Was he right?
Was he right?
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>our models have 95% failure rate but you have to trust them or else you’re anti-science
>the way you trust them is by driving an approved shoebox and eating crickets like a little bitch while India, China and Africa get to do whatever they want
The chinks did something beside steal American shit? Right...
Global cooling though is a real factor, as the solar weather is largely ignored.
The whole global warming was a farce to hide the fact that our planet will suffer from a solar nova/flare that will wipe out most of the life on this planet.
Yep. Chink hoax all along.
Nobody's asking the Chinese to stop building inefficient coal-fired generators or to curb their emissions, so they and the developing world are going to make out like bandits. The Chinese are always playing the very long game.
He's wrong about China, but right about everything else.
>The Chinese are always playing the very long game.
they've been getting help from the usual suspects
Thread theme:
Replace Chinese with Jews and you have it
>while India, China and Africa get to do whatever they want
>Nobody's asking the Chinese to stop building inefficient coal-fired generators or to curb their emissions,
But China signed the Paris agreement and is on tract to meet their goal 5-9 years ahead of schedule?
More like the (((WTO)))
Yes, it was created by commies and billionaires in 80'. Gorbachev, Maurice Strong, Rockefeller, etc.They created Green Cross, Earth's Rights Letter, etc.
thank you americans
>t. chink
one look at the words climate hoaxers speak confirms it
not one mention of chinese polluters. it's all "evil white men" from their lying mouths.
No. Pollution is bad and if you disagree go live in china or India
On the right track. I mean have you ever heard any of these climate studies, activists etc. pointing out China's and Indian's pollution?
by the Jews, for the (((Chinese))).
Explain. I am genuinely interested.
once you realize the democrats have been completely bought out by china everything starts to make much more sense
Every day I have more conviction of this view
Not at all. All of the industry had been shipped out decades before "global warming" was anything remotely approaching mainstream. That's nonsensical cover for what people like Trump did -- fuck you over and wreck your kid's future for money.
>That's nonsensical cover for what people like Trump did -- fuck you over and wreck your kid's future for money.
Explain. I don't see it.
The decision to hollow out American domestic industry to leverage wage arbitrage in China was coordinated at the highest levels of the capitalist class. They weren't the victims of some relentless environmental campaign in the 1980s to get rid of all industry and then fell for it like some dupes. They made a conscious decision. Trying to retcon it onto "democrats" or "the Chinese" or "environmentalists" is misdirection.
98% right .....so far
Chinese can't be trusted. They are opportunistic habitual liars by culture.
>yes, the chinese noticed earth was getting warmer at an extreme rate and crafted a narrative in order to make you poor
They didn't originate the idea but I'm sure they've been sponsoring it and buying off politicians behind the Paris Accords.
going to get some nuggets right fucking now
chinks are nothing but slanty eyes kikes anyway
Trump is like a wrestler working for
Vince McMahon. He'll sell the narrative his master needs him to sell
Yes all while using the most coal on the planet and dumping ALL of their waste into the sea if not their own land. Please tell me with sincerity they'll hold to this agreement.
>But China signed the Paris agreement and is on tract to meet their goal 5-9 years ahead of schedule?
Because their goals are a fucking scam, they are tied to their GDP, meaning when their economy grows their "pollution" goes down automatically.
All they have to do is keep the economic growth a bit larger than their emission growth.
India has the same goals defined.
What if saudi arabia did pay the US, but government cant say anything because they dont want to be called mercenaries
Pretty much. It's a way to tax wealthy countries and push further into global communism. Why do you think poor countries or commie countries aren't given shit about this "crisis"? It's another way to dismantle the western nations so we're all equally poor and controlled.
A senile,old man is in charge of nukes.
you're retarded, see