And as sure as Men can't stop the Earth from spinning, Trump himself (and I deeply admire him, he tried something nobody else did in a long time, which is to try to make America and the West free, a task at which he unfortunately failed) can't stop the Jews from Jeweing and try to take over the West, which they are trying, and which they will be successful at, like they succeeded at the take over of Russia via the communist revolution, but the modern Jews in America and Israel are going to complete their take over of another Country in a different fashion: by having their hands on every piece of critical national security infrastructure handed out to Israeli Mossad connected companies, and Trump is handing out that critical national security infrastructure into the hands of Mossad related companies freely: - "How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare"
This will have various consequences, one of which will be the same ones that resulted from the Jewish communist take over of Russia with the USSR: generalized, uncontrollable revolt against Jews. Now in America and Israel like in pre-Soviet Union Russia, Jews as a group don't want equality, they want to command and lead as a privileged minority in Western Countries with a weakened demographic majority (while remaining a majority in Israel, off course). Trump has decided for some reason that for the US government and the USA as a state, this was an impossible outcome to resist. This vassalization of the USA to the state of Israel will result in discontent and a sense of lack of legitimacy of the government, as well as widespread censorship and harassment of the population in the name of the zionist agenda (which is always Israel first, and everyone including America always behind), which will fuel motivation for the Balkanization of the US.
I predict that criticism of Israel and Jewish collective power will become illegal in the US by labeling that speech as seditious.
Asher Gonzalez
Ridiculous narrative, look who his daughter is married too, look at his policy regarding Jerusalem.
I think he tried to counter the kikes, but has decided that he lost, so he is making the best of it, but he won't be able to stop nature from running its course, because the kikes are going to get greedy and try to take everything for themselves, until like every time in the past, goyim revolt against them.
History always repeats itself because human nature never changes.
>Ridiculous narrative No way the US is making it past 2050
Joshua Robinson
It won't. Trump is literally giving away control of critical national security infrastructure to Israel, and when people start to call him out on it, he will have to suppress them or censor them in order to keep order and in power, and as more people realize that he is not in fact liberating them but merely replacing one establishment with another one, they will revolt, and the balkanization and pogroms will start soon after that revolt. This is simple math, unless Trump pulls a switcheroo on Israel and all the zionists which have ties with him, and while I used to believe he would do it, that was before I learned that he was literally handing out critical national security infrastructure handed out to Israeli Mossad connected companies.
I hope we get live streams from the pogroms, fucking kikes destroy every thing they touch like the cancer they are.
Kevin Kelly
Could you send me some links concerning the subject or point me in the right direction?
It's already happening. The first, second, and fourth amendments are gone. Europeans are being genocided in every country on the globe with demographic replacement. The race war is coming. There will be rivers of blood.
Sometimes I wonder if 9/11 WAS the day that the USA fell and that it was conquered. Mossad could have basically said that they have bombs in almost every major building in the USA and that they want unconditional surrender or else they'd detonate every building.
Still not even sure whether planes actually hit the towers...if it was just the first 'deep fake' video. Throw in some actors claiming they saw the planes hit, and then the television obbsessed USA public/goyim played along. "U'u'uh I was there too....I saw then planes hit the towers..."
The rest is history. All of us only saw the planes hit the towers in video form, and we never saw any video of the 'plane' that hit the pentagon. Why is that?
Parker Jackson
It was the death of America. The Patriot Act was passed after that and now were in an Orwellian State.
