Enjoy the last year of Trump, because come next November, you will enter the age of Pax Liberalis. The American people have endured one term of a “conservative president” and as with after Bush, they are ready to swing far left. In 2020, the majority of US children will be BROWN. You are a FUCKING RELIC and you are DYING. Every year old racist whites are dying and new, vibrant, energetic colored youth are coming of voting and age, and as opposed to their parents and grandparents, they know that the future of this country is there’s for the taking. From Minnesota to Maine, the so called “pure white” bastions are taking in massive numbers of people of color from Africa, and they are fertile and will in a generation’s time, turn every last red state BLUE. It will be easy. The fly over states that the GOP depends on for electoral votes can be swung just by one large city. White nationalism is fucking dead. The future is BROWN, the future is QUEER, the future is NOW and your time is fucking over.
You’ve lost
Look at all this gay text I'm not going to read. This is now an announcement thread.
That won't happen at all. Plutocrats are locked and loaded and ready to hack and big media spend.
Stay scared, disgusted, and vote R. We'll take care of the rest.
I'm not too worried about queer brown people. Other brown people throw them off rooftops.
>Hillary visits pol again
'huwite' the Jew who won't say he's a Jew!
Fuck off faggot
I'm a Jeeeeewwuwuwu!
You know I’m right. Here, using your own image, Jow Forums. You know that it’s only a matter of time. Without old white people, you are toast. It’s a numbers game that you cannot possibly hope to win. Trump was elected just in time to capitalize on the dying gasp of white-majority America. Unfortunately for you, the tipping point has passed. Every year the colored share of the population will overtake the white share more and more, and even electing the most right-wing president possible you haven’t slowed down the “browning” of America in the slightest. If anything, you’ve pissed minorities off and emboldened them to accelerate it and its fucking beautiful. You have no idea how badly you’re about to get btfo next year and you don’t even have social media and the internet anymore lol. You’re so fucked it’s hilarious. You’re all going to grow up to be that old racist recluse of an uncle who never accepted that the civil rights movement happened and spends all his time on the internet. Just get out of the Alt Right now while there is still a chance.
Implying minority's only vote for democrats. Sage
Literally never happens in America. This country is a melting pot and brings out the best in everyone who embraces the diversity instead of rejecting it. Get out of your basement some night. Go downtown, go to a club and see how the majority of the population lives. There are people of all colors and creeds and orientations together having a good time and they are happy. They have diverse friends and learn and are enriched through interacting with people who are different from them. You live in a bubble you’ve created. You see everything in terms of conflict and siege mentality, but everyone is not out to get you, Jow Forums. White people have just gotten over their power trip and are settling down to be just another group in the sea of races and ethnicities that make up our world, and they are better because of it. I know you’re too proud to admit it here, but deep down you know I’m right. Give the new world a chance. Date a black gal, go to a Mexican restaurant, go to the movies with a mixed group of your classmates and see how much fun it can be. You don’t have to live this way, Jow Forums. You’re fighting a struggle that is against time and history itself. It can’t be won, you’ll just waste your life worrying about shit that can’t be changed.
Statistically speaking, yes they do. And I will explain why as a voice of reason. It’s not because they hate whites like you angry white men believe so fervently, it’s because they aren’t brainwashed by Christian moralism and supremacist word-views that bring out the very worst in people. People of color don’t care about everyone owning a gun because many of them have fled violence and prefer a friendly society where every race isn’t a potential executioner when they go outside for a walk. They are pro-choice because they want freedoms that the oppressive regimes many of them have fled don’t allow women control over their reproductive rights. Etc. Colored people know what it is to live in a right-wing autocracy and don’t want such a things happening in the US. You on the other hand, no offense, have never experienced that. All you do is look at uniforms of German soldiers and reminisce about a utopia that never existed because you never experienced it and only imagine something better than ever existed, because you’ve never had to struggle in your life. Get off of your high horse for just a second and consider that the future can be built by people of all races and creeds, and it can be a good one of whites will just chill for a moment and stop pretending they are special.
