Excuse my zoomerism, but I wasn’t around for the “crack epidemic” or at least wasn’t old enough for it to be relevant in my life. Le based black man says that whites didn’t care about the crack epidemic so he doesn’t give a single shit about the 130 people every day that die from opioid overdoses. The opioid crisis has impacted my life greatly as I’ve grown up seeing friends and family get killed by the Sackler kikes who are now known as “entrepreneurs,” rather than drug lords. What do you guys think?
“Just say no”
Other urls found in this thread:
Only you can prevent wild fires
I worked as a pharmacy tech at cvs years ago and the pharmacist told me that doctors basically prescribe heavy ass drugs just to get them to go away.
But at the end of the day it's personal choice.
Here's the real image, take notes on the boys face, since that fag OP censored it
I didn’t censor it, I just didn’t have it saved. I’ll be sure to use this one from now on.
Fuck niggers
He's right (and funny). Why the fuck should he care. Whites need to figure it out.
What surprises me the most is a clean shaven junkie.
Go do something about them, and come back and report, if you have evidence.
It’s only reason to me to have no sympathy for niggers. I can’t wait for their day to come.
imagine thinking that someone else is at fault because you agreed to take opium and got addicted to it
>but muh dead people
>but muh doctors orders
What if your doctor told you to cut the tip of your child's penis off?... Would you do it? Oh wait, dumb ass 'Murricucks will do anything that their doctor tells them.
It did and nobody cared
Crack cocaine was invented by the CIA, the cocaine used for it was funding South American revolutionaries, and the profits feed into CIA black-book projects, all at the cost of inner cities niggers.
This isn't different. The whole Afghanistan war was so that your friends could die from opiod overdoses and the CIA would profit.
And better yet, this causes division between whites and blacks! WIN-WIN!
You sound like a libertarian. Most people, even some whites, are too fucking stupid to be allowed so many freedoms. You think no doctor or pharmaceutical company should be held responsible for the death of over 400,000 people? You’re a fucking retard.
I'm a natsoc you faggot
i just don't care drug abusing degenerates
>You think no doctor or pharmaceutical company should be held responsible for the death of over 400,000 people?
where did I say this?
For the dealers and the users!
Drug addicts typically take themselves out of the gene pool with some exceptions and those who get clean. It's a self correcting problem. If the shit was legal the products would be clean and these Jews would be out of a monopoly.
>Le based black man says that whites didn’t care about the crack epidemic so he doesn’t give a single shit about the 130 people every day that die from opioid overdoses.
Well, le based black man is right. We shouldn't expect niggers to solve our problems for us. We need to solve them ourselves. This includes finding a final solution to the Sackler problem.
I broke my leg as a kid playing soccer, it was a compound break, I was in incredible pain for many many months.
The doctors wanted me to continue morphine usage after they initially gave it to me, and you know what I said?
it's that fucking easy
>Kill the moderates
You said it’s the drug addicts fault completely. That negates the blame that the Sacklers hold in pushing their pills into doctors offices by giving the FDA a cut. People were given these drugs thinking they just killed pain, not realizing what addictive properties they have. Most normies think if a doctor prescribes it then it can’t be bad for them. I’m not saying they’re not retarded, but it’s not their fault that they were fucked from birth by this system.
moderates are even worse than leftists, they stand for nothing.
400,000 people taking themselves out of the gene pool by being leashed into addiction totally isn’t genocide vro! You’re totally right!
>You said it’s the drug addicts fault completely.
where do I say this?
Just because I won't stand for drug using degenerates pretending that they aren't also at fault for their sad state?
Why would I put this much effort into a topic I’m passionate about if I was datamining?
>People were given these drugs thinking they just killed pain
If they didn't learn through education, family, and observance that "pain killing drugs" are highly addictive and dangerous, then they're just retards. They deserve to die in that case
>I use words I don't understand
You can be a right-wing moderate, or left-wing, or conservative, or liberal, or libertarian.
Being a moderate just means you're not an extremist.
>The opioid crisis has impacted my life greatly as I’ve grown up seeing friends and family get killed by the Sackler kikes who are now known as “entrepreneurs,” rather than drug lords. What do you guys think?
It's the price that the US and voters are paying for allowing the drug war to ravage the country and latin America. It's called karma.
