Greta Thunberg DC Climate Rally Turns Into a Party
We already knew the whole thing was fake and gay.
What a cock sucker. Literally.
whaaaaaat??? a gay kike???? but that's punishable by death in the torah and talmud!
Let the rabbi deal with these matters
Did I just witness a jew dropping it like it's hot?
Lefty politics is one giant game of make believe. Speaking of make believe. Hitler should have gassed the gays.
>retarded attention seeking manchildren start twirking in front of the cameras
I really wonder what future history books will say about this time period. I think it's a blessing most of this shit is happening on the internet, if the grid ever goes down for a considerable amount of time, all this degeneracy will be lost to history.
that's a faggot
oy vey delet this
current year [X]
yea he will deal with it behind closed doors alright
And people wonder why suicide is on the rise.
He started my pipeline if you know what i mean
>He started my pipeline if you know what i mean
no what do you mean?
He has a nice ass for a guy no homo tho lol
Why do liberals want to make everything homosexual
>always the one soiboi kike degenerate in cutoffs and rainbow suspenders
> Thinking any of these degenerates genuinely care about the environment
Holy Jew
No it Didn't turn into a dance/twerk party, estsblishment shills (the gay dancer Jewish guy) were trying to subvert the rally. That's what happened. Then he probably went home and started posting on Jow Forums about lefties this libtards that. Just like this thread.
Thanks RWJ.
if get this Yid dances all over you goytoys and steals ur girl