
>be nigger
>discover Jow Forums
>discover Jow Forums
>Hate Yourself
>Hate The Left
>Hate Your Country
>Hate The World
>Hate The Jews
Are they no cure?

I can't kill myself. Not until I play Cyberpunk 2077 and finish all Jojo Parts and don't redpill me on those

Attached: UYqOb8u.jpg.png (330x358, 18K)

Show hand and time stamp.

You can always go back to Africa

>babbys first 'everything is bullshit'
welcome, that sensation only lasts as long as you let it. If you want to BE more, you have to DO more.

Hand with time stamp

Stop playing vidya and become a leader of your people user

Cyberpunk is gonna be shit

> 1 post by this ID

just go kill some powerful jews and become a martyr user

this. Show hand or kill yourself larper