>but it’s not their fault
If you mutilate you child's genitals because
>muh doctors told me
then you're at fault
If you take Opium products because
>muh doctors told me
they you're at fault
If you decide to not eat eggs and red meat because
>muh doctors told me
well then congradulations, you're at fault for being a basedboy.
Libertarian swine aren't the only people who believe in personal responsibility.
Listen, I get it. I understand this people have transgressed our lofty ideas of what our people should be, but they’re sick and I value one white life more than 1,000 of any other race. If whites keep dying at this rate (that is in addition to not having kids due to only caring about their addiction) then there is no future for us. Faggots, niggers, kikes, etc all stand by their lowest of low and we need to also and give them a hand out if we’re ever going to survive.
You're right, we should continue to do what we do now and keep these people alive with welfare so they persist and their network grows faster so more people get addicted.
>implying anybody calls people who aren't extremists "leftists"
yes, I believe that if you're not an extremist, you're a bad person. Eat a bullet you dumb nigger
t. user who doesn't even know extremely basic economics or mathematics
See the concept of "bounded rationality". Also look into the concept of "theory of mind" - something which you appear to lack. As surprising as this may be, other individuals might not have epistemic access to the same knowledge as you. Therefore you can't say they "irrational" for not acting on this knowledge, since you can only consciously act on something if you yourself know about it plato.stanford.edu
Tbh I'm kind of under-stating how retarded you actually are, since, like I mention, this is pretty basic economics and I think most intelligent people could figure this out on their own without any formal study of math or economics.
To provide an example for the low IQ brainlet:
By definition a rational individual should, ceteris paribus, act to minimize the risk of bodily harm. If I give you a medicine that has a high rate of some serious side effect, but don't inform you of this, and I know that you don't have access to this info on your own, then I can't blame you for not taking this into consideration. If the makers of oxycontin were intentionally misleading the public about the safety or efficacy of oxycontin, then that entails that users were engaged in decision making under uncertainty, so we can't necessarily say their behavior was irrational.
I don’t believe in no personal responsibility, but normal people below 100 IQ are a huge part of our population. There’s nothing wrong with guiding the simple, we can’t expect them to guide themselves. A drug addict in this system could be a beneficial member of society if good people with their best interest in mind guided them. Do you see where I’m coming from? Maybe I have too much empathy, but these are my people and I only want them to survive and prosper.
Oh no, a child on the internet has made threats to my life. Whatever shall I do?
It's ok, you'll grow out of your edgy phase one day kid.
Dave isn't really correct though, alot of tax payer money (mainly by whites) went into funding to rehab drug addicts. Of course blacks will say it wasn't enough but it's never enough according to them, but atleast they tried. I used to respect Dave, but recently he's come out as a closet racist against whites. This act wasn't edgy, it was down right suppressed hostility towards whites wrapped up as a joke.
This is an intentional mechanism. It was designed to protect from stupidity. Unfortunately we have too many safty mechanisms.
If old Joe ODs on pills doing what the doctor said the town drags the doctors ass in 4 directions.
Just say no was shorthand for "fuck niggers." No one cared about black people and their problems, which is why we have shit cities like Detroit and Baltimore.
Now it's white people's turn.
We could end the drug trade in a day if we wanted to, but it's too damn profitable.
>Faggots, niggers, kikes, etc all stand by their lowest of low
and look how pathetic they are as communities
>See the concept of "bounded rationality". Also look into the concept of "theory of mind" - something which you appear to lack. As surprising as this may be, other individuals might not have epistemic access to the same knowledge as you. Therefore you can't say they "irrational" for not acting on this knowledge, since you can only consciously act on something if you yourself know about it plato.stanford.edu
If you don't know that opium or synthetic opium will turn you into a junkie, then you deserve to die.
>muh economics is why I'm addicted to heroin!
cope harder, junkie
>If the makers of oxycontin were intentionally misleading the public about the safety or efficacy of oxycontin
if you get duped by known liars then who's really to blame?
people who listen to doctors about taking pain killers are on the same tier of mental retardation as the people who take a phone call from the """IRS""" and give out their personal information over the phone.
I don't have compassion for the bottom half of the bell curve
>telling you to kys is a threat
Beto go home
Yet we sit on pol laughing at half wit nigger memes.
