Why would they want to destroy white countries when we’re the least hostile to them? Why would they try and destroy the U.K. and US when we’re the only reason Israel exists? Does that little rat Ben Shapiro seriously believe a US that is 12% white will stand up for Israel? Why do Jewish industrialists finance communists?What’s their end game?
Can someone please explain the Jewish end game?
They aim to rule the planet with just a select few non-Jew slaves and 'brain-boxes'.
What will they get?
Just a heap of poisonous radioactive rubble.
That will be their glorious kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Check out the closing scenes of Spielbergs AI.
The liquid metal robots are JEWS.
Everyone knows there's an inevitable end to the industrial-globalist party. They're trying to set up 'Greater Israel' which is like normal Israel, but with more concentration camps for Arabs. If they can do that and not get nuked to oblivion for pissing literally everyone off, then they think they can rule over the survivors in a techno-feudalist paradise of Jew ruling over mutted Goy
replace the whites until they ARE the whites
only through the power of democracy can this tiny minority rule with absolute dictatorial power
They will end up being displaced by whites as the small minority with lots of power
They are just fulfilling Moloch's wishes. What does Moloch want? Blood, and lots of it. The Jews stir up the gentiles to do their bidding, as they always have, to spill more blood for their demon god. In summary, they have no end game but to feed Moloch, which is why their plan appears to make no sense.
Best answer yet.
There is no endgame, they are extremely vain and operate purely from that standpoint. The endgame is to constantly produce short term vainity reflections, if shit goes tits up, you will still hear of Jews trying to scream and shill to others that they are; high iq, a race, invented things, have a country that is thier own, are a religion, have an ancient mythology, invented thier language etc... as long as others seem to consider them special in the present.
Browns are the slave population
There is no endgame
Does a termite have an endgame when its eating your house?
Can someone explain women’s feet to me?
>Why would they want to destroy white countries when we’re the least hostile to them?
They're using white countries do destroy all states that are hostile to them. Israel has nukes therefore only an organization on the level of a state can threaten them. So they will use white countries to destroy those countries, and then they believe that they can control white countries with debt and pre-occupy them with criminal minorities.
They don't seem to understand that you can't collect a debt without force. The 'gun' of military hegemony will always be in the hand of the white and we are biding our time. Once we've destroyed all competing civilizations and then scapegoat the Jews for it, then we'll just do what Hitler did, but Globally. You can't collect a debt from someone stronger than you. We'll just say no, fuck off, and nuke ya.
They are trying to force the fulfillment of their prophesy. Their savior comes after 6 million of them are genocided. They know that hasn't really happened yet. Their crimes have to be great enough that the rest of us feel justified in doing it.
This. OP is a retard.
they want a worldwide mutt race that is easy to control
One user put it nicely - there is no endgame for Jews. Their whole shtick is making series of very correct short-term oriented movements that lead them to horrible positions in the long term - completely surprised as to why this is happening.
They go on woman ankles and keep women from falling over
The European is the eternal enemy of the Jew. Their treatment of the goyim is the result of two things. 1. their religion, and 2. their history with the goyim. To the most religious and fanatic Jew, I'm sure the end game is pretty much what is prophesied in their religion, and their actions towards others simply reflect their interpretation of reality. Being that they need to undermine non jewish power to ensure the survival of the jews for the prophecies to eventually come true.
I'm sure a lot of Jews actually don't care about that, maybe they claim to be religious, but most likely their end game is to exploit their lucrative position as much as they can for personal gain. Using their religion to justify their actions, as they always have, for example with usury in the past.
I also doubt there is much internal preference for certain goyim over others. The U.S might help Israel and the UK might be responsible for the creation of the Jewish State, but are they really different than the Germans? A goy is a goy right, and any goy can be an antisemite.
If all they wanted was money, why do they shill so hard for infanticide? Shouldn't they be agitating for more directionless tax-cattle to enter the world?
>kill 5.9m Jews
>eject the rest into space
it's not that deep.
Zionists just want a Israel to be the sovereign nation and all other nations under its control. they've been working towards this goal for centuries and are slowly going public with it now, to ease this docile mass of goys into submission.
their plan makes more sense without all this schizo bs
Read it
>What’s their end game?
To become god and rule over you.
The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this "new world order" the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands."-Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, `La Revue de Paris', p. 574, June 1, 1928
If you say so. I guess all those Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians were just joking around with their stories of pantheons and so forth, along with the bible and pretty much every other religious text and tradition. Wew, they really went for the long-con with that one, who would have suspected the bull of moloch and the owl of minerva were just ruses? Does Lynn de Rothschild know? I imagine she'd feel pretty embarassed wearing that stupid bull jewelry everywhere.
parasites don't have an end game, they just exist and survive in their evolutionary niche