>imagine following a kike shill who literally says the muslim dogs are his brothers
Imagine following a kike shill who literally says the muslim dogs are his brothers
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Both jews and muslims need to fuck off europe or die
He's a strange one. He's clearly tradpilled but his d&c bullshit really makes him look like a fool.
>Don't follow Patriarchy goy ,it's bad
this is why I have nothing in common with atheists.
all they worship is race, they dont understand the importance of right mentality.
>the best way to save man is to remove god
>since the followers of Abraham are forever tied to Him, they are exempt; as they are not men anyway
I unironically agree. Retards think skin color is more important than ideology but yet fail to realize that it is white people that are supporting the prostitution of their own nations for shit skins.
blood is thicker than water.
but feel free to celebrate with your African brothers in arms, almost 400 million Christians there now. So you can celebrate with your browned skinned brothers as you forget your blood and dream of the afterlife more than this earth.
white people became the most degenerate fucks on the face of the planet once they abandoned Christianity. We went from being modest, nationalist Christians to degenerate faggots who force transgender surgeries on our 5 year old kids..
yet wignates believe its fine because "WeLL, aT LeAsT thEyRe wHitE"
Islam is right about women.
>all they worship is race, they dont understand the importance of right mentality.
The right mentality comes with the right genes. If it was culture we could teach you to be less autistic but we all know that that is not going to happen.
ofc pagans always promote feminism cause of muh matriarchal society, white knight larpers
>The right mentality comes with the right genes
and see
He is right though about that particular case though. Byzantine Empire was shit from day 1. It had free movement for all kind of syrian, lebanese and armenian subhumans to the point that during one day Constantinople was 90% made of syrian and armenoid filth. During the Turkish reign it unironically became more European by accident, because a lot of Bosniaks, Serbians, Croatians and even rogue Ukrainian bandits settled there
same goes for all christian leaders in Europe that must be lined up and shot for vocal anti-racism
And yet spics and blacks never support free market reforms and continually vote for socialism.
Sure, I'd love a blackie who votes for AnCap but his children or kinfolk will eventually regress to the retard mean and vote for gibs from whites.
of course, white-knighting is the only way those faggots can pull some autistic women anyway.
Carolyn Emerick is more feminist than the average swedish liberal.
>white people became the most degenerate fucks on the face of the planet once they abandoned Christianity.
Oo yeah totally. Or maybe you are just a nostalgic brainlet that romanticizes the past.
Part of worshipping your Race comes that you reject degenerates of it: racetraiotrs, trannies etc
yeah, christcucks need to fuck off or die too.
>the right mentality comes with the right genes
It may start with the right genes. But a white human raised by a single mother more often than not ends up in the same boat as any nigger, spic, or chink also raised by a single mother.
A mixed human raised in a house with both parents has a huge head start and is more likely to be successful than even the purest white raised by a single mother.
>I would defend this guy because he is the same race even though he doesnt give a shit about race himself
Why did he even make this tweet
Point being that christians CAN ONLY be tolerable, when they are radically European in spirit and would have no problem siding with Europeans of other religious or non-religious views to protect the commond, land, blood and interitance.
And in Scandinavia it wasn't atheists to protest the Institute of Racial Science and shill for an end of Apartheid in South Africa. That effort was led by the Church of Sweden
>It may start with the right genes. But a white human raised by a single mother more often than not ends up in the same boat as any nigger
Look at monozygotic twins who are separated at birth, they end up having the same hobbies, and often choose the same life paths.
Post proof.
race and genes doesn't mean shit, my biggest enemies were always white socialists/leftists
>race and genes doesn't mean shit
>my biggest enemies were always white socialists/leftists
absolute none isue. The more serious issues are drunks, junkies, people that watch tv, people with obesity and low IQ people with confidence in their own opinions.
I can't find it so fast. but here is something close to it.
>france supports muslims against habsburg
Imagine being this retarded like OP.
>boo muslims always bad. Kikes always good.
By typing out trannies I simply adressed that meme tier christcuck screeching.
Degenerates that slept with nonwhites should be fucking shot, drunks, junkies can be sterilised and reeducated.
Can someone explain to me what the problem is? His position seems pretty rational.
>simply adressed that meme tier christcuck screeching
I mean it is disgusting, but how many are there really? Yeah i agree with you on the rest or maybe reform addicts. I don't hold it against them, it is just bad for themselves and society.
christcucks hate white muslims yet would allow their daughters to marry nigger christcucks, so saying that you are brothers with a white man who is also a muslim really triggers them.
the reality of course is that all subhuman semitic religions should be destroyed and there is virtually no difference between a muslim, a jew, and a christian.
Islam is a manly, warrior religion and has much in common with the Germanic spirit. Alienating a potential ally (Islam) for Jews (irrelevant) or Christians (major enemy) is absurd.
>only retards believe in God!
>Christians are retards!
>Muslims are based!
He's just a typical gaytheist.
Very interesting. Ill have to look into this more. Thanks.
its just another flavor of the same abrahamic shit.
depends on christcucks in question, but generally speaking many White muzzies fraternise with nonwhite subhumans too much cuz muh pisslam
There is no Germanic spirit in pisslam
you see worshipping a fuckign arab that had nigger apostles like Bilal cant be counted as European practice
>epitome of stockholm syndrome
>but generally speaking many White muzzies fraternise with nonwhite subhumans
Yeah because Islam is for all tribes, just like Christianity, only the Jews exclude others.
>nigger apostles like Bilal cant be counted as European practice
Haha true, that's why these arab chicks think they are justified in fucking Negros.
