Peter Schiff is right. About everything. You're a fucking idiot if you dont buy gold. America is going bye bye!!!
He was right. And he will ge right again
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I was a fan of his. But O grew tired in 2010 after his failed senate race where he just continued the old same song. He even admitted that he is wrong at the moment but he will be right eventually . His clients are losing money and his crisis predictions are longterm. Like 15 years ahead... because it is a normal fucking cycle. Peter is an outdated man
A lot of people give him crap here but he is one based jew.
He's predicted 14 of the last 3 recessions.
Buy Gold!
In cyclical economy when you cry wolf that a crisis is looming some day you will be eventually right. There is a difference between precise prediction and playing darts in the dark.
He predicted the last recession while everyone laughed at him.. looks like he had the last laugh
Learn to read.
I wrote that I was a fan of him and have been following since. He has been wrong about the crisis although he correctly predicted that Fed will continue to unravel QE programs one by one.
But he has been wrong on gold - his top asset.
*coming crisis
I used to have a boss that looked exactly like Peter Schiff. those jews have that stare. it goes right through you. its like a special power
Funniest Amy Schumer joke I ever heard
Yes he’s a Jew and his companies are borderline ponzis but he’s extremely intelligent and very good at talking. Don’t forget Rothbard Moses Friedman they were all Jews. Jews are intellectuals there’s no doubt about that. But they love liberty and are anti war so any Jew that’s not about fighting wars for Israel, and pro real liberty is fine in my book. Schiff and rothbard are my heroes.
the day the dollar goes bye bye rope will outperform gold you dumb fetish worshiper
Ive been trading gold for the past two months (first time in metals) and have made an absolute shit-ton of money. Enjoy the volatility while it lasts!
thats the difficult part, essentially he pointed out that our money is sketchy as fuck and inherently being corrupted/if not outright devised to be that since the FED(which is not necessarily is opinion but my own). The point he doesnt touch on when speaking about it being all fucked is that, despite USD's issues every other game in town is a even bigger piece of shit and dont have the capacity to be as good of an exchange of goods if they weren't nor do they have the means to protect their markets. I think gold is a reasonable thing to hold though because no matter what it is going to keep its relative value unless you are buying and selling within a bad segment of 5 years, but you will always be able to sell it for fiat currency of some kind no matter what. which is something that cannot be said about other types of money
Schiff is a typical jew and all he does in self interest, you cannot trust him; buy Bitcoin
These are ads there was a similar paid story on zererohedge today
>He predicted the last recession while everyone laughed at him.. looks like he had the last laugh
But he's constantly predicting a recession and gold market. Eventually, he'll be right. You would have made a killing betting against him over the past decade.
His stances on the economy are all correct, but I'm not buying any fucking gold.
electronic money will be the end of freedom, and btc is inherently a ponzi
Gold is overvalued. Silver is what has potential.
The fuck are you going to do with gold? People will be trading in food and bullets.
Imagine being this dumb
So the fag that said it was a really great idea to move your business and staff to Puerto Rico says to buy gold?
Gold is pointless. More bullshit people follow like sheep.
peter shitt thinks that ones the dollar becomes paper he will be rich. he doesn't get that one the dollar is gone america as a thing is gone. you think people give a shit about gold in an insurrection? look at fucking honk kong, you think gold is what on those people's minds? you people are pathetic
>electronic money will be the end of freedom
At this point "electronic money" is the only kind of money that cannot be manipulated by governments, no matter how much they try.
>btc is inherently a ponzi
Uhm... No, it isn't. It's a multi-billion dollar market now.
Educate yourself user.
if he is so smart why did he move to puerto rico and then get ass blasted by a hurricane?
you lost money in 2012 and 2013 if you bought gold. Gold is and asset just like stocks and it's price fluctuates and is determined by market forces - mostly demand. It is as simple as that. Gold was good to hedge against risks in 2009-2011 when it's price rose. It is good now. (Late 2017 - and today). It was madness to hold it inbetween. As soon as it started to fall you need to get out to stocks. Gold is only for hedging - you can make money if you are early on. But if yoiu change your position from gold to stock and back depending on the cycle you will make more money. Peter encourages to not make money which is absurd as he is all about "investing" and creating wealth through investment instead of spending.
he prob lives in a storm proof bunnker with all his gold
Yeah, I mean he didn't even lose power during Irma or Maria.
