Reddit Hate thread
Reddit Hate thread
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You should cite your sources before resorting to logical fallacies, strawfag.
I need some pastas for some of the shit I hate.
>the most watered down everyone-friendly "I wish I posted this first" comment is always number one at the top
>the posts after it are similarly designed
>discourage all dissent for the sake of your peer review score
>wow I'm so glad we have censorship and heavy moderation I'd hate to have any ideological challenge
the absolute state of degeneracy
Look at fucking big gordonda gunta hoisting that fucking noglet scared as shit like she's about to get eaten
kek is that a Jew who fell for the soiboy meme?
The land whale with the black baby always gets me
part 2
The link below is the 2012 Baltimore reddit meetup but it contains nudity so the goddamn mods will ban if posted
Holy fuck that's just sad.
>the ogre with the zelda tattoo
>hamslab with milk duds
>mister manga meat with boob folds
>people think their 12 year old daughter masturbating is okay
the fuck is wrong with reddit
there's always the_donald if you feel like it's bigBrainTime.
This one kinda fucks me up. I feel bad for the Pajeet. She should have stayed away from white Chads. They degraded her and then ruined her life for their own sick satisfaction.
Ironically enough, almost all of them seem unaware of the extremely authoritarian atmosphere there.
>you musta been doing something to deserve that bann
In argie Subs that is a predominant mentality. Funnily enough that was what people said about lefties when they got kidnapped, tortured and killed back in the 70s dictatorship.
"They surely did something".
But the idiots cannot see it.
I'm not reading all that.
You can get a woman to do pretty much anything for you as long as you're good looking enough
Yeah, I get that. But still, she should have stayed away from white guys, especially immature white college Chads. This is what happens when you try to shelter your daughter, when she goes off to college away from her parents, she turns into a total slut because she tries to make up for what she missed out on when she was in high school.
Fucking lol. Just pump a load into her, what kind of cuck lets social media dictate whether or not he's having children?
>If your 12 year old wants to masturbate and have a vibrator, then you have to support her
something I can add to the list: why we killed everybody
Women be hoes even if married.
Creepy as fuck.
The absolute state of reddit degeneracy
Go back, redditnigger
>been using reddit recently cuz bored
>every fucking post needs to site its edit for some god damn reason
>pointless awards that gives money to the website instead of the actual people that commented it, you're essentially just buying a golden like button
>edit:thanks for the gold
>the fucking Nice chain that happens after someone mentions the sex number
>every fucking subreddit is a cuck run hell hole aside from a few gems
>r/politics and anything else remotely political is is just made up of cucks sharing boomer anti trump Facebook memes.
>I cant even count the number of lefty subreddits on 2 hands, they're all just circlejerks
>r/cuckold is a thing with 250k members
Reddit is the new tumblr, you gain nothing by going there unless you take the time to filter out all the orange man bad shit
trying so hard to fit in yet sticking out like a sore thumb
dude you have to admit strawfag was pretty funny even if he is a newfag
Whoa, I don't want my mommy to die, who else would make me tendies?
no u
My favorite image. Fucking speedrunners
I lurk the polyamory sub for lols, enjoy.
Devoting your life to Slaanesh is hard. :(
Worth reading
Best of all, part 1.
this is fetish tier wtf
>Turns on Nintendo switch
>Takes his hormones with a onions latte
>Says goodnight to his wife and her boyfriend
Oh yeah, it's big brain time
Part 2, the punchline.
>A onions
Turbo retard right here
Soi grins and AIDS. Nice.
Is that the /an/ meetup?
how newfag do you have to be to not understand the filter?
even the dog looks fat and miserable
Yes, but the toxofags are missing from the picture.
whiter than the Jow Forums meetup LMAO
Rest In Piss, whore.
If the gooks weren't paired with Pacific Islanders their scores would be much higher
This is the most disgusting thing I have seen on Reddit by far.
People like this actually exist.
Fuck you.
Fuck you
Why do you feel bad for someone being a fucking whore and paying the price for it? Fucking cuck
My city's subreddit is full of progressives but I've been making some anti-immigration posts and I haven't even been downvoted as hard as I expected. It let me realize that there are some right wingers out there, but they get overshadowed by all the progressive liberals.
>join t_d irc
>they could tell i was from /pol so they told me to be nice about jews there
>were actual Israeli jews in the chat posting israeli dance songs
He looks like a pokemon or something....that weird nose and beanie....nosepass....spearow fusion? Mr mime spliced in there?
He looks weird....
Just go to imgoingtohellforthis it’s the only one that’s not 100% gay as fuck.
These people are possessed by demons, not even joking.
r/Iam14 and this is deep
Reddit has three problems:
1) Vote system.
2) User accounts.
3) Users can make their own forums.
The problem with 1) is that it leads to echo chambers. Yes Jow Forums is slanted to the right, but we still have plenty of people from all over the spectrum. Their voices aren't stifled; their posts aren't hidden. They can post and it will bump the thread to the top of the catalog no different than any other thread. In fact, because contrary posts tend to get more (You)s than agreement posts, posting something against the grain tends to give your post a HIGHER chance of being seen.
The problem with 2) is that once users have an account and history they can be dismissed or acclaimed for who they are and not the content of their post. You post X, someone checks your history and says "oh I see at one point you said Y so your current opinion is invalid." Highly rated user123 posts something and everyone circle jerks "oh it's user123, he's important, let's venerate him regardless of if this post was actually good." Also if your score is based on people liking your posts it feeds back into 1) where it becomes an echo chamber. You echo the current sentiment instead of speaking your mind, just to farm points.
The problem with 3) is that it splinters the community. You get down voted enough and you break off to form your own echo chamber, but this just gets rid of discussion. Again, here on Jow Forums we put everyone in the same room and they're forced to argue with each other. On a place like reddit all sides partition themselves off and circle jerk. The few people who go to visit their neighbor are voted down and they quickly realize the error of trying to have a discussion.
Basically reddit as a forum is set up to discourage free speech and discussion. As a forum's sole use is to act as a medium for discussion, it fails at its primary goal. That is why I hate reddit.
This fucking picture.