Actually, he advised you to kill yourself. Looking at your other posts...are you deliberately TRYING to look stupid?
I don't see it that way at all, you took the phrase "Just say no" and misconstrued it to mean something else entirely, which is a common theme running throughout leftist politics of today. Somewhere lost in all of this is the concept of personal responsibility, I had access to drugs all my life, so did my white, Asian friends, some OD'd and died but many of my friends never crossed that line into becoming full blown drug addicts, it was their decision and theirs only.
It came and went. Did a lot a damage with CIA imported coke, but they made it through.
I wonder if the cop thought about raping the bitch?
Whites did care about the crack epidemic, we were very worried and lots of legislation was passed to combat the problem. All of the laws of course were deemed “racist”, and all of this shit about whites not caring is a bunch of revisionist history, whites were very concerned. Now, if you do some light googling, you will find more revisionist history about the crack epidemic, namely many media outlets and kikes trying to downplay it, the new narrative is that the crack epidemic wasn’t a big deal and that whites overreacted because they are evil racists who are afraid of poor negroes for no reason. Hell they are even denying the existence of crack babies.
The opioid problem is much different, as pharmaceutical companies downplayed or in some instances denied the addictive nature of these drugs, lying about what the effects would be. Doctors began prescribing them en masse, I remember going to the emergency room for back pain and the fucking nurse just asked me if I wanted Vicodin or something else, they had no desire to fix the actual problem. Doctors were handing this stuff out to people like candy, especially rust belt blue collar whites who were in pain from a lifetime of hard work and physical labor. Crack was different, it was marketed by street gangs as like cocaine but cheaper and more powerful, the two aren’t even a comparison.
It's that easy to get opiates and shit in burger land? Like for back pain or what?
You have to come severely mauled or something to get anything stronger then paracetamol or aspirin in germany. The hardest prescription opioid I've seen was tramadol and I did a shitton of illegal drugs.
This shit has to be on purpose if it's that different in the us.
If you have no compassion for them then you’ve said your piece. I see the potential in even trailer trash to be better. To me, this movement has to be about bringing up our brothers, not just standing by them and allowing them to be shitty. If they don’t want our help then they can get fucked and we’ll make them get off the stuff, but letting them kill themselves and leave families fatherless, motherless, etc. is not an option in my mind.
>tfw your parents are liberals
thanks user!!
>I don't have compassion for the bottom half of the bell curve
when you think about it, Dumb white people basically ARE niggers and I hate them for all the same reasons.
Maybe I'm not even a racist I just hate retards
>Like for back pain or what?
literally anything
Sprained your ankle kid?
>60 prescription for hydrocodone
The ghettos were flooded by crack by "whites" in the first place. It's like setting a house on fire and wanting credit for throwing cups of water at it
Whose responsible for the white opiate epidemic? Other whites
Ive gotten oxycodone, every time Ive had a tooth pulled or a root canal done. I don't take them but I keep them on stand by in case of an emergency.
It is intentional. That’s my entire point in making this thread. Most people are too stupid for their own good and need regulations like those you have rather than kids getting prescribed oxy for wisdom teeth removals. Thankfully I had a good mother who made me deal with a little bit of pain and threw out the painkillers. Now I know better myself.
Yes OP, we all hate the fucking kikes.
We all think that.
The real question is how do we put forth the final solution?
>Back peddling on your death threat
>"Um, I, uh, actually meant for you to, uh, suicide, sorry...."
Lol, what a giant cuck.
Uplifting the Lowest Common Denominator has been tried and tried again to no avail. But far be it from me to stop someone with good intentions, I hope an Authority can come along and reform them.
60 DAY
I heard they have toned it down but they used to hand it out for everything. My mother in law used to get a Vicodin prescription for fucking period cramps, enough per month to knock out a horse.
I see what you are saying, and assuming that this is true. Do two wrongs make a right? are we now justifying turning our backs on our fellow citizens out of spite and vengeance? This is the underlying theme in today's politics. Do you think this is healthy? it's this type of eye for an eye mentality that is leading to this nation's destruction. All sense of morality and cohesion designed to reduce us to tribalism.
