ITT: good jews
ITT: good jews
Other urls found in this thread:
the only answer
That's a very bad Jew.
>adopt a gril
>fuck her
He's about a pervy hollyweird jew as they get.
Oh my, look at the snoze on that thing.
What did he die or something?
woody did nothing wrong
>good jews
seems like a good guy
>good jews
Yes. Semites are modern day neanderthals.
Yeah that's what a "good" Jew is to them. The bad Jews are the ones that... uh... I guess Bobby Fischer is the closest thing you'll get to a "bad jew".
>jew who put subliminal messages claiming native american genocide that, somehow, inexplicably took 400 years to complete & white man bad
yeah, real based that one.
Just did a take on the jews on his latest podcast.
Henry Makow. An ex-jew, I believe and Jow Forums personified.
His website
>not good
>not Jewish
Sadly not, unfunny pedo kike still lives.
Dead jew
Eric Clopper
Hey kike are you mad your parents took your foreskin? I got lucky my cousin lost his
It consumed every aspect of my miserable foreskin deprived existence
Woody Allen is the best screenwriter Hollywood has ever had.
Makes him a good screenwriter, not a good person
Here's one. Appreciate a jew denying the holohoax. Has a comfy website. It's like a thinking man's /pol
only good jew is a dead jew.
Woody Allen is cuming out with another "life imitates art" movie.
It will feature Rick Moranis as Woody Allen during the divorce from Mia Farrow.
It will be call "Honey, I Fucked the Kid".
>actually says the first, edgy, lowest hanging fruit that came to everyone's mind
Try to be original at least.
Hope this is ironic
rothfels was a good jew
he self alledgingly voted for hitler
He's a pedo who married his own daughter.
They're funky
Hi Woody
David Cole-Stein
Triggered the disgusting kike, I only stated a simple fact. No jew will ever be a good jew, suck it up you disgusting product of incest. Your people are rats and need to be exterminated as such.
May be funky but they falcon punched nigger culture on whites and made it seem okay to do so.
>fellow white people come jam and wear clothes like nigs and act like them, they are cool
>were just 3 jews from NY making music
Downhill ever since.
>good jews
>so intellectual
>99.9% genius, every single one
>i guess i have a broken peepee
>i must have severe brain damage if he says i do
>he will surely lead me to a worthwhile existence
>its ok that he encourages me to feel like a victim
>i never thought i was a victim.. but now i can.
>do i get gibs?
>at least i have another reason to cry about me
>maybe my peepee is why i am not loved..
>maybe my peepee is why i am not successful..
>i will basically give up on life now because i can use this as a way out
>if anyone asks i will say "i-i was circumsized.." and break down over it
>they will love me if i am a sobbing lump on the floor begging for sympathy
>look at his chest
>strong chest
>why is peepee happy now?
>he call out bad peepee hurters
>i will do what he say
anyone who is cut and cries might as well finish the job and be a tranny.
stop being women. stop acting like them.
be men.
itt: JIDF makes the same slide thread for the six-gorrillionth time.
Bobby Fischer on the JQ.
stop stealing what doesn't belong to you shlomo foreskinstein
help me out here guys
Nice one. Unz is as based as it gets.
most get it done in a hospital as a non-religious practice. either way, i can agree with you fully on the oddity and seemingly cruelty of it. what i can not agree with is being miserable and suffering over it 20 or 30 years later like a wimp. men should not be taking any opportunity to whimper and feel like a victim. even if it is done away with as a medical procedure, there should never be a new movement of weepy cucks "overcoming" their shameful penis.. that doesn't help anything. if you look at it like that you can see it has valid shill qualities.
Larry David is pretty based imo
>rapes his own daughter, marries his foster child.
Only a pharmafaggot/orthodox kike would get upset at men from the generation revolting against a practice supported by kikes. It's unironically a good thing men are getting angry, and pulling up whatever documentation they can pull to support that the practice truly has no real positive properties. It's literally only being done rn to support pharma companies who need stem cells for R&D.
Why does this post has any comments?
Came in here to post this. Bobby Fischer is the only 'good' jew in history, only because of how much of a self-hating jew he was, and how no one could tell him he's wrong since he had like 180 IQ.
i am a Christian. like i said, i will agree that it is odd and cruel. i dont believe that it is necessary in any way. i dont deny that it is wrapped up in pharma.. i am just stating that taking a weakened stance is worth almost nothing. we can surely agree that focusing on valid political discourse and appearing rational is beneficial and intelligent. instead of honing your ability, there is a shill movement to make people here focus on their inability.
