>liberals are creaming themselves to a literal retard staring at Trump
I’ve never seen a kid being shilled this hard before on the news.
What’s so special about Greta?
Liberals are creaming themselves to a literal retard staring at Trump
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Why isn't she bitching about India or China. Does she actually care about pollution?
The is retarded
That is what is special
I don’t know man. Seems weird to me.
The more Greta threads, the better.
Make the world Greta again.
>there are no shills on pol
Looks like she gambled on a fart and lost.
Because liberal media is actual made up of the most disgusting human beings on the planet. Exploiting a mentally disabled youth to parret their bullshit and guilt / fear retarded masses into thinking it's actually their fault and giving the government more money will fix the problem that is totally their fault. Fuck these people and fuck this world.
The chose somone that would be hard to make fun of...
If you're a normie
Given how she's Swedish, she is just SEETHING about Trump Chad Striding past her without even acknowledging her. You don't have Chads in Sweden, so she isn't used to being ignored like the petulant child she is.
She doesnt have that much soros fund left about 4 maybe 6 months tops.
She always looks like that
Those have already been done to her. And they’re no unspeakable; they were “every other day on the boat coming over”.
You can practically see the demon bursting forth from her body to assault Trump
Lets be honest she’s likely been repeatedly defiled already
you spelled pollution wrong
why was she invited?
can any single retard come to UN or do you need to be jewish plant?
She needs to lecture the Chicoms about their pollution.... that would be impressive.
A pedo looking 16 yr old is the leading voice for the climate hoax. Never mind she’s a Jew. This is just hilarious lmfao.
Both countries wouldn't care and wouldn't even giver her attention.
More or less, she's making a political plea to America to speed up conscious environmental safety to Earth that all countries would want to also apply to their own political system.
She's clever, but it always goes down to ask for America to do the work for fucking everyone. Other white countries too honestly.
She always looks like that. Never seen her smile; wonder if she has any teeth?
White america is the enemy remember that.
her handlers must be terrified, the president could lift the spell in ten minutes of face to face time
She has been programmed by her handlers to hate him and anyone who supports him. She will do the same to others children, who have already been indoctrinated by liberal schools, and programs. If you think this isn't happening at an alarming rate you'd be very wrong.
Do they have any right of center news outlets where she comes from?
>Look at how mad she is at the president!!!! Ha Ha Ha
Little do they know that's just her resting retard face.
UN is a joke, reminder that those losers from gamer gate got seats and were allowed to speak at a summit
What you are seeing is the breakdown of a young child in realtime. It’s basically the South Park episode, “The Harvest”.
She literally has this look on her face normally anyway.
I've never heard a liberal suggest we go to war with india or china, which is the logical conclusion if this is really the global catastrophe that they claim it is
First time I've heard her speak is today. Saw a clip from that UN speech. She is a delusional little schizo aspie controlled by Soros. How in the heck was her childhood stolen?
Trump supporters are uneducated inbred shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests
>She's clever
Her handlers are clever.
She is a pawn
She thought of literally none of this.
Have you ever watched her try to speak into a camera without a speech line up for her?
Literal retard.
Brainwashed libtard, looks like fetal alcohol syndrome.
hi pedo, youve posted this multiple times in multiple threads
you have been reported to the FBI
She watched the Star Wars: A New Hope Special edition.
Where's this cunt from? This is a declaration of war.
The left deifies little girls. This isn’t new.
>The “Defiant Little Girl” standing in front of the Wall Street Bull.
>Little girls dominate all TV adverts for globohomo companies
>Crying little Mexican girl photo from ICE arrests
>Emma Gonzalez (and Daisy Hogg)
That’s just in the past year. When logic and reason fail, just use a little girl.
>What’s so special about Greta?
first animatronic robot youth model to make it to national television
>thinking it's actually a picture of her
this is greta thunberg school.
reminder she most likely got fucked by some arab from her class
Made it on my iPhone the other day. Sorry, user. Will strive to not make such STUPID spelling errors in the future on memes that are VERY important to changing people's minds!
someone post the Apu greta
>What’s so special about Greta?
