Looking for the 'redpill' drop on HL. Some users previously linked the plot to what goes on irl deep underground military bases and the like. There was even some pics comparing the scientists from game scenes to some real leaked footage.
Please drop all you have on this, I find this to be the most interesting of all theories that circulates the board and it's as schizophrenic as it initially sounds. ty frens
Half Life Conspiracy Request
I am the god of half life since 2008
the gman is ZOG and causes the resonance cascade to happen to take over the world for (((the combine)))
Sounds [spoiler]entertaining[/spoiler] interesting.
hmmm kikes literally working for inter dimensional communist aliens is perhaps not so far fetched but I believe the conspiracy was more surrounding shit that's way above politics. But then again everything ties in with politics although I'm almost certain the top level engineers and scientists have transcended to some other type shit where the political game of the surface world doesn't really apply anymore
>Dr. Eli Vance was warned but did the experiment anyways
>This is what happens when we do affirmative action hires
He dindu nothin.
He a good boy
I'm pretty sure calling a black man boy is racist.
This game is my child hood memories fuck off pol
The game was inspired by conspiracy theories concerning the famed Dulce secret government facility.
Was there anything else to it?
I think this is the image you're looking for. CERN = Black Mesa.
Fucking newfag.
Valve can't maintain continuity to save their lives.
Ah yes yes, anything more on that? And if CERN is black mesa then is there an aperture science counterpart to it? I saw this image a while ago and it freaked me out a bit. Could just be a coincidence but then again (((coincidence goim))). Can someone trace back these images to what time they were originally posted? They look a bit old ... if these are pre-HL release then hmmm.....
the only thing i dont like about HL is that killing grunts takes so long and it is so fucking tedious, like you need to hover over their hitbox and hold LMB for a good 4 seconds before they die. it really ruins the gameplay. killing them becomes more of a question of "how much health is he going to take from me before he dies" rather than anything enjoyable
I helped make the Black Mesa mod. Gabe is an absolute faggot and told us the mod was shit and to get rid of the "Source" part of our name.
So we made a giant fat ass Gabe replica and replaced the Nihilanth in an early Xen mockup and the whole dev team got drunk on teamspeak and what started as a collective assault of FatAssGabeilanth turned into a team deathmatch game with hugely buggy weapons and red E R R O R models everywhere.
It was the best multiplayer game of my life.
Imma fuck a alien.
I remember this. It had something to do with CERN iirc.
I'm more concerned about that infertility field in HL2 and 5G being put up everywhere.
Ah yes, the DOD disinformation shill is here with their set up schneider confusion agent. 1 truth, 1 lie and a shit ton of loosely connected info thrown at you to go "Wow! holy shit no way we gotta stop em" but then leave you even more confused than you previously well.
A cheap and efficient tactic for the masses.
But c'mon, toss some real bread for once...
Did anyone else have a strong urge to replay Half Life for the last few days?
half life 3 came out
we're living in it
Half-Life is a redpilled game.
fake and gay
also i really liked black mesa, thanks
>pls help market research ideas for our new half life clone
Yes. As well as Quake II
Black Mesa = CIA
Aperture Science = NASA
You are welcome.
Get the fuck out of here Gabe you fat fucken Jew. Admit you fucked up your own psyop.
ERROR models are always the highlight
CERN not cern who knows, its probably much deeper than just CERN. Besides CERN what? That doesn't really get anywhere
5G for Africa! On a serious not, it's almost certain that 5g and all wireless tech in fact, to some degree or the other has a bad effect on fertility to say the least. Although whatever that effect is it's probably minuscule compared to hmm idk onions? Plus all the other industrial world wonder chemicals. Though I think the whole 5G scheme is not so much about fertility, or potential crowd control through targeting and heating up individuals in a crowd as much as it's about some project blue balls mind control type shit. And it might not necessarily be bad. I honestly doubt the future of enslaved humanity in a dystopic way, and are more convinced they are planning something most anons would not dream of. Consider how rapefugee import has polarized society and weeded out the marxist loosers and chads. The gobernment, whether you like it or not knows who is who and they might be prepping for a large scale natural selection event where 5G could push people over the edge and starts a race war. Whatever it is and however it will look like I sense a massive depopulation event in the very near future and the shills on this board will not like it, but in some ways the red MAGA hats etc. are like the signs written with lambs blood on the doors of egyptians before the angel of death came to slaughter the infidels (or something biblical like that). Otherwise we're fucked with 5G
lmao based GabeN
John Freeman was actually the real protagonist. Gordon died during the residence cascade. However the Combine rewrote history.
There are no deep underground military bases, lol.
hello fren, lol
There are no deep underground military bases, lol.
You are faggots though and your mod is shit.
The boomer retards that can't stop raping 20 years long dead body of some fossilized boomer game with their fan mods are really just a waste of oxygen.
Also, he could have just shut you down with a copyright claim, like Konami did with the MGS remake, but he didn't, and instead just told you what he thinks of you niggers.
they both have their merits. if the end boss wasn't shit you would be correct.
why are you so angry
do you want to talk about it
Are you the russian guy who hacked our forums and leaked the beta of our mod? God damn it Vlad just calm dowm and take the Strontium out of your ass and eat a can of fish jawbones.
>Black Mesa Source is shit
>Proceeds to release Follow The Freeman on Steam
Papa freeman, why do you have such a large nose?
_-={|[ CHALLENGE ]|}=-_
>start this video
>then 0:12ish seconds into the first video start this one
instructions once more
>play step 1 video (lilium)
>12 seconds into video 1 (lilium)
>play step 2 video (otis)
i was talking about hl1 & q3 today at work with the new guy
did it
Wasn't even worth glancing at for a half second.
i remember it was on a bunch of gaming news sites back in 2007 or 2008. "gordon freeman spotted at CERN". this was around the time there was a huge, retarded doomsday concern over a black hole devouring the earth from using it.
dont act like you didnt have fun
fuck you
I've been down there. AMA
try this one
>video 1
>video 2
>start video 1
>35-36 seconds into video 1 start video 2
youll hear when to start it
/v/ is that way >>>
Hes a time traveling scientist who is actually some kind of sleeper agent working for G man who is a glownigger.