Media montage:
Islam Is Right About Women
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One of the worst memes ever created by this god forsaken hell hole
>1 post by this ID
Most women of today? Sure.
Keep this thread bumped.
Have you heard that women’s unemployment is at a record low under the Trump administration? How great for the economy! If all goes according to plan, all women will be in cubicle jobs where they belong.
Black slaves
To America
Was a
That's fucking based!
No. Being against slavery isn't remotely controversial. Stupid idea.
Repeal the 19th
show flag rabbi
If you've ever seen a woman from up close you'd no that NO
This is good
shut up, memeflaggot dipshit
I wasn't being serious you autist.
>Islam Is Right About Women
Islam treats women better than men. No forced circumcision, her money is hers alone, no forced dress code (men have to wear their beard 24/7) and so on.
Reminder there is no phase 2
>her money is hers alone
I know that pic was made by a leftist but it's unironically true.
>women's rights haven't made women happier
If you weren’t a coward you would turn off your meme flag
>woman can starve her kids to death and man will be blamed for this
The double meaning being that we would be better off without blacks.
You can say it's anti slavery, but just as well that it's anti black.
That's why the islam poster worked so well.
Does anyone have a poster generator. How do i make one of these. Is there a template or website that can do it?
What? That's not cool. Its just upsetting, I just don't like it. It just isn't necessary to be up and out in the street. I think its disgusting, its unsettling. Its somewhat of a misconception that like Islam I guess hates women. It's either about women, its either about Islam, its about both, I'm not really sure what the point trying to be made is but either way it is just... it is just terrible. That kind of sign is very upsetting to anyone either with an Islamic background or FOR MANY WOMEN. I think its short sighted. I think its unfortunate. I don't know that you've gained anything that you've wanted.
I like this.
Oh my god. Brilliant.
I've never seen anything on this board enrage shills as much as this has. Did they react to Its OK To Be White with this much anger?
they belong at home cleaning the residence
Yes it was.
I have a feeling that judgement day is coming very soon. God must be so disappointed in what His creation has become.
So close:
Bringing Blacks
To America
Was a Mistake
Braggadocio is Trump's second greatest flaw. His greatest flaw is hiring nevertrumpers Washington insiders who mysteriously don't implement his agenda. A populist democrat could give him a real challenge.
No one is going to think that perhaps slavery was a blessing in disguise because it gave us all of these blacks. And it will be seen as being racist for singling out the race of the slaves.
This is good too, but saying slaves leaves it open to interpretation as anti-slavery bs.
The ambiguity os where the power comes from
that one based muslim woman who knows that her gender is filled with roasties
No it's saying that black slavery was bad.
You see, the fact that evn you cant get it is good. Imagone the confusion it will cause the normies. It will make them think and possibly come to the conclusion the the US would be better off without blacks
>No it's saying that black slavery was bad.
And as a result most people will see it as being a racist message and nothing more.
>It will make them think and possibly come to the conclusion the the US would be better off without blacks
That's an absurd conclusion. In the minds of left wingers the United States should have had open borders since its founding, and thus in their ideal world the USA would have a significant black population even in the absence of slavery.
This sucks and will not work, do not do this. IiRAW works because of the inherent hypocrisy, people aren't gonna follow your logic long enough to go "oh that means there wouldn't be any black people here too!"
i saw this on the news and knew it was you mad lads. god bless Jow Forums, godbless
Which news station? City? Link?
Translation: IIRAW threatens to derail the Democratic Party strategy of getting white women to vote against white interests.
i forget sry man
Ship those niggers back! would be how you do that style. But you knew that when you wrote your post, didn't you. You scared little Democrat.
Only if you post it at the Muslim Student Center of your local college.
i think the next step of action is fairly obvious, you retards.
>islam is right about sexual rights
or something similar but worded better
How hard is it to copy all the info from previous threads so you can make a decent OP you lazy niggers
Ever tried to work with woman?
It's fucking god damn hell.
They are useless, never met an exception.
oh and EVERYTHING they don't like is harassment, I'm considering quitting my current job over this, not worth it.
what does it mean?
Friendly reminder that ALL attempts at a phase two are tranny discord shills and ledditors attempting to subvert IOTBW
>Friendly reminder that ALL attempts at a phase two are tranny discord shills and ledditors attempting to subvert IOTBW
This is happening, faggot. Deal with it.
Ah the fictional unicorn.
understood sir
she 100% fucks that dog.
>she 100% fucks that dog.
You know that poster is doing something right when the kikes get so triggered the come here trying to splinter this thing with a million different and inevitably less effective slogans.
Bump the thread a few times please.
When the fuck was the last time IOTBW was featured in a high profile news story? What good is it if nobody is paying attention anymore? IIRAW is superior in every way, nobody can argue against it without making themselves look bad.
what breed is that, and how big are its poops?
Im convinced that some of these "no phase two" fags are shills who are butthurt about us memeing IRL.
If it's so bad, then why does it work so well?
>When the fuck was the last time IOTBW was featured in a high profile news story?
A year ago, and the reaction then was less than than it was from the year before if you count the news articles and reports on it. IIRAW is obviously going to get more of a reaction now.
top kek.
Can't believe it already blew up! Keep it up ,niggers
I'm like 82% sure that isn't a android trying to blend in as a human. That butt is too good.
Holy shit that is top kek, I did not hear about this but quite funny.
Imagine the smell.
show flag kike
this is the next step after IIRAM has run its course
everyone is entitle to their opinions
I wouldn't quit over it but yeah, women in the workplace is nonsense. They have a million and one manipulation tactics to get men to do work for them, or to claim credit for work men have done by contributing a cherry on top and then collecting all the accolades. HR is just a feminist colony in every workplace that promotes this sort of shit. It's exhausting.
You are so fucking jelly.
Islam is right about gays is more effective.
Or better yet both. This is an excellent manouver for trolling and having the left self-destruct when confronted with the reality of multicultural liberalism
What is with white women dating dogs? They don't even hide it. Will the be the next LGBT letter?
>What is with white women dating dogs? They don't even hide it.
Only a sick, sick person would see anything wrong with such a wholesome webm.
Samoyed, my friend's parents used to breed them and mostly SWFs bought the males.
Anons are care about keks.
Don't anger the alphabet people!!!
Here's one for Jow Forums that I unironically believe.