So multiple times in the Bible Jesus says not to resist evil, or fight back against evil, etc. So what the fuck do I do if I come home to find my daughter getting raped by a home intruder? Just sit there and let him do it because Jesus told me not to stop him?
Honest Question About Christianity
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Jesus said to fuck the immigrants, duh. Also no abortion and education is for elites.
The bible says alot of whackadoo bullshit. I would be weary of getting your life choices from a story book written during an era when nobody knew what an atom was or where babies comes from.
Friendly reminder that Heaven is literally a multi-racial, multi-culti mixing pot.
>Rev. 3:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
This is the Christian afterlife, their eternal reward. The final and most important goal of every "white nationalist" or "National Socialist" Christian here as well as elsewhere is to earn enough GBP to be admitted to a place packed to the rafters with non-whites that were BASED enough to believe in the same middle-eastern deity that they do.
Jesus never fucking said that so shut the fuck up and read the bible you fucking atheist swine
>he thinks the bible refers to various primates as humans
convert to a non-cucked religion and turn the intruder into swiss cheese.
christianity is a joke.
>le Christian Dark Ages meme
You have to be at least 18 to post here kiddo
In the original Greek, it refers to not losing control and acting without thought and judgement. The same as not reacting emotionally to an insult or slap. It's about keeping control of your emotions and judgement. So that if with a clear head can correctly judge the actions of the person. Then execute the person if necessary.
Turn the other cheek is literally how you show your attacker that you're not a pussy. Ever tried defending yourself against teasing instead of encouraging it more? When you show that you're unbothered by the attack, the threat ends.
Guess you should have prayed harder ;)
never heard of why they call it the tide of Islam eh?
Actually, according to the bible, what you are supposed to do is force him to marry her, and then he gives you fifty shekels.
Remember, Jesus said he did not change one word of the old law.
>Jesus creates a strange image by saying, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5) The Apostle Paul speaks of “…the meekness and gentleness of Christ…” (2 Corinthians 10:1)
>A casual reading of these verses today would give you a mental picture of meekness that is far from the forceful image common in Bible times. Our dictionary defines meekness as, “…easily imposed upon, submissive, spineless.” But wait a minute. Once you realize that this word is a translation of a Greek military term, you get a completely different picture.
>The Greek word “praus” (prah-oos) was used to define a horse trained for battle. Wild stallions were brought down from the mountains and broken for riding. Some were used to pull wagons, some were raced, and the best were trained for warfare. They retained their fierce spirit, courage, and power, but were disciplined to respond to the slightest nudge or pressure of the rider’s leg. They could gallop into battle at 35 miles per hour and come to a sliding stop at a word. They were not frightened by arrows, spears, or torches. Then they were said to be meeked.
>As centuries went by the secret of training such animals was passed from the Greeks to the Roman legions, then to the Moors, the Spanish conquistadors, and finally the Austrian Empire. We see a few war horse descendants today in the Lippizanner horses of the Spanish Riding School of Vienna.
>To be meeked was to be taken from a state of wild rebellion and made completely loyal to, and dependent upon, one’s master. It is also to be taken from an atmosphere of fearfulness and made unflinching in the presence of danger. Some war horses dove from ravines into rivers in pursuit of their quarry. Some charged into the face of exploding cannons as Lord Tennyson expressed in his poem, “The Charge of the Light Brigade.”
>These stallions became submissive, but certainly not spineless. They embodied power under control, strength with forbearance.
>When Paul speaks of the “… meekness and gentleness of Christ…” he is describing this kind of obedience. Jesus did not suffer on the cross because he was a doormat. He went to pay a price that had to be paid for all of us, including you and me. He marched into Hell to keep us away from it.
>And we, too, are called to demonstrate power under control. Through the Holy Spirit we can forgive those who hurt us. We can withhold our spiteful replies. We can be the first to apologize. We can be a servant to others. We can be meek.
>When Jesus needed to confront sin, hypocrisy, and abuse, he did so. He drove the money changers out of the temple. He told his prideful opponents, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire.” (John 8:44) When Pilate reminded Jesus that he could have him crucified, Jesus replied that Pilate had only the authority that was given to him from above.
>All of those things took courage and control. Jesus demonstrated the spiritual discipline to face confrontation without using his power to do it in a sinful way.
>Do you have a confrontation looming in your future? Someone at work/school? Someone at home? Someone at church? Your old nature may want to resort to spitefulness, prideful put-downs, or the cruelty of shutting that person out of your life. But God calls you to be meek. He urges you to speak the truth in love and leave the consequences to Him.
>You see, we too, are being trained for war. And Christ leads us forward to battle the world, the flesh, and the devil. We go as those who charge into the face of danger when ordered to do so. Let us be as meek as war horses.
This. Seek peace, but don't tolerate evil. Throw out defilers of the temple, drown those who corrupt the children, and cast into flames those incorrigible evil doers.
That's some pretty serious cope bro. That's like the retards who say they can keep as much money as they want and never donate anything because "a camel through the eye of a needle" is a mistranslation of the word "twine"
Name one evil person Jesus killed.
No, Jesus says to resist evil and prevent evil from happening and spreading.
> if you ever get angry goy, you will go to hell
spread the good word brothers.
C.S. Lewis, the awesome dude who wrote the Narnia books, and was a scholar of some reputation actually talked a lot about politics, philosophy and theology as well.
I believe this video (and indeed this entire youtube channel) could be interesting to you. He describes why he, as a very open and apologetic christian, is not a pacifist. Having fought in WWI (including at Somme), and enlisted, yet being rejected for service in WWII, he knew war better than most today does.
I believe he gives a line here (or in part two, I don't remember) that answers OPs question directly. He basically summarizes the different verses i finds to make the claim:
We have a duty to protect the innocent and weak from abuse, who are neither at fault or able to defend themselves, to this end, at times we must sadly engage in physical violecne at times. But insofar as we engage in violence to protect our own pride, our own interests, it is better to step back and let the attacker condemn himself than to take part in needless violence yourself.
No. You shoot the intruder then simply ask for forgiveness. That's how rapists got into heaven, so you'll be fine.
> muh church is europe
> muh europe is da church
Jesus said a lot of things. Over 40,000 sects and drnominations are still talmudically kvetching over that.
You're a buzzword flinging fedora tipper. The actual origin of the camel going through the eye of a needle is a reference to a city gate that was so low camels had to crawl on their knees to get through. I'll leave it at that for you to have a mental hernia trying to figure out the symbolism of how a rich man enters heaven the same way a camel goes through the eye of a needle. Historical context is important.
>your daughter
You must protect others, not necessarily yourself
Thank you Justin Trudeau.
So the intruder can kill the father first, then he's in the clear?
My post is based on the words and actions of Jesus. He threw the Jewish money changers out of the temple. I can't think of an instance in the New Testament where Jesus in the form of man on Earth actually killed anyone Himself, rather than talk about what my post referred to, but if you accept the not uncommon belief that Jesus is God, then you could say that He has killed a countless number of people.
>Christianity is literally, "If you kill your enemies, they win."