Well that’s a bridge we have to cross when we get to it. We aren’t many in numbers, but if we continue to fight censorship and wake up the masses then maybe if we play our cards right, that day will come.
>poor and middle class whites kill themselves with drugs pushed by jews and sociopaths as an escape from societal conditions created by jews and sociopaths
>"Who cares about drug abusing degenerates"
Based retard
I live in those same social conditions and I don't kill myself with drugs so I don't really see the argument here.
Any dopefiend that dies of an od deserves that shit.
We. I didn't get anything then local anesthesia when wisdom teeth were pulled. Wasnt even an option. It's better that way. Don't know what would have happened had I easy access to highly potent opiates during my drug heavy times. I tried once in a bad down to scam a prescription from the doctor but no chance.
The point is not every one of us can be a smart and abstinent as you or I. This is a numbers game we’re playing and with 400,000 down the fucking drain, we’re losing.
>all worked up from MSM propaganda
>dat evil perdue pharma!
>should be held responsible for the death of over 400,000 people?
>Oh noes!
>Junkies are killing themselves!!
>Nothing of value was lost!!!
Hey faggot, get on your soap box over Hospital Aquired Infections.
That shit is killing more people ON ACCIDENT than junkies killing themselves.
based and redpilled
>If jews don't successfully engineer my death, specifically, as part of a wider genocide of my nation then it's fine
That's not how nationalism works, fucko
400,000 doctors, entrepreneurs and engineers!
we're losing good people!
I don't care about the opioid epidemic either. Just like I don't care about what happens to people that partake in crack, heroin, meth, cocaine, bath salts, jenkem, alcohol, weed. cigarettes, vapes, sugar, meat substitutes, and gay sex.
We're all responsible for ourselves, and how we deal with things out of our control. Difficulty and circumstances don't matter. Only choices.
Shut it up your face you dirty mutt!!
The only nation I'm apart of is the nation of white Americans who DONT kill themselves with drugs, it's that simple. Just say no
He doesn't care about the opioid epidemic, I don't give a shit about nigs getting shot by the police.
People this easily genocided should die. Weakness is not a virtue.
This is only further proof that doctors are incompetent and lead around more by money than any kind of Hippocratic oath they may supposedly stand by. I never said that those deaths mean nothing, I just made a thread specifically about opioids. If found out since making this thread that every Sackler is getting off and keeping a billion dollars to the family because they’re paying what essentially comes down to billions in fines for killing hundreds of thousands.
>The opioid crisis has impacted my life greatly as I’ve grown up seeing friends and family get killed by the Sackler kikes who are now known as “entrepreneurs,” rather than drug lords. What do you guys think?
I think, because your friends and family were killed rich people, you have less than zero chance of seeing anyone in jail over it.
It's about money, not race.
But...it did happen to them and no one cared. That's the joke.
You're dumb.
Hospitals aren't super rich entities that can change laws and lobby and market to physicians the way big pharma did.
But yeah, you go with that.
I understand this is satire, but who knows what kind of a life one can have when not addled by drug addiction. Whites have the most potential of any race to do amazing things.
Then decency and empathy step in and change all that zombie bullshit you just posted.
No shit weakness isn't a virtue, but it would be incalculably better to drive the weakness out of these people rather than moralize after the fact of their deaths about how they deserved to die for being weak.
You're really this preachy "love your fellow human" crap here, on this board, of all places?
Glass houses and all that.
I have the decency to allow you make your own choices, and empathy for my family. But more importantly, attempting to force people to stop destroying themselves has never worked a single time in human history. I'm not going to waste my time or energy trying to fix the mistakes of people that do everything they can to escape reality.
No what I'm saying is that the elitist class figured out a way to destroy our society and the west by picking at these scabs. This is their method, here in the states and across Europe. The motivation behind all of this identity politics and resentment is based on tearing down a society motivated by spite, vengeance which is NOT Justice. I'm not trying to be preachy, I'm just pointing out the elitists methods. Blacks (Chappelle) are now in favor of tearing down whites based solely revenge, and by doing this, they believe that their lives will improve. In the end, we're all worse off. It's the modern day equivalent of divide and conquer.
