What Jow Forumss opinion on these guys
What Jow Forumss opinion on these guys
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i eat tic tacs and like them. Quit being so damned prejudiced against them. They're not eating you, right?
I actually had a bad experience with tic tacs. Ate too many orange ones, felt sick. I think their gross
>orange tic tac bad
heard it before, nog, you're not fooling anyone.
Cute if her eyes were like an inch closer to each other
I don't get it.
The mint is alright. Cinnamon the worst.
faggot tic tac troll, get a life.
They mate for life. Different candy races spawn from their eggs.
Fallen angles youtu.be
our liberators, hopefully
>jewgle earth
neck yourselves
Bob Lazar is based and ayyyypilled
oh shills dont like these posts. must be on to something. tnx
So far we have one Ayyy
And I'm still a Nayyy
Thank you red circle
I wouldn't even want to. Believe me, if someone breaks out a box of tic tacs I'm walking away. Not even going to be polite about it.
I like them, I hope they invade and crush the Jews and take their rightful place as the overlords of mankind.
??? Take your meds
B-2 = taxpayer-funded
Mach 20 Tic Tacs = cocaine and child trafficking funded
I voted each one down. Rather eat the Cocoa Puffs I find in the yard.
Tic Tacs are 98% sugar. Because of their tiny size they take advantage of a loophole in the law. Being below 0.5 gram sugar a piece they are allowed to advertise as sugar free. Another reason to hate them.
Tie fighters?
a fabricated distraction for dumbass plebs
Inertia-less massless anti-grav vehicles made by men
The vertical lines are tracker brackets from the HUD.
Think about how many diabetic people have lived a lower quality of life and even died because of tic tacs false advertising. No one ever even mentions them.
They've killed countless already. They're definitely enemies.
Imagine unironically believing this.
SR-72 dick waving. 100 percent.
Ayys are only space niggers lustful for anal sex.
1) Atmospheric phenomena. The first photograph of a "red sprite" wasn't until 1989. There are probably still more, even rarer events we've yet to get a good look at.
2) Secret programs run by the Americans. What do you think they spend $700 billion per year on? For that kind of cash, I don't see how we DON'T have a secret starbase orbiting Jupiter. I mean for $700 billion I'm pretty sure I could work with Elon Musk and build 3 starbases. And the government spends that every year.
3) Secret program but not run by a government. I consider this really unlikely, but still more likely than:
4) Aliens.
There are too many problems with the alien argument. What, they're just now getting here now? Why not 10,000 years ago? Why not a million years ago? That's a blink of an eye on a galactic scale. The amazing thing is we're here at all and weren't colonized back when we were still apes or less. Some secret alien spy program? Well they suck at it, apparently.