Austin Watson
I hope we get live streams of the pogroms, you kikes are a cancer. – Big graph on how the 1965 Immigration Act was the result of over 40 years of Jewish collective power lobbying and activism – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda" The video is an interview from Shalom TV to one of the staff on the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). You can learn more about it here: ;
Yes. All because kikes can't stop their kikery, because all this shit could be solved peacefully if it wasn't for kike global domination ambitions. If Trump does reveal himself to be a traitor, I hope all Jews get genocided or converted. – “Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists: Europe’s Top Rabbi” – “With anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.” – “Why Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomen” – “British Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees” – “US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to White Countries” – Two Jewish supremacists cheering White genocide (one a Financial Times commentator and the other and editor for Foreign Policy Magazine) – A Jewish supremacist tells everyone that White Americans need to be drowned in immigration in order to keep support for Israel high, but Jews need to do it slower because the Goyim are catching on to their kikery
The only thing Trump tried to do was pretend to be a nationalist to dupe people back into PNAC.
Cameron Jenkins
When people have had enough, or when people start getting hungry, or when people realized that for all the incredible promises of future freedom that Trump did, he has just handed out the future of the Country to people who don't give 3 shits about the US and Americans.
Can't wait to see all the Jews that don't GTFO from the area which now is the US get killed in the most violent way possible.
I wish this would get fixed peacefully, but Jews are all in, they want the whole world to themselves, and they will get the sword for it.
Thomas Bailey
>I think he tried to counter the kikes, but has decided that he lost Uh, no. Trump was directly selected by the jews because of his extreme reliability on these matters through debt, blackmail, and family.
It does seem like it. I used to believe that he was setting up the kikes, until I learned about the info on the OP links. I still hope he is just pulling a set up, but I no longer expect it. Looks like I was right about war being unavoidable. How naive I was to stop believing that.
Justin Russell
Here's what Balkanization would look like in North America, from my perspective.
I thought his play against the MSM was proof that he was not part of the establishment. Now I think he is just replacing the establishment with another establishment.
If that is what is happening, then the fate of the US is sealed, he won't be able to keep going without censoring and destroying the people who call him out on his give away of crucial national security infrastructure to Israeli control.
The only thing to do about it is to redpill as many people on the Jews as possible so they know that they need to target them once they are finally done destroying the US. - “DHS Chief Parrots ADL’s New ‘International’ White Supremacist Terror Network ‘Threat’”
Connor Kelly
Nolan Flores
Merge ME/NH/VT with the Maritimes + Newfoundland, move Ohio over to the great lakes nation with Ontario + American great lakes states. Also merge Alaska with Yukon/NWT/Nunavut as quasi-independent (but not fully) and administered by the North American Coalition of Nations so we could all contribute to monitoring the Northwest Passage and thus getting a share of the profits of it as an international shipping land.
Could also throw a bone to American blacks and have their own ethnostate in the Southeast (Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama etc).
Jason Scott
thanks fren. Stay on the path
Jacob Mitchell
About an hour in. Very interesting stuff. They're digging into connections I've never heard of, and some I had somewhat of an idea about.
Cooper Kelly
I am serious disgusted by what I learned on the links in the OP. Well, at least I am not a peasant living under the rule of Caligula, I guess. Do you believe I truly thought kikes wouldn't just kike as much as they could? I still remember being at Q's board, and there was big support for Roseanne, that fat kike. Then the "The Lobby: USA" documentary came out, and it was undeniable that Israel was committing crimes against US citizens on US soil for the benefit of Israel. What does the fat pig Roseanne kike does? She goes to Israel, and receives a bunch of money from AIPAC on some conference, then arrives on the US and starts calling the BDS terrorists and saying people need to support AIPAC.
Well, no need to accuse all Jews, off course, but the vast majority of them are like this, they don't care about nobody but Jews and Israel, and they will destroy the West because of it. Christians should had exterminate them when they had the chance.
Like I said, Jews as a people are truly a cancer, can't wait for all of them to self-destruct.
Given the precedent in American history Balkanization is unlikely. A brutal civil war to bring the union back under one roof is the most likely. America is not like Yugoslavia, it's not populated by Slavs.
Hudson Hernandez
>and which they will be successful at Nope. The Torah and the Prophets only give parts of Asia to the Jews. They are not in charge of the rest of us.
Nicholas Scott
That Webb girl is amazing.
