If you don't support feminism, it's because you can't get laid

>if you don't support feminism, it's because you can't get laid.
Where did this meme come from?

Attached: 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg (640x628, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Most are only likable because they distribute pussy and they know it.

It's a slogan meant to rally white knights with the promise of sex.



Normal, pussy getting men don't spend all day bitching about feminists. It's simple deductive reasoning.

Feminists and their desperate beta buck soi guzzlers, while the degenerate fuckbois play chad to same said feminists.

I'll be sure to tell my girlfriend that.

If you hate gays, you are secretly gay.

If you hate niggers, you are a nigger.

Fat ugly feminists who can't get laid.


Men who whine about females will never get puss, you look like the weakest basedboy ever. Just accept life isn't fair and fix yourself rather than whine which does nothing.

shieet where is my 40 acres and a mule?

basedboy. how tf did it replace to based boy? onions boy

Fat unwanted women projecting their insecurities.

People who took one look at Jow Forums and realized it was true.

ssssss00000y boyyyy

>don't talk about how things could be better that's complaining
>do become a ladyboy like me
>you get mad dick going on and some crack money too


been that way for ages newfag


s oyim mods getting hyper triggered over all the memes was great

can someone else try and type ssssss00000yyyyy boooyyyy? it changed it in both my posts to based and onion boy. Who is doing this?


>Where did this meme come from.

Attached: 1549916254603.jpg (520x588, 121K)

Attached: Numale is KTFO.webm (320x240, 300K)

lurk moar

I may be new but I can still fuck your ass.

came to post this pic

I may be new but you can still fuck my ass (his name is Mr Donkey)

back to plebbit newfag

Probably from the same faggots that say having a gun means you have a small penis. I don't know why they think 5th grade tier arguments work on anyone....

oh noes you sure showed me

>By weaponizing the shiksa we can destroy the goyim
>We must first make the shiksa a sexual beast that cares nothing about morality
>With that we can invent a term I call it "dating" where goy waste their time trying to make a shiksa their wife
>Through dating we can have our men sell useless crap the goyim dont need that further makes their shiksa worthless stupid whores
>Those poor goy men they want to impress their worthless shiksas no matter what well they need to become sexual beast as well if they want that shiksas matzvah
>The goy men will slowly start acting like the animals that they are, though the nigger goyim are already at that stage our plan is not complete until all the white goy men think about sex all the time my brothers!
>As for we jews we can fuck them anytime we want no dating needed and any goy who says otherwise can talk to the ADL

It's just pissed off ugly women because they hate hot babes get fucked every day of the week by a different man each time so they try to shame men into believing they're in the same situation because going around calling the hot babes whore and sluts won't look good to the public eye. They're at this point literally repulsed by beauty.

Hey you got the video of the Norway(?) nationalist who ran and jump kicked a beta boy that spat on another nationalist? The guy he kicked died and he went to jail.

Have sex

Man I remember believing that shit when I was in 6th grade... but that was 22 years ago....

It's just feminists assaulting a man's sexuality, which historically is the only thing that works on us. Well, aside from violence, but women know better than to try that on a man (who has a healthy self-esteem).

lurk moar subhuman

i may be new but you are mutt from muttland

>Where did this meme come from?
Guys who are desperate for pussy and girls who tacitly acknowledge that their only trait of worth is their vagina.

Bulgaria can wipe my ass for free and lick the toilet paper


Shut that mouth subhuman bugman.
What part of "lurk more" did you fail to understand?

no but i got this

Attached: nigger loving 101.webm (406x320, 2.68M)

>Where did this meme come from?
women's only selling point is their bobs and vegene. the only power they have over men is to deny them sex. they dont need to have actual arguments and logic

Attached: 1568117434921.png (545x530, 234K)

>mutt from muttland
big brain you got there

As usual, leftist projection. It's one of Alinski's Rules for Radicals that he stole from Joseph Goebbels: accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty.







Attached: TypicalLeftistIncel.jpg (1193x791, 270K)

Attached: 1569277051296.jpg (936x800, 92K)

What a fucking mongoloid newfag.
lurk moar yellow nigger.

i coom 24/7 mate

*fap fap noises in the background*

Attached: cooom.png (993x1405, 1.11M)

>you're wrong because there's things about you that are negative and you should feel bad about that
It's just classic female shaming tactics.

Attached: Deceptithot.png (525x477, 165K)

I have never heard this from a real human being in my life, so I assume from some dipshit online.

Where do you think all the "have sex" shitheads are?

You have to be a centrist to get laid desu

>implying either leftist beta cucks or far right nazi incels will get laid

They are getting even more triggered by the coomer meme

Attached: 156859740.png (724x469, 314K)

and it doesn't work either