I’ve recently come across something that shattered my belief in race and iq. I’ve come to the realization most of the things being said here are completely and utter hog wash. Iq is mainly related to environmental factors and nutrition if you can do that then any so called race can have a high iq.
Take the real red pill
Other urls found in this thread:
>environmental factors are why chimpanzees aren't winning nobel prizes for math and physics.
Wrong, even with those as controls there is a statistically significant disproportionality with regards to IQ and race.
The Blank Slate Hypothesis is Marxist creationism.
user do some research before saying some how do I put it not very bright comments
You're comparing different hominid species.
You smell like a mix of yarmulke sweat and gefilte fish breath.
No there isn’t user let’s take any un developed country and educate the populous give them proper nutrition and a good environment you’ll be surprised in the massive differences it will have
I guess that’s what I can expect from someone of your caliber I suppose
>muh IQ
>muh environment
Different breeds are more inclined to different instincts. brown people are more violent and aggressive so it is only natural for mild mannered whites to not want to live near them. No white wants to live next to someone who has a victim complex program running in their mind 24/7 and can go from normal to berserker mode in 0.7 seconds because they thought something was racist.
I would rather live in a low IQ hick town full of whites than around a bunch of rich brown people.
So the fat ghetto niggers I see every day waddling down the street are all secretly geniuses?
Lel, your desperate cope attempt theory blew up in your face again. Race is real and IQ differences between races are real.
>concern trolling
>Jow Forums
wew lad
user that’s just an unintelligent remark. other ethnicities are not like that you just believe baseless facts with no proper response give me evidence that I cannot debunk. the violence and ethnicity claim is easily debunk same as the iq one.
I’ve debunked this with my post already user. blacks and other ethnicities were treated unequally in the us and they are recovering from it currently as I write this.
>the violence and ethnicity claim is easily debunk same as the iq one.
Look at the races involved in violent crime. It's not even close.
I’ve debunk this take a look at the stats I posted. blacks in the uk are much better off than the ones in the US. if they were given equal opportunity they would have been well off by now.
Race IQ is real and makes sense. Your brain is a muscle and the more you use it the smarter you get. Now if you see pic you'll see the darker the skin colour the lower IQ. Dark skin colour = hot places. Whites = colder places. By whites being in colder places over generations their brains have gotten smarter from having to prepare for winter to survive. Now think about what the average African in Africa, because it's hot 24/7 they don't have to think. Also dehydration is horrible for the brain and Africans are probably some form of dehydrated their entire lives.
Again first gen migrants when it goes to 3 or 4 gen even 2 gen they stop
You’ve just sated the most baseless claim in history my post literally debunked this user
Want something more important than dna? Virtue. But what would a godless heathen from a lost culture know of principles and values.
You got completely debunked, user. It's time to stop concern trolling.
If your a black power type your just as bad no ethnicity is better than the other
user your living in an eco chamber and refusing to accept reality. Get over yourself !
Whats the matter with you? I wasnt talking about migrants. Are you racist? You seem to assume all brown people are migrants? OY VEY! that's very problematic of you!
I'm not talking migrants im talking brown people whos family has been in america since they lost the war in africa to other brown people and got sold to jewish slave ship captains.
By the why if you give me a link to a scientific journal or something that is acknowledged by the scientific community. I would have accepted it remember user scientists don’t care about politics all they care about is facts. if the so called race and iq farce was real it would have been acknowledged.
You know it's racist to disagree with me. Now apologize for your colonialism.
All scientific sources used in the studies are linked at the bottom of every page. I'm sorry, user. I'm really sorry but please, learn how to take an L. You're living a life of lies.
Hmm claiming I’m a Jew to disprove me quite the funny little gag huh user. ps the blacks in America don’t count because of the horrid things that were done to them and the discrimination. look at the blacks in the uk their model citizens the 3 and 4 gen ones.
Nice try user
Where does this discuss socioeconomic differences? Also, you ever think that these socioeconomic conditions would not exist if not for the wh*te man?
Those points are not acknowledged at all at this point in time learn to take an L user
I’m not taking about the US it’s about the uk in the uk we make sure to the best of our ability everyone as an equal chance at life. by the way we it’s thanks to free education we don’t have to take that in to account .
Also there other countries In the world other than the USA user
I see how the empire got so screwed.
Want to buy a bridge?
Iq is affected by nutrition but you are behind the times. They are finding the genes that relate to intelligence and unfortunately Jow Forums is still right.
Link study or scientific journal/journals please user
I'm not that smart and I don't have time to really read the whole thing, but I think this is one example of what I'm talking about.
>Factor analysis of allele frequencies furthermore identified a metagene with a similar correlation to country IQ (r = .86). The majority of the alleles (seven out of nine) loaded positively on this metagene. Allele frequencies varied by continent in a way that corresponds with observed population differences in average phenotypic intelligence.
The last sentence is important.
So what can you find on it?
If you were really serious about seeking truth and being academically rigorous, you'd look for the studies that supported the opposing view.
However if you were desperate to ignore a compelling argument, you could ask for citations, hoping they won't bother delivering allowing you to ignore the argument.
It says there are differences but not small ones. also your only able to read the abstract if I could read the full thing that journal would’ve backed up my claims. It costs $35 to read the full thing. I’m not paying that much to read it.
user I’ve got a bunch of journals and the entire scientific community backing my claims. if you want like l will give them to you.
Sorry I meant *small ones not not small ones my bad
You can find it for free just type Davide Piffer into google and it should have a link to a downloadable pdf. Also, even the bell curve book acknowledge that the difference isn't that much. But there is a difference.