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests
Federal government is spending $2 for every dollar it takes in. Boomers are at peak earnings and are about to start drawing/going on medicaid. DNC wants to do massive entitlement increases. RNC wants to cut taxes. Latino invaders demanding Chavezism.
I wonder where all of this lands? Hurr...durrr...durr...hurr
>not a ponzi
it was premined so some group/some one is out there waiting to rule over you with hidden wealth
>cant be corrupted
but it can be controlled, have you heard of libra coin? its the facebook coin that is being tried out soon, can you imagine tech leftists controlling who gets to use money? for that reason I will never go 100% electric, im just ringing the alarm dont ever allow them to take away physical money, even if its shitty fiat
thats a good point, there are for sure times, which often last years upon years, where you would be losing relative to the other investments you could of spent that money on if you had not bought that gold. the way im looking at it is,spend once and have something that throughout all of human history has been used as a basis of trade in some form or another. now I do not and would not advise people to sit on metal and ignore resources/land/skills.
Check out the insane debt and deficit in 2023 if you continue at current rates.
One must understand that the world is full of these people. A communist or anti-capitalist predicts capitalism is gonna fall. A vegan thinks meat will kill us. A meat eater thinks veganism will kill us. They are many and they all underestimate each other and are driven by a human urge to downplay their opponents. That's not to say that their argument is incorrect, but their answer is just not precise enough, their analysis not deep enough. Of course, you could drown yourself in information, so I guess imperfect choices are necessary, and then you're either correct or incorrect.
if facebook gets regulatory approval to manage a money system on a global scale.
Here are 359 times that Peter Schiff, and his blood sotted kike granpappy weren't right.
the if is dangerously close to being a yes, they have credit behind them like mastercard and other financial and tech groups. if the usa IRS said btc and etc are legit and taxable then they will be willing to take a donation to allow libra, I pray im wrong though
>buy a soft, heavy metal that lacks any practical use and will therefore be worthless after shit hits the fan
Schiff called 12 of the last 4 recessions
gold is one the best conducter for electricty retard
>don’t buy the element that has always been money and that is still used as money for major interbank transfers all around the world
>invest in this worthless paper goy, or the stock market
They are going to crash the markets for Trump’s 2020 bid. I’m already out of the market and bought silver ETF. YUGE amounts of silver.
You kikes are going to make me so rich.
>buying ETF
but why, seriously I dont understand the point, there is no way there is that much physical to cover the amount being traded electronically
Don't buy gold, buy things like cigs, hard to get "medicine", soaps, alcohol, over the counter drugs ect. They have long shelf lives (when stored properly), have practical uses, and people have dependencies and addictions that make them more valuable to those people. Not some shiny rocks.
all the tards ITT making me feel real good about my gold right now.
Pathetic mutt
He's one of the few honest Jews
you'd know about something pathetic, NORF
golds in the thousands right now
why the fuck (unless your rich) buy gold right now?
a store of wealth is itself valuable. even if gold had absolutely ZERO industrial uses (which is not the case), it would still have enormous value.
if you disagree, then what would YOU store your wealth in that is as convenient as precious metals?
if you can't even buy one ounce of gold what's even the point of talking about investments?
in any 10 year period gold has remained the same price or gone up since we left the gold standard
Because, like bitcoin, it's divisible...? You don't have to buy it by the ounce...
The technotronic and electronic and cybertronic “globalism” will serve very well to impose the Theocratic (Jehovah-Yahweh) world dictatorship, together with virtual reality and computer technology. With virtual reality the Jews think they have discovered a magic device capable of striking the last mortal blow to actual reality, or to Mother Nature, in a way that even Nature cannot defend herself and be destroyed with all the rest.
DIE you parasitic Amerijew mutt cunt.
I do own gold faggot
but Im not buying anymore
silver is a much better option. My money is in Crypto right now, much better gains. Gold is always being manipulated, who owns most the gold??? (((They Do)))
Schiff is a boomer jew merchant btw
what happened to Ghadaffi's tons of gold?
what about those gold plated tungsten bars that were in the news?
what did the Clintons do at Fort Knox?
what ever happened to that government plane that hung out in Little Rock for a few days?
>silver is a much better option
>My money is in Crypto right now
>Gold is always being manipulated, who owns most the gold??? (((They Do)))
so? being manipulated in what way? if anything they're manipulating the price DOWN, which means it's undervalued and thus a good buy. being manipulated by itself doesn't mean it's a bad buy.