There is nothing “diverse” about the color brown.
You’re out of your mind. You really think the intelligence agency and homeland security are going to allow Russian meddling and Alt Right hacking again this time? You’re living in 2016. It’s not the golden age of your Pepe Movement anymore. The novelty is gone, people despise your ass.
"The future is brown queers"
We know, that's what makes all this so funny.
>Latino cultures
>African cultures
>South Asian cultures
>Middle Eastern cultures
>Indian cultures
>Native American cultures
>Pacific Islander cultures
>Aboriginal cultures
There is nothing “diverse” about the color white
>explain why as a voice of reason.
Reason is one letter away from Treason... for a reason. The world isn't dictated by logic, if it were, paradoxes and contradictions wouldn't exist even in the abstract. Children grow up when they put down their toys, and I'll admit, Logic is quite the fun toy.
>the future is QUEER
Technically, that's not really possible.
Well white is all colors combined so it's really the most diverse color. Name any other color that contains all other colors.
And there is nothing wrong with that. aid everyone is brown and all lifestyles are accepted, there will be no more supremacy and discrimination. We’re so close to that paradise if we can just defeat the specter of white supremacy used by war lobbies and retrograde bigots to engineer conflict between peoples. They’re afraid of one united world, one humanity that stops seeing race conflict and instead sees all of humanity as brothers and turns on the capitalist elites instead that are really causing and profiting off conflict. You all need to reexamine where you stand in all this. The mixing of races isn’t something to be opposed, it’s something that should be embraced and accelerated.
Now you’re just being a goofball. Scientific properties of the color white has nothing to do with the fact that white “culture” is essentially nonexistent and is only a commercialized conglomeration of bad country and hipster music, Starbucks, Nascar, and Netflix. Whites are starving for identity and culture, that’s why most of them adore and embrace immigrants and the wealth of culture they bring.
The future is not liberal. Liberals end up gay with diseases and no children and poorer than a nigger household on welfare then die.
The future is not brown. It is white. Browns are dumb, dirty, smelly and violent. They didn't achieve the internet. They didn't invent cleanliness. They sacrificed children and invented slavery.
The future is not queer. A boy may trap in his bathroom for being lonely but he's got to make a choice. Either be a faggot or it's a one time thing due to loneliness. It's cute when it's a boy but not when it's a grown man doing the trapping. By age 16 you're a man so it's time to stop fapping and get a girlfriend.
The future is not now. Far off from now we see the seeds Trump planted. He tried to get along with all the mud races within his country. He destroyed Obama's legacy. I'd say he did good. What can the left deliver? Nothing. We need true conservatives like Ron Paul in our gov. We need less Obamas.
As all the races mix and become more advanced all humans will eventually turn white. You think human beings exploring space will get alot of sun? No. As more and more humans begin living indoors they will turn whiter and whiter and that is the future. Skinny pale white spacemen.
Whether you like it or not, it’s going to happen eventually. The sooner all races blend in their various gifts into one ultimate kickass brown human race, we will have overcome the great filter of racial conflict and instead direct our eyes to the starts. Be part of the future, you guys, let go of a past that was never that great.
You saying this in the MIDDLE OF THE BIGGEST DEMOCRATIC SCANDAL FOR A CANDIDATE IN HISTORY is saying a lot. Biden is done. You're last chance to beat trump is over. Socialism or Trump. We've won. The stage has been set and you've lost. keep shilling, whine baby.
The facts are in, the future is brown, therefore the future is liberal. It’s the only way that a mixed world can live in harmony.
I can't tell if you're with them or just a delusion dipshit like I was 7 years ago. Humans are violent, tribalistic and they know what is different when staring it in the face and it fucking scares them.
Leave your basement and go talk to some voters. No one has heard of this Biden conspiracy aside from tin hat wearing right wing larpers on the darkest parts of the internet. Warren will probably be the Democratic dominee anyway, although Yang would be a better choice against Drumph.
