So, where's the FISA report, the declassified documents, indictment of McCabe, or any action on the coup against President Trump who was legitimately elected? Fucking disgraceful.
「I love Trump and I hate gun control」 Call your or other people's representatives and senators at federal and state level you niggers. Email them, write letters like the boomers do which apparently works, and screech at their offices autistically. I don't think anything will come out of this, but it's better to be safe than sorry now isn't it. It makes no sense for you to come down here and whine impotently like how jews do about how one faggoty failed Austrian painter supposedly killing millions of their kind. Also read this:
Mitch McConnell has repeatedly blocked gun control legislation in the senate because he's smart enough to realize how stupid that would be. Also, please do the same to the White House. Trump more or less likely has interns here watching us, but fill up the lines. Let him know how you feel about this pretty bad idea.
The fact people fail to understand that, considering the people manning the federal government (the blokes answering phones, for instance) are the same as 40 years ago and trained by the same as 80 years ago, no wonder that THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK FOR INTERNET OUTRAGE. But clogged phone lines? That get forwarded very fast to representatives and the executive as feedback from their base.
>spam internet discussions with their endless horseshit. The only way the impotent can "fight the good fight", without actually doing anything themselves,
this is a good autobiography of saudi bitch general. friendly reminder i respond to all questions.
Saudi Arabian and Israeli propaganda gravitates around anti-Iranian shilling. If Americans don't buy into it, they don't adopt the preferred policies of those countries.
Swamp cuck Trump still hasn't released the FISA. Trump supporter Flynn still waiting sentencing on charges now disproven and illegal. meanwhile, Tom Fitton keeps busy doing the job Small Hands trump was elected to do.
We need a worried sweating chink next to that merchant.
Mason Price
Rudy already met with them in Spain, and has the info they wanted to provide. That piece you posted is from April.
Jack Williams
Americans clearly buy into the shilling. Lets keep the discussion grounded. Youre not changing world or speaking to the UN like that swede 12 year old here.
>Gays ruin everything. The most Jewish sexual orientation. Prove me wrong. Trump proves you right. He has spent 3 years doing everything he can for both faggots (more than Onigger) and the fuckin jews.
Levi Morales
She's gonna sweep and then crash and burn when America learns about her plan to raise gas prices and end thousands of jobs so illegals can have healthcare AND a safe climate.
Watch the DNC do to her what they did to Bernie, and Biden gets it. I personally think it'll be Biden/Warren
Dominic Long
that's the only strike i have against ZUN's music, since he's composing for vidya he has to make it a constant rush and so there's a loss of expression. that and he's using digital instruments which are inherently inhuman and their falseness becomes more apparent when notes are held i want to get up to those grander things but it's a lot of work. also there's a point when you realize if you're spending a lot of effort into learning something but getting nowhere, there's probably a stepping stone you skipped, learned that when going for hungarian rhapsody in early high school when i definitely wasn't good enough bergamasque on the other hand isn't too hard but i'm being lazy. i've done the first movement already, memorizing is just really tedious
I'll give you one more chance to discuss this topic in a non shill way. Thats what you've been demanding so lets go. Why do you care so much about Iran?
Shapiro tongues my anus "Israel has the right to exist" he says while munching my prostate
Landon Scott
Well that makes total sense.
Ayden Jackson
>Rudy already met with them in Spain, and has the info they wanted to provide. That piece you posted is from April.
the point is that Trump doesn't want the information on the Dems. he can send rudy but still have culpable deniability and NOT HAVE TO ACT on the information. cuck Trump has been very clear that he Refuses to Drain the Swamp
Samuel Garcia
Fact is I'm a normal American like you
We have the same internal organs. I have a mouth, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine, rumen , reticulum , the omasum, and the abomasum. We both eat grass and produce 59.1 bags of manure on average.
Because Saudi Arabian and Israeli propagandists try to control Americans with Anti-Iranian shilling, when it reality, America should be easing away from Saudi Arabia as it's justifiably destroyed by its enraged neighbors.
>that and he's using digital instruments which are inherently inhuman and their falseness becomes more apparent when notes are held Yeah but it's fun.
>Trump will literally rape her live on stage. I’m going to masturbate to it so this is what 2016 trump supporters voted for? to be entertained? geez, I thought they lock her up, drain the swamp, close the border, EO end anchor baby, no movement on gun control, end H1B, etc
Alexander Perez
Eva, change your post style.
Ryan Price
In 8 Days will be the Anniversary of Chinese Communist Victory over the Nationalists
Its a daily reminder that Republic of China (ROC/Taiwan) is the true China
Well, no shit. 2 days after he became president elect he said in his first interview, "she's been through enough". Should've been obvious that none of them would ever even see a courtroom, let alone prison.
Sebastian Walker
she's a woman. there's no way she can understand the nuanced game of politics.
John Lee
>it was an obama appointee Trump left most Obama appointees and trumps hires that went through Destefano are exclusively Anti MAGA, open borders, globalists. Is trump a lying democrat or RINO or is he a complete cuck?
Adam Lee
>this is why we need a president with nuts. a president who is a patriot. a president who is not afraid to have a fireside chat with the American people where he lays out the crimes that have been committed and explains why he is declaring marshall law and arresting most of DC This is a fair critique -- the pace of exposing all this shit is agonizing. If there is one thing I am disappointed in Trump with, its the relative passivity in the face of what are legitimate corruption issues surrounding how the IC has acted, and how Congress covered for them, and the entrenched bureaucracy at large has been utilized as a partisan hit squad. There is some legal exposure, depending on how he approaches it, but otoh the lawfare group has ZERO fear in utilizing every and any tactic under the sun... and when those fall short inventing a few more to try.
It's less about Trump as a person/president at this point, and more rule of law which is utterly lacking. These agencies need to continue to be limited, totally unwound, and the rest need to be broken off and removed from DC. Ultimately Trump is in charge, but the corruption is staggering and I think it's more than he can handle alone. Assuming Trump wins 2020, it's still going to take someone else like him, or better, another 8 years to actually tear it down, clean it out, and rebuild it.