>Schiff is a boomer jew merchant btw
im aware.
Absolute drivel. Imagine being a spiritual Jew like you. Disgusting.
How do you buy and keep gold without getting jewed in the process? I guess there's a cost for storing it somewhere, and i'm not storing it under my bedroom
but gold luck selling gold back at it's full market price
crypto > gold
>and i'm not storing it under my bedroom
it's pretty safe to do, that actually, but storing it in a safe is low IQ.
best place to put it is in an empty baking soda container or something akin to that in a corner in the cupboard. if you think even THAT is risky, well, all i can say is that there is no such thing as ZERO risk in this world.
>Defending Jews
Or did the 'mutt' hit close?
0 income tax... pretty smart move...
>he doesn't know about GLD or goldmoney
gold is incredibly liquid
they have been saying gold will hit the moon for the last decade, still hasn't gotten back up to 2000 yet
silver is the poor mans gold, so im for it
Crypto why? cuz i made gains from it fool
watch me in my lambo in a town near you user
A broken clock is right twice a day.
I'm too poor to buy metals to make it worth it. Counting on surviving a bit by killing and living of my neighbors stuff as long as possible.
>silver is the poor mans gold, so im for it
this isn't even true. there are ways to buy gold in smaller denominations. you could argue silver is better for returns, but this is not a valid reason.
>Crypto why? cuz i made gains from it fool
past gains don't automatically equate into future gains. if anything crypto is on the decline.
>watch me in my lambo in a town near you user
i thought you were poor
buy crypto
terrible advice. people are getting out of crypto. the recent rise was because the SEC announced crypto-based ETFs.
suck my dick
Too volitile, and still don't have enough cash to make a purchase worth it. I'm better off buying ammo.
He's wrong about the quantity theory of money this is why his theory almost adds up but the hyper inflation that he predicts never happens.
Prof Antal Fekete has some new and interesting theories and mogs on Misesians like Schiff.
>Daily Bell: Please define deflation and disinflation from both a monetary and price standpoint.
>Antal Fekete: Deflation is clearly not the same as a falling price level. Technological improvements in production cause a gently falling price level under sound money that is no deflation. Defining deflation as a contraction of the stock of money is plainly wrong. We have a vastly expanding money supply, yet a lot of economists (including myself) hold that we are in the midst of deflation. I prefer the definition of deflation as a pathological slowing in the velocity of money.
> I am in a minority of one in suggesting that just the opposite is the case: expansion of the money supply through open market purchases of government bonds by the central bank is the direct cause of deflation. I know this is counter-intuitive, yet true nevertheless. Please consider that bond speculators chime in and preempt the Fed. They buy the bonds first, only to dump them on the Fed at a hefty mark-up later. The current expression is "front-running the Fed." Speculators are in the driver's seat, not the Fed. It is amazing that smart speculators like John M. Keynes did not realize that there was a fly in their ointment for deflation, namely, risk free profits. The opportunity to reap them defeats the Quantity Theory of Money. "Propensity to consume" is eclipsed by the "propensity to pocket risk free profits."
>reducing the money supply actually INCREASES the money supply
>new and interesting theories
>new and interesting theory: 2+2=5
yeah there's a reason he said he's in the minority
that being said, the hyper inflation would never happen until the next recession, which has not happened yet, so i don't know why you're citing its lack of happening as meaning anything.
>As I hinted a while ago, increasing the volume of money does not necessarily cause an increase in the price level. The Quantity Theory of Money is a false theory. In spite of an eightfold increase in the stock of money in America the price of crude oil was cut in half and the price of iron, copper and a number of other metals showed steep declines ? thought impossible only a few months ago. If this is not deflation, then let me ask: How much farther do prices have to fall before we are allowed to use the D-word?
deflation and inflation are defined by the contraction and the expansion of the money supply itself.
your economist is a retard for
1. not knowing that
2. not understanding that, following the largest expansion of the money supply in US history, holders of assets (read: rich people with investments) saw the largest increase in wealth since, like, ever, which is the fundamental cause of all this wealth inequality and anger towards the establishment, and ultimately trump.
tl:dr prices of investment assets skyrocketed so "professor antal fekete" is a giant wet fart.
>reducing the money supply actually INCREASES the money supply
I think you meant to say increasing the money supply actually decreases the money supply.