What was done to the American blacks regarding the spreading of crack was wrong -- and I say that as natsoc-leaning White American nationalist, but the demographics being most heavily impacted by opioid abuse now didn't have any realistic means of righting the wrong of the crack epidemic even if they had wanted to -- it was the domain of corporations, NGOs, fedgov, and glowinthedarks. Moreover, the groups that tend to fall prey to opioid addiction now tend to be even more powerless toward their own social plight than the blacks that fell prey to crack addiction -- military men disenchanted with and abandoned by ZOG and workers who lost their livelihoods to internationalist relocation of industry.
hateful racist ignorant bigoted nigger. it was decided the best way to help them was no tolerance. removing it immediately from their population. no one knew how painful it later proved to be, but seemed like the best option for them at the time. now we have this asshat saying it's our fault for trying to help them? fuck this guy
Everone who has ever OD’d from drugs they administered to themselves deserved it.
>Most people, even some whites, are too fucking stupid to be allowed so many freedoms.
Then they die. And those that survive can.
We were pawns in the game that the fools created
And this is what they did to keep things shaded
In 1985 they launched the War on Drugs
Claiming they'd get rid of all the killers and thugs
But this was Phase 2 of a fat plan
To control the population of the black man
Even back then, it didn't seem right
When them racist police got the green light
In Chicago, Miami, Atlanta GA
Little Rock, Louisville and the OAK
New York, Minnesota, and all them places
Young brothers got stuck with dope cases
To the public they looked like heroes
While young brothers looked like zeroes
They took black men from black ladies
'Cause with less black men
There's less black babies ain't it shady?
It gets way deep
Phase 3 is the plan to keep us off the streets
They stuck us in jail and said now that we got y'all
Let us introduce you to this crack law
Now everybody knows what the crack is
In them ghetto neighborhoods where the blacks live
Crack is coke cooked in baking soda
But no matter how you cook it, it's still yola
But the courts got laws that punish folks
A 100 more times than powdered coke
You ask why? Well I'm goin' tell it
They charge more for crack
Cuz black folks sell it
Is it justice or is it just us?
And them devil motherfuckers against us
Our future lawyers and presidents
Got cold prison cells for residence
And them young black souljas with brave hearts?
Is filling up the cells and the grave yards
And the black queen? She also losing
'Cause she turn to theft and prostitution
To support a habit that's part of a plan
To regulate the status of the black man
Will it change or will we all remain
Some motherfucking pawns in this game?
Social darwinism is fake and gay, anons. People necking themselves because their local economy got raped and their town got beaned isn't eugenic, pro-social, or good for anything other than genocide. If that's what you actually want, you can just say it -- it is an anonymous Laotian scrimshaw board after all.
I don’t blame him. I care immensely about the white opioid problem because I’m white and it affects my friends family and neighbors as well as the group as a whole that I belong to. I don’t give a shit about niggers Doing crack and shooting each other constantly and I don’t expect them to care about opioids.
>Getting addicted to something that your doctor prescribed is exactly the same as voluntarily going to a drug dealer for something that was always illegal.
kek based
Do you want to know how I know you're poor and don't have any sort of high education (trade school doesn't count)?
Again, you're just showing how retarded you are. Mathematically speaking decision making is only invariant under conditions of perfect information. Unfortunately, perfect information doesn't exist in the real world. The only two way to ensure that an agent is completely rational is therefore to either make the assumption that they are omniscient (which nobody actually is), or to assume that they have a non-algorithmically decidable decision procedure that enumerates every possible description of the problem under consideration. In which case, their decision procedure by definition can't be guaranteed to halt in a finite amount of time.
Once again, to spell this out for the retard, what this means is that, if you really believe what you're saying, then you either think that (1) people already know literally everything their is to know about the universe,or (2) they're calculating literally every single possible outcome everytime they make a decision. The problem with this claim is that that would require a literally infinite amount of calculations.
I don't say all this to be overly technical or "autistic" or something. My point is that you're making a very specific claim that has very specific consequences, viz. that if an individual incurs a negative payout as the result of some Behavioral Strategy acting on imperfect information (this is all explicitly defined terminology in epistemic game theory), then this is there fault. The problem is that this is actually a very simple claim to make and test using the tools of game theory, and we already know the answer! Its wrong. An individual can't take into consideration every possible outcome if they making decisions under uncertainty, because doing so mean that they have to consider a literally INFINITE number of possible outcomes.