Josiah Roberts
They will be stopping themselves by destroying the US. I had misread your posted and was writing a big fugging reply, kek. You might be right. Make sure you get rid of the kikes if it happens.
Alexander Rogers
Read the article:
" 1993, Wired described North’s use of PROMIS in compiling this database as follows:
“ Using PROMIS, sources point out, North could have drawn up lists of anyone ever arrested for a political protest, for example, or anyone who had ever refused to pay their taxes. Compared to PROMIS, Richard Nixon’s enemies list or Sen. Joe McCarthy’s blacklist look downright crude.”
The COG program defined this “time of panic” as “a national crisis, such as nuclear war, violent and widespread internal dissent, or national opposition to a US military invasion abroad,” whereby the government would suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, and incarcerate perceived dissidents and other “unfriendlies” in order to prevent the government’s (or then-serving administration’s) overthrow. This secretive database has often been referred to as “Main Core” by government insiders and, most troubling of all, it still exists today. Journalist Christ Ketcham, citing senior government officials, reported in 2008 that, at that time, Main Core was believed to contain the names of as many as 8 million Americans. Eleven years later, it is highly likely that the number of Americans included in the Main Core database has grown considerably. "
>national opposition to a US military invasion abroad So the kikes implement their pre-crime minority report system, and then use a false flag to push the US into war, if you don't agree, you get gitmoed.
And that is just the tip, read the article, it's really nightmarish surveillance that even I couldn't imagine. The US is a vassal state of Israel, I thought Trump would change that, instead I see it making it worse, and to add insult to the injury, using companies connected to Epstein.
Jaxson Reyes
And watch the video, it's Israeli companies doing the surveillance of the wall, etc. This is ridiculous. Can't wait to see the kikes self-destruct, they deserve it truly.
Good luck, if they use nukes on anyone, there will get nuked too. And the gen pop will then agree to exterminate all kikes. So I hope they do it, at least the kike problem would get fixed permanently.
This is a doxx trap newfags, never go into any discord served shilled on Jow Forums
Gabriel Allen
semites are fake jews who say they are jews. japhethians are real jews, don't know it.
Lucas Miller
Trump is a kike, though thats really simplifying it to the extreme but it doesn't matter how he became that way. Other than that I agree with your assessment, one thing though, jews are really only good at subversion but they tend to destroy everything like locusts when they become the system itself. They critique & subvert but they do not create & lose control of their golems eventually, I cannot predict the future but I can't see how the west can continue along with violent welfare leeches replacing productive members of society. Some believe they'll wave their magic wand & keep things chugging along economically but how? How will they keep the existing whites under control as the snake coils itself around them so blatantly? More people than ever are waking up to them & they tighten their grip even more in response revealing themselves even more. I'm not exactly hopeful for the future but I do believe that there will be a breakdown of the system within my lifetime & who knows how that's going to play out.
Brandon Powell
>Trump is a kike I don't want to believe that fren. I really don't know what to make of this bullshit.
On one hand, it would make no sense for Trump to have signaled about Epstein’s kikery and allow pizzagate to gain traction if he wasn’t thinking about going all in and destroy the whole network (which connects directly to Mossad and Israel, obviously, and also the CIA) and all operations like it (certainly there are more than the one Epstein managed).
On the other hand, I wonder if some of the people in on the plan are really as America First as Trump is (or wants to be), but then, if they are on the in regarding the plan, and if they were zionist subversives, why would they allow the pedo blackmail networks be exposed? I mean, I don’t like the fact that the NSA has partnered with the Mossad a shit load of times in the past, or that the current NSA boss is an Orthodox Jew woman, the last Jewish woman I though was on our side decided to sell out all the American victims of crimes from AIPAC on American soil because she decided that Israel is more important for her than other American’s rights.
But there is also this: If Trump pulls a switcheroo on Israel and all the zionists which have ties with him, and takes control of, or terminates, the mechanism of control they have been using to subvert the US for the benefit of Israel, then things will be able to get fixed peacefully, and he won’t need to censor anyone, and he will be able to truly get rid of the establishment without merely replacing it with a different one.
