>defend Whites >defend Europe >defend Europeans >Christians, Pagans, Mystics, Gnostics, Atheists, etc welcome. (No muslims or jews obviously; the point is to unite people of different European religions/Christians under the Order.) >take back our lands >institute new governments and policies >defend rallies from antifa (saal-schutz) >defend free speech >promote the attaining and spreading of knowledge >spread redpills and whitepills >value nature >value traditional family >show women a based way of life >and more, etc
The point is to unite those of European descent and political (and spiritual) ideologies associated with that. >Constitutional Nationalism >Ethno-Nationalism >Eco-Fascism >Neo-Fascism >National Socialism >Libertarian >Conservative >etc
The ideology and purpose of the Order will be further defined as more threads are made and more discussion takes place.
Anyone who calls for violence or tries to derail or shill or boomerpost should be treated as a fed and as counterproductive. We want this to be a positive movement that will actually make a difference, we don't want to tighten already strict laws against us even further.
Adrian Baker
That is Florence symbol. Should be like the eagle too, unless i m really mistaken. So.. What's up with that? What's that have to do with the black sun symbol?
Isaiah Gray
i'm part french, it's a symbol i liked that means something to me. we don't need a single symbol to represent us, much less a symbol that is so blatantly associated with all the stuff that is counterproductive to what we want to achieve. if it comes to civil war we're all gonna be on the same side. in the meantime (while we can still solve things democratically) we should do absolutely everything we can to that effect
Carson Barnes
Promising manifesto, the question is how to prevent it from getting glowniggered into compromising itself
Nathaniel Powell
>Posted here It's already compromised user.
Nathan Bell
that's the million dollar question. for now we should just ignore all the stormfags who will inevitably come here. post what you can to contribute, the more positive content there is here the less space there will be for negative stuff. this is also part of the larger war of moralisation, we want to provide a whitepill that everyone can take part in
I'm sure your costume LARP group will be totally different from all the others to come before it. Totally different from Atomwaffen, TWP, Identitarians, Identity Europa, WAR, NSM, Phalanx, Combat 18, soldiers of odin, and dozens of other failed LARPer groups.
Ryder Bell
Thank you for your support!
Nathan Rivera
Get inspired, pursue the things you're interested in, engage in local politics, don't sperg out, take your time. We need as many people in as many places as we can. Get fitter, do cardio, lift weights, dress well, groom yourself, take care of your body, take care of your mind, read books that make you think as well as books that entertain you. Appreciate the great works of art and film and literature that our wonderful people have created.
It's a good post of principals, which is more than you can say for the unironic Nazis and literal terrorists of previous groups
Logan Howard
Reminder to any lurkers from Ontario or surrounding regions that want to join a fraternity for self improvement and independence to join the slack server in the OP.
user, it is admirable what you are doing, but they are not like us. Under no circumstances should we get in bed with "conservatives" or "semitic faiths". They have nothing of value to contribute. Our ideology is clear.
no i'm the OP actually, i've just been busy with other stuff, i only have time to draw/shitpost in the evenings mainly, and atm i don't even have much time for that.
thanks. i understand your sentiment, but think about what you're saying. joining hands with conservatives and other movements is not "beneath us"- we are fighting the most important battle of our civilisation EVER. This will literally determine the destiny of our people and our culture and everything we hold dear. We can't afford to be petty. We have to do it lawfully and within the bounds of the current political framework, but we have to be absolutely ruthless about it. We have to be willing to make alliances along common lines, now is the time to set aside the things that divide us, and instead rally behind the things that unite us.
Gabriel Davis
we're not making a state, we're a political movement, and our goal is for all of ancestral european homelands to become so once more. but for the meme i guess i'd say the east coast somewhere, feel free to decide i don't know much about american geography
Nathaniel Ward
The order will not have a state. At most we'll have a few city states, and none of them will really have anything to do with each other. You know, like the knights we're trying to emulate.
Connor Flores
So new Switzerland?
Chase Brown
hey anyone have a quick rundown on the progress.
Grayson Sanders
idk what you mean, but sure. i just want every european country to be european again if it isn't any more, and those that are to remain european. honestly any other peripheral stuff isn't that important to me. the demographic winter should be our number 1 priority
Thomas Reyes
i wouldn't expect this to explode overnight. we're going to have to persist and make these sorts of threads day after day for months before we convince enough people to make a change. the key is endurance. we need to get people thinking in the right terms, influencing what they can around them locally and regionally in a grassroots kind of way. the only real "progress" we can make here is choosing a symbol or a uniform, which I admit is a lot of fun, but ultimately is not the purpose of any of this
Michael Perez
you seem the most promising person to ask (though this also extends to other anons), please make sure the thread doesn't die, and resurrect it if it does. i'm checking out for the night.
Nicholas Barnes
>and instead rally behind the things that unite us. Fair enough, I understand as well. I'm all for it, and if those peculiar elements can advocate for blood and soil above all, they're welcome.