What is wrong with Japanese culture? I have a friend that's really into visual novels and most of them just disturb me and make me feel such a heavy darkness. Characters committing sickening acts and it's usually under the guise of being cute. Incest, pedophilia, sadism, rape, homosexuality, etc. Fetishes like guro. (probably the most disturbing one of all, and you don't see ANYTHING like that in western culture) It's rampant in so much anime and games. Obviously a lot of it is niche and I'm sure there are normal Japanese people, but even some of the more mainstream anime and even films have dark undercurrents. Even in their language and humor, they just seem so...warped and broken. How did this come to be? Is it an extreme response to cultural/sexual repression? I am a very sensitive person but I can't be the only one who sees this.
What is wrong with Japanese culture...
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Lurk more, kid.
That is why you should avoid anime and any eastern media at all costs. Its made by insects for insects. Autists here will claim its based, but they are actually NPCs with insect mentality.
Rance games are based
leftovers from rape imperialism. it's too bad that the asian countries they once colonized are taking the anime bait and won't hold the japs accountable
Basically pornography that focuses on mutilation and gore as a sexual component. Apparently has its origins in the Tokyo equivalent of Weimar Berlin during the 1920s. So maybe the Japanese have been fucked in the head for a long time.
Ah okay I was expecting worse
Japan has a much higher tolerance for sexually deviant media, consider the opposite perspective that you could describe Abrahamic cultures as weirdly Puritanical
I try to come at things from a more Christian perspective (still working on it) so I don't want to view other human beings as lesser. The sin seems to run DEEP within their culture. It's horrifying.
Can you elaborate? Any further reading I can do?
The Japanese are more messed up in general compared to chinks or gooks because of their extremely stressful and repressed society.
You are a huge pussy. Learn to separate fantasy from reality
Fantasy draws from reality. It's just an extension of it. And if being bothered by degeneracy makes me a pussy then so be it.
Japanese have been fucked in the head for a millennia. They fetishize literally everything and that’s why half of their middle aged to elderly population is pedophilloic.
Even the women fantasize raping little boys, being gang raped by white men, and having sex with animals i.e octopi, dogs, cats, etc.
Nothing is wrong with japan. They know what sells and what people want.
People in the west like you dont know shit what makes money and what people want.
No, it's really not. Only extraordinarily dumb people think that way. Fantasy is fantasy.
Yeah pardon me for having morals.
>you're dumb lol
Fuck off.
How can an adult have a penis in the chest area?
They're degenerates who are going extinct
Its ok to write stories and draw cartoons about immoral things. It's just wrong to do them.
Guro is not normal in their shit either you fucking retard, it's a niche anomaly for a reason
That's like saying western porn is ALL blacked shit. Which just isn't true.
lol leave me and my waifu alone you MoRaL fag
And yet they don't have the problems with rape and sexual assault nations like the United States or Mexico have. Maybe it's not cartoons that are the problem.
worry about your own country
Guro is the most extreme one but all the other stuff is pretty standard. You can borderline say you want to fuck a little girl in Japanese media and you won't get that much shit for it. You'll get the shit kicked out of you for it here. Well, it used to be that way at least.
You don't have morals you have low self esteem, and have learned to deal with it by grandstanding over frivolous issues.
Based on the mangos I've read Japs seem to find violence and torture humorous so I suppose they're more sadistic than us. On the other hand though, I don't really read any western comics so maybe I'm just being biased due to a lack of information.
And you should start with some lighter and more mainstream stuff instead of diving right into the deep end.
short for grotesque
...What the fuck are you talking about?
Dude, man getting hit in the groin by a football is a classic hallmark of Westetn comedy
japs literally raped every woman (inc children) they can get their pervy hands on. rape of nanking, comfort women, it's well documented yet the jap govt refuses to admit its existence.
Asian youth don't really care because they're disconnected from imperial history, they know japan only for its popular media and would rather avoid antagonizing them.
Also the argument that Cold War pressures placed japan as a potential chess piece on the commie front. politically didn't make sense to remind them of their war crimes unless you wanted them to turn red.
because their perverted culture was never properly punished (like Germany was punished. literally taboo to talk anti-Semitic now) their rape fantasies were allowed to continue to run amok. and now it spreads
Do you know where you are? Many normalfags would say same about Jow Forums, or imageboards in general.
Jow Forums is election migrant central and there's probably even more unironic boomers here ever since cripchan went down
Drawings and letters don't have feelings. They aren't real people but fictions of imagination. Not everyone is some repressed anglo mega prude. Put that shit away if you don't like it, that is what normal people would do.
Yeah, that's funny and even Japs can do funny violence if they try. The first example that came to my mind was a guy getting a shovel stuffed in his ass during a fight.
