Normally there is an Epstein thread. What happened?
The last Epstein thread I visited is some days ago. It's rumoured there is some heavy shill/shillbot stuff going on in these threads.
You know more?
Normally there is an Epstein thread. What happened?
The last Epstein thread I visited is some days ago. It's rumoured there is some heavy shill/shillbot stuff going on in these threads.
You know more?
A screencap from the last thread I visited
Wait the /eggs/ are gone?
Didn't see an egg for some time now
Just wondering
also bump for answers
there was this nagging sense that i should have tried to save the posts, but i just never got around to it.
Some links I gathered in the last egg thread. They are about previous Epstein threads about shillbot activity:
i mean its pretty obvious mootchan has been Comp'd for awhile, it was just great though in the eggs because of the numbers working on it.
and im also pretty sure the Jow Forums pass thing is like permission to bot post, soooo.
What do you wanna say with that?
Cap these
The conspiracy theories surrounding Jeffrey Epstein have petered out multiple times.
yes bring back the /egg/
Do you have anything new?
I remember the specific user in the last thread. Also this "word salad posts" with weird underlining.
>there is some heavy shill/shillbot stuff going on in these threads
The whole Jow Forums board is being forcibly slid.
Yesterday there were at least 15-20 individual Greta Thunberg threads at any given time.
Someone REALLY doesn't want us talking about:
- Epstein
- Biden
- Clinton
- Pelosi
- Iran
- etc.
Add Yang. Not shillbots but discord trannies
Old news and no one cares. Where's the black book list? Nothing to see here goyam.
>tfw elites running your country get exposed for being pedos and literally no one cares
>tfw you realize america was dead before you were even born
/egg/ got wise to the ley lines of the earth grid in order to hack the reality matrix of this prison planet using pedo island as a catalyst. Predictably, the mods and admins engaged oyveyshutdown.exe and without 8ch we're still flying blind. Pic related is the closest that this user ever got.
Zorro ranch connection
This. After the laughable Epstein “suicide” debacle and subsequent dropping of charges most people who were following it took the clownpill
They think it will be memory holed.
It won't.
I know that pic related is tenuous at best, but I still have a sneaking suspicion that ghislaine is somehow connected with the whole cicada3301 internet mystery.
Concerning my last post, does anyone else think it odd that the are so many depictions of a 'centaur' at the 'center' of a hollow earth, and that the centaurus constellation is right next to the crux constellation, and that little st. James island resembles an inverted crux constellation.
>bonus points to the user who takes high res photos of the 1610 plaque at epstein's nm zorro ranch
>god points if you can gain access to the deep underground military bases.
May as well drop this one as well. We had some good /egg/ threads going on epstein's 1610 plaque that were waaaaay esoteric, but those threads got deleted weeks ago and I didn't archive them.
*world-weary sigh*
The actual decent investigators have taken it private and are off-site. This is for a few reasons shills including. When they find groundbreaking or new stuff they share it here and it gets shilled or slid to hell but you might catch it if you're dilligent. They have not stopped though if anything they are now distraction free and have more direction.
OP, since you're in Switzerland, cant you just use CERN and methernitha machines to hack the earth grid? Or are we going to have to go full "john dee and the macrobes" to open heaven's gate and escape this soul farm of earth?
Nice digits. Sry user, would like to do that. No access to it
Leafposter actually makes a worthwhile post for a change.
Oh wait, cringe-worthy 'shop to start it all off.