsehoods have been put out to discredit revisionism, but by whom?
Zionists, Communists etc., you know...
But what is some actually first rate revisionist stuff?
The best Talmud critical website I've found is
They are also smart enough not to Sperg out and, rather than scream insults, damn the enemy with fake praise.
>real, damning evidence against the Holocaust.
The Holocaustâ„¢ storyline is the most easily debunked narrative ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.
New Holohoax flyer -- print and disseminate
Large, text-heavy front-back flyer:
$100,000 REWARD for proving the "Holocaust" story:
(note: also search for Eric Hunt's documentaries on the Holocaust)
>Intro to Holocaust revisionism:
>Dissecting the Holocaust
>Holocaust Handbook series
>Holocaust debate forum
>"Ninety-nine per cent of what we know [about the Holocaust in Auschwitz-Birkenau] we do not actually have the physical evidence to prove... it has become part of our inherited knowledge." (A Case for Letting Nature Take Back Auschwitz, The Toronto Star, December 27, 2009)
>"The consequence of the absence of any overt documentary evidence of gas chambers at these camps, coupled with the lack of archaeological evidence, means that reliance has to be placed on eye witness and circumstantial evidence." (Judge Gray, Irving-Lipstadt trial, 2000)
>"It is necessary to recognize that the lack of traces involves the inability to directly establish the reality of the existence of homicidal gas chambers." – French exterminationist historian Jacques Baynac
Also, the best sources on Hebrew pedophiles are liberal Israeli papers, blogs, and Facebook pages.
Know More News does a decent job aggregating the insane Third Temple stuff/Zionist control of Trump and Evangelicals. I think he gets a lot of his clips from a channel called Zionist Report 4. But it's always good to be wary of "/ourguys". Red Ice and any Putin leaning people are shit.
What are some other good sources?
I'll look into this thanks
Slightly unrelated:
That bulldog Duke Lipstadt has the chutzpah to say that the Crucifixion story is anti-Semitic. Kabbalistic "Messianic" Jews (Yeshuah!) are also now preaching to Evangelicals new, revised gospels about Jesus being a serpent and pretty much insulting them to their face saying that they haven't been saved and no Christian will get to heaven until all the Jews go in first. Not a big Christian myself and I realize that Evangelicals have been fucked since the Scofield Bible but it gets my blood pressure up seeing how boldly they insult brainwashed morons.
*dyke not Duke
this lady is pure evil honestly. if she could have her way, anyone who posts stuff like 'maybe the holocaust isn't real' on here should be locked up
check out the silliness in her book on 'deniers':
she basically says anyone that questions the holocaust is just lying on purpose to trick people into hating jews and, ultimately, to exterminate every last one
probably, she feels guilty because she literally wants this herself. she called David Irving "Amalek" which basically means "you must be exterminated"
Yeah the "Amalek" thing is interesting. Germans were being called that long before Hitler was even born. The "Vilna Gaon" had a "prophecy" about Germans being Amalek that I've seen Orthodox Jews mention when the talk about the Holocaust.