She's autistic and dumb, so liberals see themselves in her.
Her education
Greta brings the Schizo out in the average Jow Forumsack, i've been dementedly posting about the UN, WW2, the Bankers, Big Tech, Surveillance, the Climate scam all day long.
I want to see her finger herself and squirt all over Drumpf's stupid face. I bet her pussy is plump and delicious.
Shes the Antichrist
>thinking even fake pedo is ok
pedo apologists like you deserve the rope
China creates the same amount of carbon emissions as the USA, Russia, India and Japan combined. If she was serious she should be learning mandarin.
No, she doesn't. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Maybe she should stop breathing in order to stop carbon emissions from going into the air.
Yep. Its the ultimate appeal to emotion. The anti-logic.
>my viewpoint is not based in reality
>my opinions are completely insane and invalid
>but this little girl is defiantly standing up for the same misguided viewpoints!
>therefore my views are valid after all
Well assuming you didn't fail high-school.
She would definitely have "handlers" to guide and instruct her the best method to accomplish her goals and theirs.
Most people call it PR agency or team.
You need medicine fruitcake lulz
Shove a cock up her ass. Fuck that stupid cunt. Little bitch whore. Fuck her with a pizza paddle. Shove a fucking horse cock down her throat.
>seething Swede
And all was right in the world.
When I visited New York you had to fight through a mob to grab a photo with the bull but nobody gave a shit about that gay little girl statue
except when the little girls are called Ebba Akerlund, then nobody in the media gives a fuck enough to advocate for the total deportation of the muslim population in europe
Damn, what was the pic?
At the very least, we would have trade embargoes on any nation that doesn't meet or exceed our own environmental standards if the people bitching about the environment actually took it seriously.
Spot on. You hardly ever see some woman mouthing off (be it romantic, social, political, economic commentary) in a shithole country. We only tolerate that here in the west.
Imagine if she went to India and stood on a landmine left by a Street shitter. Then she got raped by a pack of pajeets.
imagine being this pissed all the time about politics at her age, she is going to be a salty cunt her whole life
its all part of the lefts never ending guilt trip, no one should take them seriously
>You need medicine fruitcake lulz
Leave newfag.
This place isn't for you.
Everything I said is fact.
>pedo apologists like you
you really are a retard, aren't you?
Probably, Denmark is extremely similar to the Netherlands (probably even more so than Flanders or Germany), and we have plenty.
That lil cunty face is perfect.
She's a visionary. And wise beyond her years.
I have an entire altar dedicated to her genius. So should you. Pray for our planet, pray for Greta, pray!!
With their powers combined, they are Captain Spastic!
she looks like a potato faceswapped with an actual retard
Big if true
The worst i saw as when they released the recording of a crying baby, just a standalone audio recording of a crying baby in one of the anti-Trump stories in the election, that blew my mind, the level of manipulation they would resort to.
but no one idolizes China, Saudi Arabia, Mexico , Russia or any country that tell >both< men and woman to know their place......
So no, America isn't known as country "woman can run their mouth" except in circles to insult each other for lolz and fuck of it.
>der muh retarhs
i cant imagine how much you must be paid to defend pedos you loli bitch (i can)
>think of the children
> reeeeeee pls notice me senpai
>no fucks given
They are unironically brainwashing Greta into becoming another Lee Harvey Oswald.
She knows its the eternal Anglos that need to stop their decadent lifestyle.
So autistic that you can see her brain processing reflected on every little muscle in the face.
we need more CO2 on this planet, were at about 400ppm average and 250 ppm is needed for plant life, we could actually use a lot more carbon. This is just a scam to get us all to kill ourselves
Why does she look half brain dead like seriously how could anyone trust that fucking lopsided Downy?
This is a retarded CHILD! Why would anyone take this shit seriously unless it is being force fed down their fucking throats by Cabal Overlords????
Wake up, PEOPLE!
>Trump walks past her without even acknowledging or probably even being aware of her existence while she seethes
Is she having a poopie?