It always turns out to be true.
Show you taxes, fat fuck.
Didn't MSNBC release his taxes like a year ago and he paid more than most?
point to one occurrence of it being true you jew nigger
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. It's been fucking hilarious watching this retarded cheeto crash and burn like this but in all seriousness we can't let this rapist keep his tiny hands on the nuclear codes
Agent Orange knows his taxes would get him impeached.
>Eight pages that don't show where his income comes from
You really want to run with that one?
> paid more than most in absolute terms
Guess everything is okay here...
Taxation is theft, I hope he didn't pay anything.
Probably easier if you actually find the fake news.
Stormy Daniels
Firing Mattis
Paying hush money
Hiring Fox News employees
Calling Putin
Calling Ukraine
Jarrod flunking his security clearance
Don Junior meeting with Russians
Trump Tower renting to Russian mobsters
Mar-A-Lago upping their membership rtes
The largest inauguration ever!
>you're dumb
Why is he fighting so hard to stop the release of his tax returns? Does he have something to hide?
People who don't want to pay any taxes are boomers who want an excuse for free government gibs
>Show you taxes
You forgot to change your flag leaf
>Stormy Daniels
I stopped there
Remind me how that court hearing went...
>Replaced Bolton with (((Kupperman)))
Based Zog Emperor.
Remind me how Trump said it never happened.
>you fucking can't
>drumpfies will continue to defend him
shilling is the same as child porn. delete your thread pedo.
Billion's and Billion's of tariff taxes.
Payed by "WHO"?
Going to "WHO"?
g8 b8 for moving the goalpost
kill yourself
Dont cry little Trumpkin.
god damn it's kikey in here
why wont obama show HIS taxes?