If he doesn’t, and the kikes really got to him, and have managed to take over, then the kikes have just sealed the fate of their future pogrom once the US fractures under their oppression.
Mason Jones
Some solution. By the end of it most of the Earth would be catastrophically affected.
The Jews are just a manifestation of Nature: the Great Filter. You can never truly wipe them out, though we should try. But even if we were successful something like them would inevitably manifest.
Josiah Parker
>they tend to destroy everything like locusts when they become the system itself Yes. >Some believe they'll wave their magic wand & keep things chugging along economically but how? By replacing Whites with Indian, or some shit like that? I think that has less White are around, infrastructure will start to break done more and more. >How will they keep the existing whites under control as the snake coils itself around them so blatantly? They won't, they will either get rid of them, or they will move out, if things don't escalate to violence (which if the kikes get their way, I don't think will happen, if they do, they will escalate shit really fast and end up with balkanization and pogrom, IMHO).
>I do believe that there will be a breakdown of the system within my lifetime & who knows how that's going to play out. One thing I know for sure: by now enough people know about the kikes to make sure they won't pretend they had nothing to do with this if SHTF. That at least is somewhat comforting.
Landon Stewart
Pretty sure the Kikes got to him a while back. And the writing is on the wall. He married all of his kids off into Jewry. History is rife with such precedent of diplomatic marriages.
As for peacefully, no way. If even a fraction of what they have done came to light:
>if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly
Not only that but if the US were to lift it's military and financial support for Israel, every single Muslim nation would jump on them, probably with the support of Russia and China.
Nah. The Jews did what they always do; bet the farm on their evil ways. But this time it's the biggest farm possible.
In the coming years Mankind will decide if it is worthy to graduate from the Great Filter and earn the Stars, or become just another failed race on a doomed rock.
Xavier Murphy
>By the end of it most of the Earth would be catastrophically affected. Not really. Israel is a relatively small place, can be easily nuked without much effort. And Israel doesn't have that many nukes. Also, most cities in the West are kike-diversity-leftist-hubs, so it would be probably an improvement for the West to have someone nuke that shit. That samson option shit doesn't scare me, the moment they play that card, they never play any other card again, and in 10 years in a world without kikes, we will have the solar system colonized.
Asher Russell
Hmmmmm Fucking kikes, they really do ruin everything. Pic related. Why would her kike daughter try to make him lose the election with this bullshit?
Read the the book Kushner Inc, it explains sooo much, rather than explaining how he got to this point I just skipped to his current status, he definitely was not completely kiked originally to be sure. Now when you read it, if you read it & it's definitely worth reading, keep in mind that it's written by a extremely bluepilled antiwhite woman but that actually pays off in quite a few ways since she doesn't comprehend that she's being exceptionally hostile to zionist jews throughout the book. You can read between the lines throughout & you get a very vivid picture of what the hell happened to him, his campaign & how his style of deferral basically let whoevers near him push their agenda. Also there's Felix Sater, a (((russian mafia))) member who Trump has all sorts of ties to, he could bring down quite a few people if he was charged & turned witness but conveniently the russia probe never touched him. Point is, Trump knows far more than he lets on when it comes to the russia investigation. Heres some articles by another progressive, redpilled on a lot of things except of course jews, it's been a while since I read these so I don't remember which ones are really worth reading but if you have the time you should check them out and again, read between the lines. They never mention that sater is jewish or that the russian mafia is overwhelmingly jewish & whenever one is charged, flees to israel of all places. sater If you peruse the book & those articles with your kosher radar on, you can glean quite a bit of what's really going on with him. Theres a lot we'll likely never know about Trump but taking all these things together there's clearly some shady shit going on between the government, Trump & all sorts of jews. Personally I think the zionists don't care who's in office, just that they have absolute control over them, but domestically there's some infighting.
