what does this mean then?
Yes I'd say it's a full-scale panic. Are you having a run on the banks there yet? Well, it's rather brutal here. We're advising our clients to put all they've got into canned food and shotguns!
Mass riots, power outages, false flags, excessive memes.
Are you serious? There is some talk of different businneses here going down suddenly, and the Deutsch bank is not doing good; but is it that serious or are you memeing me? I can never tell due to my superpower
Both. The world financial market is not looking good, the bright side is life will go on it always does
>world economy grows at lowest rate in 10 years
so basically a cadre of kikes are throwing a tantrum about getting a smaller payday than they wanted?
>oy vey, the cattle aren't producing enough for us!
>it's a global shoah!
>I can never tell due to my superpower
audibly kekd
Thomas Cook airlines just went bankrupt in the UK for what it's worth.
Deutsche bank has been on the brink for a while now though so when / if that goes it will be a huge deal.
Is this the first domino?
Guess I will take out a loan and invest it in silver.
I plated my dick in solid gold but idk sounds fun
Jow Forums has literally hit the equivalency of the schizophrenic homeless man preaching in front of penn station
proud to be on board this one way train ride to hell
i control my own destiny i don't know about the rest of you.
Do you truly? I salute you if that is so.
this train is not too crowded. feel free to board.
Deutsch Bank stock shows over $7.75 per share, I have read that if it falls below $6.50 per share the debt of the bank is greater than the stock value and the business is worthless. So you can remove DB as a critical component to economic collapse because a few days ago it was worth less than $7.00 per share. I guess the IMF still has the ability to mask how bad DB is doing.
>immediately starts saying shit a schizo homeless man would say
Futures arent down, in any scale, and we just hit a S+P 500 All time high last week. what a waste of a thread.
Germany has been in a recession for about 4 years. They've masked it by using tax payer money to prop up businesses like BMW.
>not believing that you're in control of your own life
fuck off faggot
If America collapses China will lose whooping 10-15% of their income! They will never recover from this in the next 5 years.
And you doubted Trumps masterplan
I am afraid I am too indigopilled to board that train. I feel my destiny is set, the choice I have is to pursue and embrace it or try to run from it.
Brought down by feminism and male hatred
When TCook started it was all male board when it collapsed just one white patsy ceo remained to take the blame.
>economy grows albeit at a slow rate
Nothing much atm. Yearly world economic growth has been on a slow decline for a while now. It'll probably result in instability in the long term as areas with negative gdp growth/capita tend to become unstable due to an unhappy populace (people don't like seeing their quality of life decrease) and more and more areas enter into that state. That's inevitable but don't expect any kind of snowballing collapse from just one bad year.
Core industry (like exports) has a larger effect on the economy than just it's baseline GDP value. If there are jobs equal to 10% of GDP directly in exports there could be another 10% in services (eg, food, healthcare, etc.) for the workers of the export industries.
hey michael
Good! We need de-growth not infinite growth.
>Tfw the schizo telling you to repent was right all along
Gotta watch out for the Gremlins in the machinery.
>boomers cope
haha hope that works for you in the melee