If that isn't proof that Jow Forums is conquered territory I don't know what is. R.I.P. /christian/.
>ITT: debunk Mormonism
If that isn't proof that Jow Forums is conquered territory I don't know what is. R.I.P. /christian/.
>ITT: debunk Mormonism
Other urls found in this thread:
Mitt Romney
All according to ((their)) plan
Mods are heretics, they fear the word of God.
Because they are of the Synagogue of Satan and they think they are snide and funny moving the thread to banter.
On the final day you will burn in a lake of fire. Don't you understand that? Christ; Jesus is lord and he is the reason we are saved. That is something the kikes will never understand till God shows them and they kneel before us and know that he loves us.
I make the most mundane threads in other portions of Jow Forums where I'm not banned and the mod in /co/ keeps deleting my threads right away. There really isn't much I can do. If I keep osting the same thread, the mod can get me permanently banned because he can mark me as spamming.
Pretty sure this is Jow Forums not /religion/ dumbass
Why would mods delete those threads? They are gold!
Fuck you fago mods
Wtf i love mods now. Get fucked, christcucks.
religion is politics hollow-head
Wrong. Religion has no place in politics
Christianity is Judaism fuck off
I don't break any of their rules, yet I've been permanently banned from ever making posts ever again. I can reply to threads, thats it. Most threads are muh porn muh trans muh psyops.
fuck jannies
Explain. Religion WAS politics for the majority of humanity. Now it is still an important part of it.
yet pagan threads are allowed to stay, and every Christian thread is spammed with "kike on a stick, Christcuck". The pagan psyop has taken over Jow Forums, and the ones who fell for it don't want us here.
More like you guys are just annoying faggots that ruin the board with your low IQ cuckery.
I'm not even a pagan, I just find you fucking annoying.
The christian faith is founded on the corrupt teachings of the apostles with the words of their prophet jesus as a footnote.
Worse, the christians claim jesus was the messiah. If he was the messiah why is he dead.
When jesus died the apostles made up all kinds of stories to make sure christianity spread to all nations and peoples.
You need a new prophet and soon there will be one.
Jesus wasn't even a real person, you Jewish cocksuckers
>pic related
Then why do I see you kikes every single fucking day? Because this is a slide thread.
Jesus hates Fags.
You'll get harassed for this post but it's unironically correct. Jow Forums got hit hard in 2016 not only with redditors but feds.
Could it be because you're making 10 of them per day, and dump the same images in every single thread as if you're just trying to intentionally stir up shit with piss poor bait?
good. fuck cucktianity, take your ancient sandnigger mythology to r/christianity
Fuck off christcucks
That's how they took control of the boards. Most people can reply, but good luck sliding their slides with a new thread.
Good. You kikes need to fuck off back to the desert where your cult began.
The Day of the Footstool cometh.
It is time for christianity to fall. They never had exclusive rights to access to the afterlife. Shall I begin talking about hillsong united or can you just roll over and fade away into the darkness.
good riddance, fuck off
It isn't politically incorrect to believe or disbelieve in any particular faith. Unless your jesuscult thread is newsworthy it belongs in
Spoken like a true heathen. Repent while you can.
Shill for a religion board. Stop sucking Jow Forums‘s blood, parasite.
Good riddance. That's what you americunts get for shitting up every catholic thread. Stop your ridiculous indignant faggotry and then you may become more bearable to talk with.
So many shills itt
I miss /christian/
I've come her for this adorable Christ chan image. Now that I have it I'll be on my way.
And yet, we fight on.
>Mods keep deleting Christian threads
What the fuck are you talking about? There is constantly a dozen christcuck spam threads and nothing is ever done about them.
Fuck off, you race-traitor scum
It's a goddamm fucking edit you retard. These scum making and using these edits should be strong up.
The CES letter did a wonderful job debunking Mormonism, demonstrating the plagiarism, inconsistencies, changes, and absurdities that went into making this cult.
The Mormon church's response to the CES letter was weak, and the reply to the response buried the last nail in the LDS coffin.
It's dead.
Islam for Whitey has been exposed as a fraud and a lie, from the beginning.