>"lets all agree anyone who is cut is brain damaged"
the morons who actually believe this end up stagnant because of perceived oppression. sound familiar? dont fall for it.
>"guess i'll never satisfy my future wife...*sniff*"
its veiled cuckholdry to wish you had a better penis. thinking about dicks is for women and queers. end the practice if you want, but stop acting like victims.
>that doesn't help anything
Yes it does you faggot retard. It makes sure noone else does it in the future. It sounds like you're coping with your mutilation.
you have no idea what you're missing out on, cutdick and are instead choosing to cope
>crying about stuff means nobody does it ever again
>see news cycle since 2016
oh wait.. sorry, leaf. no wonder you would think that, it actually does work that way in your country..
when you're so enamored with your increased pleasure that you can hardly be a decent person. life is so incredible for you because you say so, and anyone who does not share your particular exact specifications is shamed and ridiculed. amazing.
your impressive unwarranted arrogance is quite suspicious.
It does help stopping it, because if you act like everything is fine, people will keep doing it
Fuck off, jew. There is no reason to ruminate over it once it was done. There's nothing you can do. Just make sure that if you get married and have kids that you don't continue the cycle.
No such thing as good Jews.
A Jew is fine.
The Jews are the problem.
ah, there you are. advocating against your own religious practices for the masses. classic.
>it consumed every aspect of my miserable foreskin deprived existence
i can assure you it did not.
chances are you grew up not thinking about it at all and have had sex. chances are you orgasm regularly and with no complaint. if this is even somewhat true then you have to agree that feeling bad in any way about it is a disadvantage created by your own brain and not any fault of the physical member in question. again, feel how you want about it as a practice, but why fall prey to weakness over it when that is all in your mind?
...the only exception is a bad cut, and if that's you, then i acknowledge how emotionally painful that might be.
now the question is still at hand:
momentarily disregarding the morality of the practice itself; how does adding a victimization complex benefit a man who aspires to be a strong and courageous example for his peers?
why should i cry over my cut peepee instead of smile over my fulfilling life?
oh.. and Jesus Christ is the messiah.
>3 posts by this id
so many fucking jews lately what are they triyng to shill i wonder
Because of my complication which I will not elaborate on, it hurts to walk without coverage (because of the friction between the exposed glans and the clothes), so I constantly use moisturizers and walk around with a bandage, you can't stop thinking about circumcision in this state, the scar is always there, the discomfort is always there, especially when you know how harmful and unnecessary circumcision is, the essential human experience of making love was arguably stolen from you, the most sensitive, pleasure inducing part of your penis was removed, the glans become numb as a result of no coverage, and in addition you lose the friction minimizing function of the foreskin during sex, circumcised men are sexual cripples, because most of their sensation is gone
>My parents, and the rest of their generation who were convinced to cut my penis skin, and the rest of the poor fucks who got chopped are not victims
>them making a 500-2000 dollardoo profit off my body without my consent does not make me a victim
>never compensated just told to "suck it up"
Every jewish baby will be castrated, and every one of them who are not males will have their pussies sewn up. Mark my fucking words.
>Because of my complication which I will not elaborate on, it hurts to walk without coverage (because of the friction between the exposed glans and the clothes), so I constantly use moisturizers and walk around with a bandage
It sounds like you had an actual botched circumcision. You shouldn't have constant pain and dehydration like that. But you're a jew, so I assume you're just here to muddy the waters.
if you used my out for you, i am not surprised.
thus, i am obliged to further clarify that you have an unusually bad cut. there are millions who walk around daily who do not feel this pain or any at all. every aspect of it feels great in fact.
so if your story is true, my hear goes out to you.
that is awful, jewfren.
..but.. unfortunately it does not answer the question. let me clarify: does it make sense, or does it not make sense, to set a weakness upon yourself if there is none to be found?
everything you described is disgusting filth. everything. im not here to converse with something like that. your reaction is suspect. your demeanor is vile, your posts are gay.
You did ask for good Jews?
These are good now.
I just looked him up and he's the real deal. Fucking based.
holy fuck the beak on that mensch
She was a young girl that Mia Farrow adopted. When she tuned 18 she sought Woody out.
And Woody was never married to Mia.
And, oh, by the way, go fuck yourself.
and you're very jewish, and frightened of it biting you in the ass when forced castration on your lineage is executed.
This is the only form of good Jew.
>considers a memeflag human