Muhammad was an Aryan, described as fair skin and red hair. As a ginger myself I recognize a lot of the same traits in his character. I'm an Odinist but I say it's necessary to build bridges with Islam
Naah Muslims have a few good points, they don't turn the other cheek and they are allowed more wifu's, but other than that it is shit.
>it's necessary to build bridges with Islam
why not just nuke them? lel
Imagine following anyone or even worse, being a meme flaggot
you mean a creepy cunt with no soul?
You can change faith. Not genetics.
You're a retard, plain and simple.
fun fact: like a third of arabshit hoes in Britannia and Frankreich fucked with nignogs
based beyond belief
Moe was some kurdish subhuman or other arabic trash like that. Whats Aryan about that?
the only brindge with pisslam that can be built is one that is getting blowed up after with as many muzzies as possible on it
So was Jesus
>They're strange ones. The pharisees are tradpilled, but their d&c bullshit really makes them look like fools
>kike shill
>spends his whole life talking about how the kikes are bad
Hmmmm this post smells of shill to me.
Lol digits confirm. Based Ivan.
No, Nordic paganism would crush them all just like Hitler said, they are all Semite religions
Exactly we should reject the faulty axioms of Semitic religions.
Imagine being a christian and for a split second thinking you've come up with an interesting and original idea and you're intelligent. No, friends, your thinking has been done for you. It's in the Bible and you can't deviate from it. Bible is ideology alone. Retards are race alone.
National Socialism has ALWAYS been about RACE AND IDEOLOGY TOGETHER. How are you this uneducated? Do you think that the nazis would have let niggers in Deutschland proper just because they claimed to be nazis? Or do you think that they would have let in white communists just because they are white? On just how many levels of the idiot pill are you on?
Based user.
Christianity is a pressure valve that only radicalized degeneracy. They still fume at the church, even though it has been powerless since it lost state support. I'm not saying it should be embraced, but it should be handled in a different way, not repressing it and hiding it in your room. That's how Jozef Fritzl is born.
>ITT: gaytheism and pisslam is (((based)))
Republicans are good?
Get the fuck off this board shitskin troll.
>gaytheism and pisslam
How childish. Grow up come back in a few years. also many republicans a civ nationalist cucks. You need to leave that old Republican democrat dichotomy behind you, because neither are really serving your intrest.
imagine using literally any form of social media outside of Jow Forums
do people here actually have Twitter and Kikebook accounts and "follow" people with them?
>Goes on the his computer on the Internet to say fuck white people
I'm a meritocratic nationalist. Worthless faggots get the rope.
>Worthless faggots get the rope
How will the republicans ever get elected again?
>meritocratic nationalist
huh, i was unaware that civic nationalism was trying to rebrand itself, kek.
>meritocratic nationalist
so you propose giving voting rights and other civic priviliges only to accomplished Whites?
because little you know that nationalism can only be rooted in either race or ethnicity. sometimes both
varg may be suspect, but anyone who says the man in the pig is a 'muslim dog' is an ass clown.
that man is as Aryan as Dolph Lungren.
Like wtf man. This man has no chance of ever looking like a chick. At least shave your fucking happy trail so some progressive betamale can squint and pretend you're a woman.
>0/10 no effort given
Theres some subliminal homosexuality in Gandalf tweet.
Christkikes bashing the existence of the white race and its continued survival, again. What a surprise.
That retard is just mad the ones who gave civilization to the world, are the ones who defeated muslims back to their deserts
Jews and muslims work together
does it take effort to be this retarded?
""Jewish and Muslim leaders from 15 countries have gathered in southern Italy to attend an event focusing on the dialogue and the partnership between the two communities, the German newspaper DW reported on Saturday.
"Imams and rabbis are coming together on their own, without third-party mediation — here in Europe, outside the Middle East. And that they're saying, we don't want anyone to tell us how relations between Jews and Muslims have to be," Tarafa Baghajati, a prominent Austrian imam"
Apparently, if you're a Christkike.
If you say so, retard.
He’d sacrifice his life for a handsome Turkish man, sounds like he has no self respect
All I did was post a screenshot. Typical Christkike getting hiney holocausted over light being shined on their insanity.
>the muslim dogs (plural) are his brothers
You mean that specific muslim (singular) is his brother, or are you implying all muslims are blond and blue eyed?
And how long will it take to teach niggers the "right mentality" you dumb faggot? Another hundred years, two hundred, more?
Nigs and spics are more religious now in the US but does your retarded ass actually believe that'll save you?
Say SHTF and you're stuck in a city, do you think that cross around your neck will protect your neck from savages who even believe the same?
>t meme flag retard
> pagancuck schizos
pagancucks are fucking retards who believe 90% of Europeans aren't even white like that vargtard.
That Tweet was cringy as fuck and borderline gay. WTF Varg
t. seething spic
>white Christians are our worst enemy because they follow desert God
>white Muslims are my brothers, praise Allah!
Why does this guy suck so much muslim dick, is he half-jewish or something
>if you kill your enemies, they win
pagancucks are anti-whites who push d&c tactics so that whites fight themselves instead of uniting under the cross and fighting the kikes and mudslimes.
Europe is a Christian Nation and Christendom is Europe and vice versa.
Shitskins rally around Islam, Whites need to rally under our Christian Faith and fight against these nonwhite infidels.
They are.
Consider their father.
Imagine being this fucking delusional
They didn't fight them back, they killed fellow Europeans and the fought muslims IN the desert while other muslims killed Euopeans
oh, and christians didn't build the world, Euopeans did.
By that logic Africa should be thriving right now aswell
>promotes the exact opposite of paganism historically and every indo European society
wat. Is varg dum dum
>Europe is a Christian nation
Ffs, at least try not to sound like a retard.
yikes mdude