It doesn’t have to be that way. We can overcome our violent instincts. The culture shift against toxic masculinity has made a lot of men come to terms with the fact that aggression and fighting doesn’t solve our problems. If you really think that whites are special, then set an example by being the first race to abandon that violence and work towards world peace.
Dude what? Are you in the basement? Literally everyones talking about how Trump pressured Ukraine. It's EVERYWHERE. What are you even talking about? Lmao
Warren being the nominee is the....point O_O ARe you...god you are so out of touch with reality. No one is going to vote for her over trump bro. It's over. Biden was their last shot and they fucked it.
hippy bait thread. ignore
Most Americans (poplar vote) would vote for ANYONE over Trump in 2016, and even more so in 2019
Link something faggot. That's the OPPOSITE of the truth. Trump has the highest support among his party in American HISTORY. No president has hit 92% support. Not Obama, not nobody nigger. Get fucked you've lost HAHAHAHHAHAHAH
I only go violent if I get pissed, and lucky everyone else, I have the patience of 33 saints. The only way to overcome the violent instincts is through learning who you are, there is no other way to get self-control. The toxic Masculinity has polarized niche groups and demoralized males identifying merely in title, around the world. Everywhere you go, The preacher on the Street Calls you a Son of the Original Sinner, Adam. Science calls you a primal beast generated by random happen stance, and whether you live or die purely random determism. Politics bastardizes everyone not in the "In" group and every gets a label of enemy.
You are fucking blind my friend.
>he does it for free
go post on r*ddit faggot
That’s what you said in 2016...before you lost.
Are you typing this from your safe space, you literal faggot?
and don't forget to cut off your dick on you way into the New World Order goyim
If you actually believed that you wouldn't be here kike.
I’m tired of seeing white kids fuck their lives up because they are entranced by racist memes on this toxic site.
Lmao if anything more people are gonna vote for Trump. Almost everybody hates fucking leftists now because of what absolute cunts you idiots turned into to after 2016. Youre like that one friend everybody has that they tolerate up until something doesn't go their way one day and they decide to just piss everybody off. You're all done buddy you and your socialist faggot friends are over.
Keep pushing your propaganda...If your fantasy was true Trump should have been defeated by landslide in 2016...Brown kids?...lol...give me a break cnn.
fuckin based and absolutely god damned redpilled
Americas love elites so? They are stupid enough to vote for the ones who fuck them in the ass.
Hillary literally won the popular vote
You do realize literally everyone hates leftists now right? You do realize like 60% of once proud liberals now consider themselves apolitical right? No? Hahaha, you’l learn.
Then don't make racism taboo, simple. Let hate rear its' ugly head for all to see and let it stand alone in it's seething solitude. If uncovered, it will burn itself up, but smothered it will coninue to smolder and as it does, it'll catch those that are nearby.
Just because they’re a certain race doesn’t mean they’ll vote a certain party, I’m of Chinese decent and is a registered republican.
No one on this site has fucked up their life. No one on this site who was going to be of societal value has changed from this site. Every useless retard here would be useless before and after. The fact you don't grasp how political revolutions manipulating the early adopters function shows you're just some blind moron who thinks they can change anything.
You're the waste of space. You're the useless white male. You're the piece of shit faggot. You will achieve and do nothing. Keep dreaming and projecting you're fears homo.
Which doesn’t matter, It’s hilarious to me you still haven’t learned how US elections work.
Jokes on you, nigger. Nobody on pol likes trump
Texas is already blue, and once the GOP loses Texas it’ll be the fucking Republicans demanding the electoral college be abolished lmao
Statistically the vast majority of Asians and all other nonwhite groups vote Democrat.
>You’re living in 2016. It’s not the golden age of your Pepe Movement anymore. The novelty is gone, people despise your ass.
