>4 arrested after shooting at naked man running down road, Maine deputies say
>NAPLES, Maine — Four men are facing charges after a bizarre incident in Casco early Monday morning, according to the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office. Deputies said they received reports of of shots being fired at a naked man running down Tenney Hill Road at about 1:30 a.m.
>Fearing for his life, the man began running through the woods, while being shot at deputies said. Officials said he was taken to a Lewiston hospital with non-life-threatening gunshot wounds.
>The man, who has not been identified, gave a description of the vehicle he was put into.
>Officials said the vehicle was stopped in Windham, where four men inside were arrested.
>Ajoung M. Malual, 22, of Westbrook, Mahdi B. Ali, 23, of Boston, Noh Y. Okubazghi, 20, of Boston, and Samson S. Samsom, 22, of Minneapolis, are all charged with drug trafficking.
>Deputies said the men could face additional charges.
As a lifelong Democrat who celebrates diversity of all kinds, I implore the good social justice minded people of Jow Forums Jow Forums to ensure that such clear racism and bigotry is not tolerated in this state. These brave young adults were turning their life around and now thanks to racist white MEN they're going to jail!
not sure if this story is a joke the names just don't seem real mostly >Samson S. Samsom
Camden Lewis
Blacks go from zero to 100 instantly, that's why you see nogs flip in 0.2 seconds from just acting benignly sassy to flipping store shelves and throwing chairs at people. You never provoke a black by spitting etc, you need to immediately bloodlust and hit him. Bonus points if you can clap or strike his eardrum - negroid eardrums are hyper sensitive compared to caucasoids and striking them there can make them fall over in pain - may not work on somalis. At least thats how it works on this minecraft mod I downloaded
>All have that dead behind the eyes, soulless look I unironically believe that Satan created all niggers and left it up to them to find their own Soul along the way, many niggers never finding it but instead just becoming an animal Soul with no humanity. They live and thrive on baser animal instincts, survival and replication. Motivated by food and fornication only. And also territory disputes, much like the animal kingdom.
TLDR Niggers need to go back to Africa and make their own country great again.
Jeremiah Perry
if they're locked up they can't breed..just let niggers be niggers..brilliant
They should have all charges dropped immediately and be unleashed on Stephen King's front lawn. He's constantly twittering about how he loves diversity and Orange Man Bad.
Juan Gutierrez
They should've just lynched the niggers. Or shot them. I love my state though.
explain the man running naked through the woods more to me. did they ever solve the bigger gettin shot dead in Leeds?
Ayden Ross
>elites who fuck you over. Fucking anti-semite bastid.
Cameron Rogers
Somalis murdered that guy in the Lew. Adopted black kid rapes and murders gal and leaves her behind a school in Bar Harbor. Diversity is our strength.
Dylan Fisher
Ah, I can see you've never spent anytime around free negroes.
Juan Campbell
Have no fear Winter-Chan is coming to put the darkie in the deep freeze and cut the welfare supply lines. Best move to Atlanta where you can act like niggers.
Aiden Garcia
I was born and raised on the Isle of Wight Surprisingly, there's not many black people there We had this one black kid in school actually from Africa called Madude
Caleb Rogers
>”what does S. stands for?” >”I don’t know but try checking the briefcase, maybe it’s written there” >”oh yeah...got it: Samsonite”
A lot of Somalis have retarded names like Ali Ali, Muhammed Muhammed. They smell like shit, look like shit and they talk like shit. Not a single redeeming quality. Eventually the kids are going to grow up and be too old to live off the welfare state, That's why you see so much Somali crime from less than 1% of the population. They are too stupid and lazy to work, they were raised to expect the welfare state would take care of them. The parents don't teach them work ethic because they don't work, they only know how to collect welfare. Northeast can be real depressing if you don't have any money during winter.
Josiah Gray
top kek
Carson Brown
I'm in Maine, and I heard this on the local radio news. No mention of race, but as soon as they reported they were from Boston and Minneapolis, it was obvious what was going on.
That's really bad that this happened in Naples, since all our vibrant diversity is usually confined to Portland and Lewiston-Auburn. It used to be that you could live in Maine and be guaranteed of not seeing a Negro more often than once or twice a year, if you were far from Portland.