Perhaps you do not feel you are a sinner. At least, you think you are no worse than others, but better than many. You are no drunkard, thief, adulterer. But have you indeed obeyed all the commandments? Never broken any of them? Always been true, chaste, sober, honest, forgiving? Never indulged in pride, malice, deceit, or lust? God requires purity of heart as well as of outward conduct, and he knows all our thoughts. Have you then never cherished the thought of sin in your heart, though you have feared outwardly to commit it? The first and chief command is, to love the Lord our God with all our mind and strength. Have you always done this; always tried to please him and endeavored in all things to glorify him? If you have always done this, you have still only just done your duty, and have nothing to boast of. But you have not done it. Conscience tells you so. You know you have sinned thousands of times. You know you have sought your own pleasure, and in your best actions you have not been prompted by a desire to please God. You have lived for yourself; you have sought man's approval, but God has not been in all your thoughts. The Bible tells us, "If man say he hath no sin, he deceiveth himself. There is none righteous, no, not one. All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." O, my fellow-sinner, is it not true of thee, "The God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, thou hast not glorified?" You are a sinner. Guilt, enormous guilt hangs upon you. In God's book all your sins are written down. You cannot get rid of them. Were you to labour for thousands of years, you could not atone for the least. And were you to give all you possess, or suffer torture and death, it would not take away sin. The past cannot be recalled. But there is forgiveness, free, full, eternal, for the guilty. Jesus has pardon for thee, sinner, purchased with his own blood. Come for it. Come to Jesus Christ for pardon.
I'm in as many Christian threads as I can be in, given my time constraints.
Very few go to archive.
Some get moved to hell/bant/
Most just get nuked from orbit.
And yet, look at what they don't get rid of.
uh oh, trump one world religion
it's pretty much known mods are getting pink slips from their masters.
paganism is cancerous
Christianity is not politically incorrect.
It's the grandfather of ZOG.
/meta/ but we need another containment board for you LARPing spergs, throw the pagans in there too.
he isn't dead retard he rose again
this is a political not a religion board, christcunt. Go talk about your imaginary friend elsewhere.
The King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, the Commander of the Hosts of Heaven, somehow not political.
A lie told by the apostles. I suspect they were all implicit in the execution of jesus. Because he refused to claim that he was the messiah. They wanted more power for themselves and by removing him they were able to acquire it.
The apostles were corrupted by their own desires and they resented jesus for his preaching about the least of us etcetera.
The new testament js corrupted.
If jesus came back to life why didn't he finish the bible? It seems incredibly irresponsible of a supposed messiah to leave his holy text in such a state.
It's TOO political for them. Politics is about power.
>" For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods." Psalms 95:3
>" For the LORD most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth." Psalms 47:2
>" And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:18-20
>" That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen." 1 Timothy 6:14-16
>" Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Timothy 1:17
>" It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:" 2 Timothy 2:11-12
>" And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth." Revelation 5:9-10
>Matthew 3:2
>Luke 10:9
Bros? Did I miss something? The rapture didn't happen 1950 years ago, did it?
>some schizo bullshit with an image and just "SOON...." as text
you shills make around 500 christian threads a day, no one likes you fuck off
>R.I.P. /christian/.
>If that isn't proof that Jow Forums is conquered territory I don't know what is
Jow Forums was never yours, you killed kek, you invaded us, rip the whirlwind
>I miss /christian/
is that the place where you banned everyone who didtn want to circlejerk and repeated yourselfs non christians drink cum?
Wow, everyone, here is a meme pic directly from the meme lab of the CRIF, the french counter-part of the ADL.
> #
>It's TOO political for them. Politics is about power.
>>" For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods." Psalms 95:3
כִּ֚י אֵ֣ל גָּד֣וֹל יְהֹוָ֑ה וּמֶ֥לֶךְ גָּ֜ד֗וֹל עַל־כָּל־אֱלֹהִֽים:
>>" For the LORD most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth." Psalms 47:2
כִּי־יְ֖הֹוָה עֶלְי֣וֹן נוֹרָ֑א מֶ֥לֶךְ גָּ֜ד֗וֹל עַל־כָּל־הָאָֽרֶץ:
Kill yourself jew worshipping rat. You faggots killed this site you newfag pieces of the donald boomer shit.