Exactly. Not only will Trump lose by a landslide, there's now a distinct possibility that dems will take the Senate too.
Can you imagine all the buttrage from the Trump supporters?
Not electoral college.
See: It will likely be a Democratic supermajority and it will immediately be followed by gun control measures, and when the racist rednecks start threatening violence over it, the authorities will finally have the justification to mass arrest the subversives and shut down this site for good. White nationalism is about to go the way of ISIS.
That's what you fuckin dummies were saying in 2012 "There's never gonna be another republican"
"Republicans will be extinct like the Whig party".
Lmao now you got Trump to deal with. And were gonna do it to you again and again and again.
The Democrats had control of the house for 64 years, broken only for 4 years during that time.
The democrats have lost that.
Support your states with facts because you look fucking dumb now. Goof
Democrats had majority for 64 years how is this "new". You are the same retard spamming thsi thread. Leave. Literally. You're a faggot lmao
>thinking Trump won due to "election meddling" and "hacking" that amounted to posting shitty meme ads on facebook
Give me a fucking break.
The country was still white enough to vote for far-right assholes in 2012. It’s not anymore. Demographics have thankfully changed. Texas going blue will be the final nail in the coffin of “conservatives”
Nothing will ever match the absolute assblasting you guys took in 2016. There have never been more butthurt dipshits in existence at once than Nov 2016 and there never will be again.
The only reason so many whites feel they have no culture is because they've been taught to embrace the culture of their national background is racist and "white supremacist". Kike.
>Enjoy the last year of Trump
It's funny because you never thought there was a chance that would ever happen.
You're still in denial. You got a long way to go.
Well, I was just saying that I think it is wrong to think that whole group of people think the same way, especially in a large country like the US.
That's exactly what you stupid assholes were sayin then, but yet here we are.
You are literally saying the same things Brenton Tarrant wrote in his manifesto.
What kind of troll are you?
I don’t believe Obama was “far right”
Is current year man really still relevant?
Man, you're just full of hate aren't ya?
>checked hitlerdubz
You’re a frightened child, user. You’ve been brainwashed. It’s not too late for you to become a person of substance. Re-think your life choices.
user I didn't vote for and I don't like Trump. But you're a moron if you think I'm going to vote for Biden. And you're a double moron if you think I'll vote for Sanders or Warren.
keep coping faggot, because you're about to lose massively.
Watch this is the year that Minnesota turned red.
Probably a fucking dipshit like I was so long ago.
Well, he wasn’t wrong about those statistics, but instead of accepting them and just living a good life and making the world a better place, he hurt a bunch of people that did him no wrong and ended up in prison, which is what will happen to all of you if you keep following this dead end ideology of futility and hate.
More PROPAGANDA...Your "if this happens"..is comedy everyday.
FPBP OP completely BTFO'ed and is now on suicide watch
you understand that after you do this no one will like you
you and your friends are still fucking losers hahaha
pretty sure a ton of asians were deported as well.
Asians have strong ties to distant relatives, and I guarantee if they had family "sent back" they aint voting for this clown again.
Ya stole my numbers bud
>it’s not too late for you to become a person of substance
I don’t know if my heart can take that dramatic a weight gain
>enjoy the last year of Trump
I didn't enjoy any of the other years of the orange faggot, so why would I enjoy his last year?
At least no Democrats got arrested for any of their crimes, it would be a damn shame if there was equal justice
Why would you choose this image, of all images
They will molest the next generation of queers if they must
How much do you deadlift?
What are "all colors"? Just shades of shit brown and black? Thx but no thx you sound really scared tho, like nervous
If Tarrant was right, why are your liberal buddies so worried about covering up their mischiefs? Why deem ethnic replacement as a conspiracy theory? If you are so close to achieve your raced mixed utopia, why the hurry in covering the tracks of your crime?
Fuck this website sucks now. I'm out.
Its all so tiresome leaf friend
Glad I reached one person here. It’ll be shut down around late summer, 2020 anyway.