Iran Did Nothing Wrong
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I love the Revolutionary Guard.
this is now a faggot thread
do they have a central bank controlled by an international banking family?
Zero Proof
> There's no proof! None
> Seriously this part is me not being a troll for a second
> This could possibly be a classic move by the CIA to set Iran up for destruction.
> They've done worse for less
Possible stock market manipulation?
> Country that executes more than any other and blew up hundreds of marines din du nuffin.
Hat, when can we annex you?
There's hating Jews and being opposed to needless foreign wars and then there's this stupid "Muslims killing whypipo are BASED" bullshit
Iranians really need to drop Islam. It's such a shitty religion. At the very least go secular.
Evidently there's a lot of urban Iranians with this sort of sentiment
They'd probably still hate kikes
the way things are going in iran the mullahs are turning every one against religion. especially the kids
I just want a war, and if that means destroying Iran, so be it. A persian war bride for every user.
Iran hangs gays
USA promotes sodomy worldwide
Really makes you think
why do you want a war user iran did nothing wrong
you should join them and fight against israhell instead
you mutts are going to die for israel because of people like you
Why would I choose the losing side, first of all. Also, I would never help some fucking sandnigger kill Americans. Doesn't matter how degenerate we are.
Iran is the leader of tranny surgeries world wide.
Why did you make such a shitty OP for what could be major news?
Stupid faggot.
Bomb, bomb Israel.
So why does the Egyptian government allow for ISIS to terrorize the people of Sinai? Is it keep the region unstable for Israel?
>blew up hundreds of marines
And this is bad?
Of course, they're from our country.
moslem really suck at warfare its just ridiculous
>they have shitty organization
>shitty discipline
>cant even fucking march straight
>depend on trade for weapons
>cant operate a navy for a fuck
>fucking tribalistic fools withhold information
>got assraped by shitty juden token army several times
>have to rely of bribery to keep army cohesion
>0 morale flee from fucking mujahiden brainlets
>cant not not rape fucking 0 self control
>literally prey 5 times during the day to giant juden mystery box extremely retarded practice during warfare tbqfh
sometimes im worried about the moslem hoards encroaching on europa but then again I remeber fucking moslems cant fight for shit
the next crusade is going to be fun
fuck the desert scum
Still a step above Weimerica. Don’t even get me started on feminism.
True. They'd make a better ally than Israel.
Bruh, Iranian women are ALL feminists. At least the Persian ones. Iranian Revolutionary Government is not feminist, but they forced women into education and as result they're about as retarded as our women. Persian women will not have more than one kid, they are career women with a burka.
holy shit wtf?
this is actually quite true.... the regime is fucked given a long enough timeline. Maybe up to 20% more like 10-15% of the younger generations are hardcore Islamists / pro-regime. The vast majority of people would want a secular government or even try Zoroastrianism again.
The problem is that it quite superficial and there aren't any living documents for Zoroastrianism. I think they'd have to go off what the Greeks said about them mostly, unless there is some historical archive that has been kept secret.
Lots of Zoroastrianism ended up in western mystery school religions so who knows maybe they'll launch the NWO one-government religion from the ashes of Islamic Iran?
Baha'i are Iranian, after all
so they have camps for the gays, I think they don't always kill them they send them to camps like they do with the heroin junkies
as for the trannies, its a weird law they incorporated from order of the revolutionary leader himself back in the early 80s. some journalist asked permission and the guy said yes. quite weird, but these people are considered freaks and disliked just as much as the gays, the surgery could be considered a form of punishment.
it is hard to tell what is propaganda and what is legit, but they did hang lots of people over the years. usually mostly leftists pro-democracy pro-socialism students in the early 80s
Justin is even gayer than Obama.
Burka is Arab, chardoor is what Persian women wear it is basically a scarf doesn't need to cover the hair much at all.
You're somewhat right but they're not all feminist exactly, there is a lot of natural conservatism. Its the pop culture that is pozzed, and they aren't as bad as whites
they still marry within their race for the most part. its still highly controversial to race-mix, similar to Armenians, Georgians, probably Russians etc
furthermore... one should not underestimate the power of the Islamic women of Iran. As much as there are lots of well educated secular career women, both in Iran and in Diaspora, in Iran itself there is a pretty strong vanguard of regime supporting women (they're usually ugly)
there are lots of photos of them when there are pro regime, they're pretty much the only devount extreme muslims in Iran, the often ugly women and the ones in the military who are religious. i'm pretty sure they're not all actually religious, but the women that are religious are extremely conservative. they're also ugly, though.
nobody here should under-estimate female attraction to Islam... it is something I've seen and it is extremely disturbing.
I am willing to bet there are far more white converts to Islam among females than males. Especially when you consider the new age shit like Sufi or Baha'i, hippies convert to that shit. And as for conservative Islam, women get attracted to weird/dangerous shit and Islam fits that criteria.
>At the very least go secular
ahhh yes because the secular west have been doing so well culturally speaking for the past 50 years. just ignore the fact that it's created a culture of manchildren freaks who think they are better than god.
If we invaded Iran, Tehran would look like Miami in a year. The rest if the country would be a mess, but from my experience, you get a persian girl away from strict Iranian Revolution culture, and she turns into a dirty whore.
the right are mad at geraldo
Did everyone gaslight themselves into forgetting about a month ago Jews were caught blowing up ammo dumps in Iraq and the Trump Administration outed them for it?
lol theyre mad because hes reporting his conversation with the guy without bias?
Hide it's weakness? It just proved it could kill US diplomats anywhere in the middle East.
Your family ran away from Lebanon like cowards.
>Post meme pic
>Implying im from Lebanon
Just stop
At least he’s got trigger discipline. Ok back to plebbit
Nothing there I disagree with.
sometimes, but they still marry Iranian
Shut the fuck up, lebo. Get the fuck out of my hemisphere and take your chicken shit family with you.
Geraldo is CIA isn't he?
they really didn't do anything wrong
all the flase flags are mossad
Yeah, just like most white women marry white after getting dicked down by everybody.