High iq if you can
Redpill me on matriarchys
If you want to be redpilled on this topic, i suggest that you find a normie woman and try to talk with her about politics.
>Women are superior to men.
Take your meds schizo
If women were truly superior they wouldn't have to keep telling us over and over.
Obviously! It's the reason why we have to continually lower all standards and outright have to make special laws to make sure they are included.
dont confuse masochism with truth
I find it funny that when women try to look powerful they are trying to show off how sexy they are because the way they look is the only power they have. Can you find a woman with pic related look in her eyes?
post moar
Women have a powerful hole anyway.
There have been very few matriarchal primitive tribal societies and literally no matriarchal civilizations
The human females have never done anything to advance civilization. If it were up to the females' merits, then no civilization would have made it to the stone age.
Human females are innately inferior egocentric illogical irresponsible lying amoral manipulative parasitic human garbage. Everything the females have was given to them by men and that is why females constantly whine for more from men.
If it were up to me, then I would force the females to live in all females countries, which would become shitholes and whorehouses.
you don't need them to run things, they essentially want you to run them anyway
women wanna take dick and be a good girl no matter what they say, they wanna do what you tell them
I was at the gym waiting for the holes to fins with the bar, when I told them no sweat and leave it as is I realised the TIE were on the WRONG WAY ROUND
It was THEN I KNEW Women arent cut out for politics
Why is it so hard to accept that men have ruled the world since the beginning of time? If you try to make a woman into a man, you have nothing but an inferior man at best.
My mason lodge tells me women are emotional and men are logical and I’m a loser that needs to believe this to feel special
Very few women (if any) have been truly successful leaders. The end.
(Maybe some have, somewhere, but it's as rare as legit genius level IQ)
The black community is exactly what happens when feminism goes unchecked and out of line.
They set field for patriarchies that are in touch with their baser instincts, think Bronze Age Collapse. What would this eras collapse be called? (The ______ Age Collapse)
Trobriand island
Yet another degenerate fetish
(((Tay))) supports the matriarchy, trust her
Slide thread.
If you try to make a woman into a man, you get NIGGERS!
All hail the Matriarchy Boyim!!!
They have half the money and all the pussy. They are in charge. They shouldn't be but here we are.
Matriarchal societies are doomed to fail, and this is why
>Most Women are only able to serve their own immediate needs
>Our society hands them these immediate needs
>They become selfish and bitchy, and the only immediate need they have is dick
>Since the State provides for her, she can go after Chad's dick exclusively and leave other potential mates behind
>Since Chad is surrounded by women that want his dick, his head gets really big
>He plows everything in sight, never settles down, impregnates multiple women, leaving the children fatherless
>Non Chad men start dropping out of society altogether
>Women are still miserable
People don't think it be like it is but it do.
>If you want to be redpilled on this topic, i suggest that you find a normie woman and try to talk with her about politics.
Straight from one of the most powerful women in history
good post
Doo wah diddy diddy dum diddy doo
Best posts.
angela merkel
Female leaders are just women with a male mentality
>Female leaders...
... without the thing between there legs, they are nothing! leader of cucks ... fake frome the head to the feet ...
Roastie is gonna roast
Everything you need to know about matriarchies are these 2 things.
The only matriarchies in human haven't discovered writing yet.
Bonobos which are a subset of chimpanzees live in a matriarchy. They're dumber and weaker than chimpanzees, the only reason they are alive is because they live in a pocket of Africa where they have no natural predators.
Male bonobos get mutilated regularly by bands of female bonobos.
From this 3 facts we can infer that, if all of humanity were a matriarchy what will happen will be:
All of society and technological advances will go to shit
We'll become weaker and dumber
Women will go around harming men.
>be an empowered feminist
>use leftist agenda to take power
>Armageddon triggered from said leftist agenda
>after the collapse, end up hogtied, ass up on the lead maurader’s nitro truck
>used as sex reward for the other marauders to go into the wasteland and get gasoline
Yup, that sounds all kinds of superior