Saturn = 6th planet from the sun, has a hexagon/cube on the top (6 sides)
The reason satanists love goats is because in the Zodiac, Capricorn (a goat) is ruled over by Saturn.
6 = the number of man, materialism
3 = holy trinity
666 = Satan
Saturn = 6th planet from the sun, has a hexagon/cube on the top (6 sides)
The reason satanists love goats is because in the Zodiac, Capricorn (a goat) is ruled over by Saturn.
6 = the number of man, materialism
3 = holy trinity
666 = Satan
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One correction. Satanists don’t love anything. Incapable of such.
anyone ever see that movie Pi from 1998?
its about some autistic half scitzo who gets bothered by jews because he finds some number thats equivalent to god or something
The only part you are missing is a reference to the passage in revelations about pulling a seven headed beast out of the sea. Saturn is a big sea. The biggest. One day we will pull some satanic beast out of the sea on saturn.
>see the Qmap of Dylan Louis Monroe for more info.
durrrrrhuuuuuuuh muh saturn worship durrrrrr. Sage
Satanists love themselves first and foremost user. The sand people religions worship Saturnian gods and Europeans worship Jupiter etc. This is pretty common knowledge among occultist types
Yes, I need to watch it again though, its been ages
>12:55, Restate my assumptions:
>One, That Mathematics is that language of nature.
>Two, OP is a faggot.
lets start with the basics on Satanism
satan (associated with saturn) meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. But then there also is THE Satan, Ha-Satan.
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. Think About how molecules and icecrystals form in hexagonal shapes. saturn being the 6th planet with hexagon on its northpole). 666, number of the beast, is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by thus the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil.
The 666 could also stand for the dimensions of the cube, 6x6x6, entrapping us in the 6, our weakness and temptations.
Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entity. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity (well, some do that too). they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.
Pic related. those 7 circles are called the seed of life.
One interpretation i saw is that its meant to symbolize the creation week, or symbolize the same as the creation week does in the bible
The center being conciousness, that expands to the circle. The conciousness then moves to the border of the circle where it expands again creating the second circle and so on until you got the seed of life. the 6 days of creation around the 7th one, God, the seed of life or whatever you want to call it.
By connecting the points of intersection you gain the (black) cube, as above mentioned symbolizing the material world and as such Satans rule.
I have to say here that the 6, and all these patterns are commonly seen as a positive symbol as it is the blueprint of creation of life, but its only the material part of this, and according to the Bible the source of temptations, the Satan's, which we should work on overcoming with
So in this light atheism is low key satanism as both are about the material, about power, wealth, the flesh.
Christianity is about rejection of the flesh and embrace of the spirit. Where christianity tells you everything is God, thus you yourself too and everything else it means everything is connected to you while satanism and atheism teach seperation. no underlying connections and thus seperation leads to worship of the self, and only caring about the ego.
Where satanists and atheist desire to be blessed in this life and having it comfy christianity tell you you will have it hard in this life, prosecuted and attacked for doing the right thing, so you may have delight in the next live instead