Sebastian Williams
>it's written by a extremely bluepilled antiwhite woman but that actually pays off in quite a few ways since she doesn't comprehend that she's being exceptionally hostile to zionist jews throughout the book Potery >Felix Sater, a (((russian mafia))) member who Trump has all sorts of ties to, he could bring down quite a few people if he was charged & turned witness but conveniently the russia probe never touched him. Point is, Trump knows far more than he lets on when it comes to the russia investigation. Interesting. Do you think Trump connected with the mobsters for protection, or because they wouldn't allow him to operate with their "blessing", or any other reason?
Alexander Evans
I don't understand how the zionists allowed him to BTFO ISIS, if you're right about him being under kike control.
Austin Kelly
Luis Walker
France helped during the first American revolution, Russia is helping this time. The information apocalypse has been so effective the only people who can follow the game are insiders. Q was a great help for the public larp or not, will be interesting to see what replaces it or when it will return
I am bothered by the fact that kikes might ruin everything, like they always do.
Owen Davis
The kikes are not a unifed body of action. Zionists are not well liked and are actively attacking orthodox. Jared is Chabad, they want the peaceful dismantling of the Israeli state. Basically the Israeli civil war has spilled over into US politics, Bibi is already on his way out.
Unfortunate that operation wasnt successful, regime change would have been a better option than bombing the nation to shit. Why, do you openly support the mullah regime as a US citizen? You can google it retard, it's not a secret
Zachary Walker
>Chabad Those are not good guys either. Kikes need to take a hike, the West owes them nothing and all they do is try to control everything and always get into our shit. Fucking pests. And after they dismantle Israel, were do they go? The JAO? Or they come back into the West and keep on the kikery? My God, these fucking yids are the worst.
Joseph Brown
This is a doxx trap newfags, never go into any discord server shilled in here.
Justin King
>Why do you openly support the mullah regime as a US citizen? Because I'm not a KIKE FAGGOT. Death to all jews.
>Those are not good guys either There is no good jew, but if you think a man is going to support the genocide of his daughter & grandchildren you're delusional. I'll take Chabad over Zionists. >And after they dismantle Israel, were do they go? They will exist as they are supposed to as a diaspora population with an embassy in Jerusalem for the people. The people are the state of Israel or some shit, I dunno watch this.
Gavin Gutierrez
Either I'm drunk, or we've had this exact thread multiple times. Anyone here to tell me I'm not schizo and it's been done before?
Daniel Nelson
So you're not a kike so you suck Mullah dick? That makes no sense Muhammad
Jason Parker
Fuck off, kike.
Josiah Gray
Possible bluepilled take here, if someone can correct me here then please do so. I'm running off of vague memory here but I think when his casino or whatever businesses went belly up he couldn't get loans here anymore & went outside the country... Thats what they said in relation to the trump russia thing in the kike media, I find it plausible if only because that has absolutely no relation to him winning the election, even if they wanted to tie it to that like retards. Also im not entirely sure Trump himself was really aware of just how corrupt these people were, everything I know about him tells me that he doesn't care about details he just wants to keep things moving & that's why he's all over the place all the time, it just depends on who's near him feeding him information. But when the russia probe happened I am absolutely positive his lawyers told him that felix was fucking cancer & that he needed to distance himself from him, at that moment he became aware of the danger he faced... Well, so I assume, that part doesn't add up, I suspect some sneaky shit was going on & like I said, there's more than trump could come out & say in relation to that. If they really wanted to nail his ass on anything, not election fraud but just something criminal in general they would've went after felix & nailed him, but they would've also put so many other kike businesses & politicians in danger if they did. So theoretically Trump could've went public & caused chaos for everyone, maybe he was threatened, not out of the realm of possibility to be sure, we'll likely never know.
Brody White
Bring up the Israeli civil war and the kike hater appears, like clockwork.