But then there's the unfunny violence for the sake of repeating an age old cliche which asks for violence. For example the female lead hitting the male lead whenever he tells the female to dress properly. Every fucking chapter. Sometimes multiple times a chapter. I dropped that shit long ago because it was too annoying. But Japs consider it humor.
Or in Detective Conan the mc getting hit by the adult guy whenever he says or does something he doesn't like. First time might be a funny joke. The second and the third times could still be funny. Doing it dozens of times? Obviously aimed at sadists.
>Or in Detective Conan
Is that shit *still* running? I gave up a couple years ago because nothing was happening. Absolutely nothing. I figured that something would after the characters got established, but in the end I just kept skipping chapter after chapter in the manga because they all dealt with superfluous bullshit.
It's a cry for help. Anime females are shown with positive male traits like honor and loyalty and drive that don't compromise their femininity. Then they still become the usual housewife if you fall for the marriage meme and regularly abuse their husbands. That's why men are walking.
Don't read DC for the story. While there's some story here and there its mainly about readers trying to solve the crimes. Like a proper mystery novel.
And yes, it's still running. The author keeps taking breaks though.
>Don't read DC for the story.
You tell me now. I got into the series *because* of the main story. All the earlier chapters had *something* to define the characters, the situation, their relationships ...
Ech, what a shitshow. Guess I won't even bother checking periodically on it, then. Thanks.
>being a whiny feminist is "morality"
Yeah, fuck off.
True, there are lot of boomers and redditors plaguing this place, and they don't seem to find their way out.
There was a kissing scene at some point (I think it was somewhere around chapter 1000 but it was a while ago so I may be wrong) but that's really all the progress the relationship has seen since the more story-filled early chapters.
japanese cultural issues aren't your problem, they're something that the natives need to work out on their own terms without any 'intervention'. at least they have a functional ethnostate and are doing everything in their power to keep it that way.
Those are the same people who screech like pussies when they see two guys holding hands
>he doesn't want to hug and protect that girl and give her a handkerchief to wipe her nose
That thing in the lower left corner is far more disturbing.
>and you don't see ANYTHING like that in western culture
Dolcett, marquis de sade - The japs most likely took those mosntrous fetishes from the west and perfected them.
Probably the result of getting nuked.
It's the opposite.
the have a stressful and repressed society BECAUSE they are fucked in the head. If they weren't given EXTREME busybody tasks, they'd rampage in ungodly ways.
I read one these comic where bitch gets kidnapped, raped and tortured to death. It was so fucking hot. She was burned, tits cut filled with acid then cut off, she was eventually shot in the head and/or decapitated. I xant find it anymore though, it was so good
>the have a stressful and repressed society BECAUSE they are fucked in the head
Can confirm. The groupthink in Japanese heads is so strong that they cannot leave office before anyone else does - which usually ends up being their boss. This results in people having to work really hard to appear busy rather than saying that they're done for the day and using the rest of their time for recollection.
Now lets add to that situation the fact that Japan already has a pretty high degree of automation, and now find me an explanation why we haven't nuked this shithole a seventh time.
That: nhentai.net
cool story bro
>Wow Japan is weird! Just look at this weird stuff I found
>Probably because they got nuked hurrr
>Yeah, we should nuke them again durrr
Every single Japanese thread, ever and forever. Fucking broken record anons, this is normalfaggot tier comments. Actually, this is youtube comments tier comments. You're all just a bunch of god damned lazy niggers typing the same youtube comments from years ago.
Their shit can be as weird as they want it to be; I don't care.
Where I lose it is this collective stupidity that nobody seems to be able to break out of, when even their fucking government tells them to go home.
Japanese men have a strong urge to escape reality despite being a meme ethnostate. Why is that?
They lost the war along with nazi Germany and are now part of the techno experiment civilization, it's basically cyberpunk 0.5
Look at all the sjws tranny gender reassignment in the west, Japan lost the war and the social engineers are in control, slowly western civilization is headed in the same direction, just a more ghetto version. Try comparing tipshare to the scrapyard in battle angel.
Rance thread?
Never played the Rance games. What are they like?
Pretty fun, the ones from the early/mid 2000s are my favorites
You mean that US is not part of experiment? So you're just fucked up for no reason
This is the same totally fucking retarded non-argument that liberals and feminists use to claim titty physics in video games are turning men into rapists and misogynists, fuck off you stupid prude
>something something unteralterbach
Rance is based and redpilled. Fuck you Jew. Better than any kiked western game.
>was expecting worse
like what? Black people?
this. this fucking board is infested with literal soccermoms. unfortunately there's left-leaning soccermom types on other boards too that hate Jow Forums. so it's a difficult balance.