Fekete would agree that if you dropped money from a helicopter it would cause inflation.
But the definition of inflation he would use is increase in the velocity of money.
What he's saying is that as the fed prints money people don't then use at in the wider economy but buy keep it in the bond market, what actually happens is the supply of bonds rises and because this means risk free profits cash is pulled from the rest of the economy into the bond market.
It's only inflationary if you look at in isolation, because it's a perpatual bubble attracting more and more money the hyper inflation is averted at least untill the bond market finally goes bust then it's hyper inflation.
Trillions of dollars were created over night, where's all that inflation? Something is sucking that up, it's the very source the bond market.
>Trillions of dollars were created over night, where's all that inflation?
I told you, it's in investment assets, of which bonds are included. Look at the price of gold. Look at the stock market gains. Look at anything that's held by the 1%.
Many of those dollars are also sitting in foreign banks. No shit velocity affects consumer prices, just wait until all those foreign banks lose confidence in the dollar and all those pigeons come home to roost. Then you'll see the inflation that you were looking for.
This isn't even counting the psychological factor of the economy. You can't just keep printing and expect "bond markets" to absorb all of the currency. Eventually people are going to lose confidence.
Peter Schiff was always right. The end is near! Prepare your ammunition and canned food bros!
Be careful, Schiff is a Jew.
They always want to show themselves as generous to you in money but will be willing to rob you out of your assets when you need it the most. They are vultures.
>deflation and inflation are defined by the contraction and the expansion of the money supply itself
Different economic schools use different definitions, that sounds like the Misesian definition.
More mainstreme economists would say something along the lines of
>deflation is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services
>Deflation usually happens when supply is high (when excess production occurs), when demand is low (when consumption decreases), or when the money supply decreases (sometimes in response to a contraction created from careless investment or a credit crunch) or because of a net capital outflow from the economy.
Most economists term inflation as having multiple causes that inflation is the devaluation or increase in price product but nit the increasing of money supply itself.
Fekete is not alone in pointing to velocity as very key part of inflation and deflation.
Bitcoiners are retarded. The problems with bitcoin are immense.
It's not private, the FBI has proven they can track people through payments.
It's non scaleable, it already uses the energy of Ireland.
It's incredibly inefficient, All that energy use is to factor prime numbers which is fucking worthless.
The set amount of btc's is deflationary if it were ever used as an actual currency.
It's slow as fuck, Visa and PayPal are much faster.
Last but not least, it does nothing that gold can't do better, and gold has a proven 5000 year track record.
Bitcoin is nothing mlre than all over again. What drove the price from a few bucks to 20k? Did retailers accept it? Did banks or government accept it as payment? No! It was pure speculation.
There has been no interest in it at all. Look at Google search trends, its been flat for years.
>velocity as very key part of inflation and deflation.
This is well known and it doesn't say anything about whether or not printing money somehow lowers prices. Actually, if anything it does, but in the opposite direction. Printing money is meant to increase velocity, which would increase prices.
It's been worth more than gold for over a decade. Checkmate faggot
It also reduces purchasing power.
You have more money but it's more useless.
So have been houses. That means it's a great time to buy an inflated, overvalued asset! Not my problem, you're the one who's going to lose all your money.
yes that's what increasing prices would mean...
Keep holding it and hope for that 1 million price!
Oops you lost all your savings because when people see the ponzi scheme in fiat they'll see it in BTC too. You'll wake up one day and its price will be zero, back to its intrinsic value.
You can only make you money off of it just like stocks, selling at the peak before its impossible to sell because nobody wants it.
Anyone left trading bits of food is not long for this world lol
LOL, why do so many assume a societal collapse means the end of the world?
People who prepared properly will still trade, precious metals will be the core of that like they have been for thousands of years.
You do know googles new quantum computer could mine bitcoin into oblivion in a matter of minutes?
They can now break the hash on any bitcoin wallet in seconds, e-currency is dead watch that shit collapse into nothing.
This Quantum compute did a caclulation in 200seconds that would have taken IBMs Watson 10,000 years.
Because it can compute in polynomial time, a hash which would converntionally take 2^128 operation to crack takes just 123^3 quantum operations, that's just 2097152 operations, that's nothing. Bitcoin is absolutely fucking dead.
Short it if you can find a foolish enough buyer.
>t. It's a multi-billion dollar market
facts, you will end up killing us all through your collective desire to end your existence. Just like evangelicals.