>Could also throw a bone to American blacks and have their own ethnostate in the Southeast (Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama etc). Deport.
Owen Evans
Unless I'm mistaken that was only in Iraq & still are operating within syria & the surrounding area which is where israel's main focus is as of now to expand their country & steal resources.
Ryan Brown
It's just desperate nonsense because nothing else you kike shills throw out is working.
Angel Morris
>genocide of his daughter & grandchildren you're delusional Like I said, I want things to get fixed peacefully, but it is the kikes who are escalating the situation. I want them to either integrate and stop with their Jew shit, or GTFO, and have the Muslims do the same. Only if they manage to destroy the US will you get the pogroms. And Jews seem like they aren't stopping until they manage to destroy the US, hence self-destructing. >They will exist as they are supposed to as a diaspora population NO. Racial Jews can integrate, but as long as the cultural/religious Jew insists on being an nation inside a nation, they will turn the hosts against them. They can't help themselves. That is a terrible idea, and it won't work. The kikes will fuck it up. It's the first time I baked it, but I have posted that past on other breads today. I think what he meant is that non-intervention makes more sense than to stick the nose into other Countries shit all the time.
Brandon Young
>reality is nonsense >offers no argument to anything over said other than muh kill kikes I get it, you have absolutely no fucking idea what is going on but you really hate them Jews. Good talk
>but you really hate them Jews Can you really blame him? That's like being surprised someone in the West hates Muslims.
William Bennett
Utterly retarded. The worlds current problem is American Neoliberalism spinning fully out of control, with the top 1% accumulating wealth at an exponentially increasing speed leaving the rest not with mediocre ealth, but literally starving. The fact taht they try to bring about a "multicultural" nightmare favela world where everything looks like the current US to keep revolt at bay does not improve things.
The American fiat money system will collapse in the next crisis, so will american society. The USSR and its insane ideology has already collapsed, its antipode and equivalent will follow suit as is long overdue, leaving humanity free to pursue a new golden age of self-suffiency and stability instead of meaningless growth.
Alexander Jackson
We have the same threads constantly.
Noah Cooper
>with the top 1% accumulating wealth at an exponentially increasing speed And who is massively over-represented on that 1%? The kikes. And who set up the current financial system that is basically a clown shit show? The kikes
Kikes ruin everything, all the time. They need to ditch their kike identities, or GTFO, or go die far.
Kayden Gutierrez
The links on the OP are not fresh news, so someone has probably talked about this here.
Jeremiah Harris
>non-intervention makes more sense than to stick the nose into other Countries shit all the time. I disagree, this is a UNION friendo. Either you're a contributing part of that or you're the enemy. >That's like being surprised someone in the West hates Muslims What surprises me is the inability to have a rational thought on a topic without screening muh Jews. As if my entire comment wasnt about the jews being the issue in the first place. Fuck outta here with this plebbit shit
Colton Nelson
>I disagree, this is a UNION friendo. Either you're a contributing part of that or you're the enemy. And what if a Country wants to do its own thing without getting bothered, do you feel like you have the right to mess with their right to self determination, or do you believe in a might makes right doctrine? Because if you believe might makes right, then you're basically telling people that global domination of a centralized power is the only way to make sure you don't get your will imposed on by a third party, and from there it's easy to justify all kinds of shit, including genocide. >What surprises me is the inability to have a rational thought on a topic without screening muh Jews. As if my entire comment wasnt about the jews being the issue in the first place. Fuck outta here with this plebbit shit Are you really surprised that someone on Jow Forums is going to say fuck the kikes on a thread about kikery? That should not surprise you. Kikes really worked hard to earn that hate.
Jaxson Reed
>Racial Jews can integrate, but as long as the cultural/religious Jew insists on being an nation inside a nation, they will turn the hosts against them. They can't help themselves. That is a terrible idea, and it won't work. The kikes will fuck it up. Dont particularly disagree with that, just pointing out that's what they fucking want. Rabbi in the video explains it