How does it feel to be the lapdog to your corporate overlords? Do you get giddy when they cut taxes even further for the wealthy? Yeah you really owned those libs by shooting yourself in the foot.
How does it feel to be the lapdog to your corporate overlords...
How does it feel to be canadian?
t. SSL socks 5 proxy
S-shut up LTV isn’t real but my boss worked hard to inherit those shekels
don't tread on me
Answer my question first bitch
Do you really still believe voting makes a difference?
Look at the USA in 2016, Clinton vs Trump.
Both were put in place by the corporate overlords to make sure everything keeps running as intended.
commie faggot kill yourself
>implying you share any of the tax burden
Get a job.
Answer my question first bitch
Why aren't you mad at the people who can pay taxes but don't?
eat shit and die commie chink faggot
They do. You don't. He who pays the largest share should have the greatest say in where that money goes.
Answer my question first bitch
>Implying 90% of taxes dont go to pay for wellfair nigger babies in the inner cities
Inequality is a good thing. Capitalist feudalism will accelerate the process by which humanity evolves into an overclass (high IQ, attractive, and organised) and an underclass (low IQ, ugly, tendency towards criminality, drug addiction, etc). It's already happening.
They don't, not nearly as much as we're owed. If they paid their fair share then the Panama papers wouldn't exist. You're just cucked by your corporate overlords
I was giddy when they cut my foreskin
How's it feel to have no free speech? How's the high taxes for sub par healthcare?
Shouldn't I be asking you that?
>American criticizing others healthcare
US healthcare isn't that much more expensive, when they're buying the same thing. Most of the difference comes from Americans buying more healthcare. America has a greater GDP per capita than nearly anywhere in Europe
The US has the most healthcare specialists in the world by far. People fly from all over the globe to get procedures done. Thousands of Canadians crossing border to get better treatment every year. Canadians being jailed and put in front of human rights tribunal for jokes...Canada is not great
Yeah no shit all the doctors go to America, your medical system is fucked so why wouldn't they squeeze every penny out of you morons.
>"I might be financing this new kidney until I die but at least I got it 6 months before you did idiot."
At least if I slip and fall on the ice I won't be worried that an ambulance is going to drain my savings
This but unironically
Pretty great, progress is unstoppable. Being on the winning team is always fun, go Wey-Yu!
You don't deserve free shit for existing.
Contribute or starve
Shut up kike. This is an ecofascist board.
because you have none thanks to 40% income tax
Wow, you're right. So who should I vote for that isn't bought and owned?
Fuck leafs.
I wasn't being ironic. It's better that the great breed with the great, so that more children will be great as opposed to mediocre. Capitalism effectively allows for wealth inequality which creates class and social difference inbetwixt the great and the lowly.
Are you still on the winning team if you're the one living paycheck to paycheck?
You do realise most of those are social problems right? You can sterilize a hundred criminals but you're still going to have theives. Hell if we sterilized every shoplifter then every upper class white woman would be fucked.
Then why do we let the corporate millionaires do it?
Wanna try that sentence again?
That's not what I was getting at. I'm saying stand up and stop acting like a lapdog.
Yeah rich jews and traitor whites are an issue but communism isnt the answer
feels good, i love having more money in my pocket. not everyone is a peasant like leaf
>we're owed
Who owes you, and for what?
Not what I said. Communism would have the same problem.
We as in the people. We're busting our ass paying taxes while the rich just sneak it away into offshore accounts. Could you imagine what we could do with the money corporations hide away?
>You do realise most of those are social problems right?
No, I don't. The 'social deprivation' hypothesis is retarded.
I want things... i have to work to have those things. When i no longer want those things then i no longer have to work. When im content with living under a tree or in a cave then I will move there and eat grass but as it stands now i want more than that so i have to work to be able to afford it. The only people giving work are people who have work to give so i work for them to have the things i want to work for. If they dont have work then i dont have to ability to work for the things i want to work for so i dont have the thing i want to work for. If there was no work then there would be no things to work for and the tree would be were id go but there is currently work so i work for the things i want to work for so i have them.
Not as retarded as thinking brain structure is different because of your skull shape.
I'm not saying work is pointless, or to work towards something is stupid. I'm saying why are we working harder for less than the people giving the jobs? Do you really believe a CEO deserves a million dollar bonus while at the same time axing those jobs that we need so he can justify it?
I didn't mention anything about skull shape. Crime is likely to be caused by: low time horizons; indifference to societal rules; low empathy, etc. Behaviour always has basis in dispositions and dispositions have basis in biology.
Capitalism is grea-
Which is more likely? Committing a crime because you don't give a shit? Or commiting a crime because you need to pay rent? Or feed your kids? Because you can't hold a job because you can't afford a car, or you keep getting sick because you live in squalor, or because you couldn't get an education because you needed a full time job at 15 so you could survive. Yeah, I'm sure there are gang bangers out there who love crime. But I guarantee 90% of them will tell you they started because they had to
>being this gullible
Why do so many poor people not commit crime then? Why do women, who are more likely to be poor than men, commit much less crime?
Because not everybody is the same and you can't live solely by statistics. Just because someone is a white male doesn't mean they're going to shoot up a school.
>Because not everybody is the same
Might these differences have something to do with genes???
>Just because someone is a white male doesn't mean they're going to shoot up a school.
No one has claimed that, leftist dipshit. Just because you're a nigger doesn't mean you have to be stupid.
Actually, I hate everyone and want all of you dead.