>More like you guys are just annoying faggots that ruin the board with your low IQ cuckery.
You can still repent sinner
That ban was justified. Not every board has to be /b/ or /v/. If the Bible supported your prothiest beliefs you'd have used the Bible.
I’ve noticed pol changing the last few months. It’s been swamped with questionable threads while meaning threads on philosophy and religion have been removed
Christcucks are worse than furries, bronies and every other derailing force combined.
Every single thread, every single time, every single board, without fail a christcuck will go and spew its jew larp and derail. WITHOUT FAIL.
So multiple times in the Bible Jesus says not to resist evil, or fight back against evil, etc. So what the fuck do I do if I come home to find my daughter getting raped by a home intruder? Just sit there and let him do it because Jesus told me not to stop him?
Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. There is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.
>Wow, everyone, here is a meme pic directly from the meme lab of the CRIF, the french counter-part of the ADL.
do you fuckers just have to invent the most comical lies and slanders? the fucking crif? the kikes in my country busy ruling france are making memes? really
its a 5 year old meme made by users of this site
Jow Forums was never a christian board, fuck off and die kike cultist
you are a pedophile. Mods are furry tranny pedophiles like you. Jow Forums is a christian board and has been since the first year of Jow Forums. Idiots like you have been complaining about it ever since, because you are spiritual nigger shitskins. Kys freedom fighter you disgusting deviant
Based, they deleted my catholic thread
Why mods hate Christians? Are they Jews?
fucking slave moralists everywhere
Turn your cheeks and let him have a go. Especially if hes black, then kiss his feet too.
>mods are pedophiles
Holy shit you are a fucking 100 percent newt gingrich
Says don't repay evil for evil.
You see someone getting raped, especially your family, you use deadly force to stop it.
You wouldn't go rape that dude's daughter to "even the score".
Go back to the shadows moshe.
Jow Forums is an Islamic board: mushrikeen GTFO.
Atheists will stop at nothing. They're posssed by a spirit of antichrist.
Stand strong fellow Christians
Christians are not people who go to a Christian church at least once a week.
There's no way for the world to know who a Christian is, and who says they're a Christian in vain, or in deceit.
>get BTFOed in every thread
>not a shill
inb4 "prove me wrong again"
Because christcucks are shills for a Jewish god.
I love being a christain famlalam you know ehen your hated because you are right.
don't worry user evil never wins
t.baptist chirstian
yeah, thats the reason jews hate Jesus Christ, now Catholic Church in the other hand...
Case in point.
>rule 1: dont make non politcal threads
>*spams non political threads*
also christians:
>why am I persecuted so?
fuck religions get the fuck outta here.
>muh based christcuck natsocs
Ok Jesuit
You are a pedophile and the mods, tranny waifu furry queers, are literal pedophiles yes. You are also "Freedom fighter" a literal pedophile tripfag that shilled pedo shit here for years before taking off the trip and continuing on in apparently anonymity yet still railing against anyone that rejects pedophilia. Whats funny is you probably think you can help get rid of your problem by aligning with the left to subvert here, all the while you're sitting with rope around your neck up the line
dumb cunt
kys now you disgusting pedo queer
lmao you literally have to make Jow Forums related christian memes yourself
fuck off back to /christian/, oh wait
t. literal newfag that was not here in early Jow Forums to enjoy euro/christian appreciation threads
or if you were here
then you were a shill getting called out as now
Ok Jew.
>Richard Carrier
He's a Jewish cuck who was in a polyamorous relationship. Christ mythicists have been repeatedly disproven.
I'm sorry innocent christians have to be persecuted like this
But then they'd persecute me so i don't give a fuck
The christcuck cries out as it strikes you.
Mods aren't pedophiles newfag. You just got here in 2014 and think you know, sorry youre wrong.
they sent christians to the concentration camps lmao
Thank God !
Is it too much to assume it was multiple men, and not multiple women?