Actually type d.piffer into google and the second link is a download
It’s ridiculous small so I would really care if it made a significant difference I would then also thanks for telling me that user I’m gonna have a read of it
So why are chinese on your list so smart? Do they have better nutrition than rhe british food? Oh wait..
>organized in most retarded way with niggers on both sides, not sorted by distance
here, fixed
There families force them to cram in as much studying as possible. you know that the meme about them failing a test and there family disowning them is real user.
This still doesn’t disprove the chart I sent
Doesn't explain this.
user I was right my claims did get backed up by it. but it did show that black Africans are more genetically distant to the rest of the world compared to every other ethnicity genetically speaking. but in the terms of iq not so much also thanks for that study I really enjoyed reading.
Wait, wait, stop, what if, like, lower iq people can't forage for prime nutrition as well as higher iq people, why hasn't anyone thought of that!!!!!!
So, the black carribeans are lazy. Is that what you are saying.
Not sure you are doing yourself a favour here.
Im a bit confused. How much of a difference in IQ is actually impactful?
Fair enough but it does Then how come our iqs average out once we all get proper nutrition but I see what your trying to say.
>chinks can work production quotas and directions to make a blast furnace in your backyard
im not trying to disprove anything brainlet, your chart was set up bad (by some kike) who put niggers on both sides, for obvious reasons.
>What are twin adoption studies?
Say like if we had a 15 to 25 point difference that would define one ethnicity as smarter than the other. like migrants that are in the uk are smarter there native population back in the home countries.
Say the chart was made by a Jew to this prove it user that’s quite the sad claim. Maybe next time when you from an argument
>intentionally missing the point multiple times
maybe you can "from" a better translation app Muhammad
Sorry I’m fumbling and bumbling my words I’m trying to give a fast response Herbert
I know what they are but they won’t support your claims user
How are mixed mulattos about the same as regular whites? I call bs
It’s called an unbiased study user you should read into them from time to time disproves a lot of your prejudices like I had before.
>nutrition if you can do that then any so called race can have a high iq.
Yes, the point is that niggers can't. Precisely because they're so fucking stupid they can't into farming even though LITERALLY every other civilization on the planet figured it out 10,000 years ago.
I see your point but once they do learn it they become almost equal to everyone else except for the slight variations as shown in various studies and one listed by another user in the thread
>what is the Minnesota Trans-racial Adoption Study
We tried that. In America, blacks have advantages that poor whites have zero access to. And racism is not real here either.
But blacks are still as stupid as they are in African nations.
I’m taking about the uk user in America you know they discriminate against any ethnicities that isn’t white. use study’s from the uk if you want to prove a point.
Then how come they aren’t here user and other European countries. maybe just maybe it’s because of their so called hood culture. I’ve got an idea remove hood culture and boom blacks are like anyone other ethnicity now.
Ok, let me tell you how this chart works. They took black children that were adopted into WHITE families, with WHITE education, WHITE culture, and WHITE food. Yet they still have lower IQs than adopted whites.
>in America you know they discriminate against any ethnicity that isn't white
You are full of shit. Do you know what affirmative action is?
Who created hood culture?
Blacks made hood culture during the time they were oppressed in America. user your just going to have to accept the fact the being black in America is horrible compared to being black in the uk. and yes I know what affirmative action is and user you really think a group of people can catch up so quickly on what they missed out on for hundreds upon hundreds of years that’s a pretty low tier statement you had there.
>being black in America is horrible compared to being black in the uk
prove it.
You will also have to explain why Native Americans, despite recieving just as much discrimination and hardship over the years, still have higher IQs than that of blacks.
You still haven't been able to debunk the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study. It eliminates discrimination (unless you want to say the adopted parents were discriminatory), environment, and all the other bullshit you want to claim to support your hypothesis that evolution ended at the neck.
If you don't even have access from your university or even knows that sci-hub.tw exists, your opinion on this and pretty much any other matter is entirely irrelevant.
the natives received much less discrimination than the blacks did and you know it. the natives have higher iqs because they were already well established in America but blacks on the other hand were slaves and were left them uneducated and such. the natives on the other hand were given reservations and such and were less discriminated towards in institutions compared to blacks. how is it blacks have it better in the uk free education free health care they don’t have to worry about money issues and just focus on learning. also a ridiculously safer environment compared to the US.
I got access to the free copy user so my opinion does matter
Huh user looks like it claims something else
Are you calling welfare a form of oppression?
Cause the cause of hood culture is the destruction of the black family, which was caused by welfare.
HAHAHAHAJAHAA go back to India chandra you fucking retard
CAT is not IQ, you live there so you probably know it. It's sad that you are trying to pass this as some kind of proof.
It is used as an iq test here actually you’d be surprised user
Your just nitpicking now nice try
Really Hubert that’s the best you got claiming I’m Indian
Ahem not the uk
But why the negro man in America is so dare I say retarded?
>37 comments by this shill
Sometimes I think maybe African leaders sold them off on purpose because they were the bottom of the barrel of there society
Trying to label me a shill to disprove me nice try randel
>Logic, it depends on what you eat!!!!
I happen to know where the data is from and the article is pure bullshit. What kind of retard would use it? Probably the moron who wrote it
Trying to disprove something that was unbiased and the published by the government we got a genius over here lads
I think we're reaching tranny levels of delusion here.
No sauce
>user do some research
No, you.
Fucking curry brained pajeet appeals to authority don't work because all other findings (to do with actual g) disprove what this data attempts to represent
Wonder why the Chinese know so much more about CATs than everyone else