Read this shit, rub your eyes, then read it again. It's real. Spread this shit to all your normie friends, spread on social media, bump this thread. This is some crazy, evil shit.
This is some orwellian shit. Even by kike standards
Other urls found in this thread:
kill all jews
funny, wonder how they will handle Jews who dont like Israel
>internationalization of white supremacy
Stay strong. No more brother wars.
So how many heads of state actually listen to these people?
Heads of state have more than enough buzzing fly's around them at any time of day. Jews overestimate their own power and importance. The ADL lost to a cartoon frog remember.
It should read "Threats posed by..."
These are the people controlling the leaders of the world
Is being a grammar Nazi antisemitic?
No they co-opted that. Steven Fry is one.
ADL is a anti-white terrorist organization. Nothing surprises me from then
It is indeed over
I see nothing wrong with any of this. Jewish people have a right to have their voices heard and to defend themselves from hate and violence.
I hope there is an invasion during that meeting Sasuke/Tobi style but this they kill the kikes
White people have a right to have their voices heard and to defend themselves from hate and violence.
Most Jews happen to be white.
How does any of that impact US globally?
what a truly sinister organisation. Thank God we saved Pewdiepie from making that donation
The more they push anti-semitism and anti-white laws, the more people become anti-semitic white nationalists.
Why are Jews so dumb that they keep doing this, century after century?
Eventually they're going to piss off the wrong group and get themselves actually genocided.
evil af dude
this must be countered, even a normie would look twice.
>hey fb friend
>hey user
>check this out
>oh, the ADL? I don't know what that is
>they're the worst, they blackmailed Pewdiepie
>haha, they what? the Youtuber?
>yeah they did, and Israel attacked the USS Liberty unprovoked
>what was that about user?
>it was just backstabbing dude, plain and simple
>so why is the ADL promoting Israel?
>because they're backstabbers dude
>oh, well fuck the ADL then lol ahaha get on Xbox user let's play COD
you just do this with every person you possibly can, and try as best you can to outrage them with facts without being pushy. veil your activity with sociability, whether designed or organic, but be sure to design authentic sociability if you can't just hang out with ppl
This speaks volumes to their level of fear
We all know jews suffer from mental illness 100x that of other groups.
They may see what's coming and are trying to minimize it in Hope's of survival
>So how many heads of state actually listen to these people?
the US entered WW2 didn't it
It won’t work. The normies either don’t give a fuck or they openly worship and support Israel. I’ve talked to many normies and have come to the conclusion that they want shlomo to control every aspect of their lives.
>address iranian agression
Uh oh, time to go down south to fuck some zogbot wives.
>bias against israel
can’t make this up
That's not what The Forward says.
Then they need to stop whining about antisemitism, as semites are middle eastern desert people, not Europeans.
Whenever I see shit like this posted I can't find actual sources that would hold up to any bluepilled scrutiny.
Lurk for two years, dipshit.
how so ? everything they're against is bad
>Call for global leadership against anti-Semitism
Not going to work. I think it violates 1st Amendment in the US.
>Encourage partners to address Iranian aggressions
ADL, Iran, and Israel's problems, not everyone else.
>Promote action against cyberhate
Violates 1st Amendment and 4th Amendment in the US. Not going to work. Cyberhate is like a hydra. Try to stop it, and millions more pop up.
>Bias against Israel
Fuck em. Israel deserves every single hate they deserve that Israel should rot. Cut ties with them.
>Threats posted by the internationalization of white supremacy
Violates US 1st Amendment. This is also racist towards whites.
ADL is a terrorist organization.
Fellow white or retard detected
First they need to prove they're Semitic
as some old jew would say
it may have happened
it may not have happened
but it could have happeend
>ask for the destruction of all their enemies
>demand to be shielded from all criticism and to attack anyone who questions them
How do we deal threats posed by Jewish supremacy? They call themselves God's chosen people, say they have a birthright to land for being born jews. Have no issue murdering women and children to take their land. Seems like something the world should be addressing
We are counter-khazar though
>How does any of that impact US globally?
Most of these listed in OP's pic violates 1st, and 4th Amendments, and maybe violates other Amendments. Supreme Court will slam those down.
Two World Wars were fought trying to address this, newfag. Lurk for two years.
supreme court doesn't represent the goyim
What is the opposite of a 'shabbos goy'?
Probably same way other groups treat traitors
>Download Telegram
>Join The Noticer / The European Man
>At least a dozen or more well mad screencaps of J*wish hate against whites.
didn't you stay out of it until pearl harbor
All of them through blackmail using groups like Epstein and control of finance.
Yes, but the jews made it so that Pearl Harbor was basically inevitable, because they forced us to refuse them oil.
>When the Talmudic right joins forces with the moderate Jews
Interesting to witness
does everybody hate duh wittle jew? awwwwwww poor wittle baby made a poopy of the word and everyones mad at you
awwwwwww im sure its not your own fault
noooooooo let us stop duh ebil white mans funny jokes and finger pointing
mommy will make it better
How the hell do you even fight this?
They are in for a big surprise when the Catholic Hispanics and Middle Eastern Muslims they imported start genociding them. Cant white guilt browns. Mexico is already seeing a rise in Anti semetic groups and attacks.
Kya kike
It would make things so much easier.
They're making a big deal about all of the anti-semitic attacks in NYC and trying to link it to white supremacists, while covering up the fact that it's all black dudes.
I've literally been calling up low IQ nigger rappers who give out their cell phone on JewTube because they think they'll be picked up, and just redpilling the shit out of them. I can't recommend this enough.
Zion Don is probably going to sit at the front of the class and raise his hand to answer every question his jewish masters ask.
>spends time talking to low IQ nigger rappers on Youtube
Damn, and I thought I had a shitty job. God bless you user.
I do that because I'm a NEET, you retard. Also get more scared about niggers getting redpilled about you.
The kikes' power is very likely gonna collapse in a few decades. Most of the "diaspora" kikes outside Israel are self-hating leftists who can't help but promote Muslim immigration and bitch about Israel. Also, most kike women aren't even having children.
Combine that with the fact that modern generations of whites are abandoning Zionism for various reasons. Jews are gonna get BTFO'd.
Actually a good idea. We need to start using Hoteps as a weapon like the Jews do to us.
Zero Jews happen to be white.
>Threats posted by the internationalization of white supremacy
I think someone made a typo. The internationalization of white supremacy hasn't posted anything in a very long time.
I'm not kidding, I've gotten great results. 9/10 the niggers are completely on board with hating the jew.
>Jews go extinct because of their globohomo bullshit
I would like to unite with the blacks against the Jews.
We all would, user.
This. Get the international Negro Council on the phone.
>Threats posted by the internationalization of white supremacy
They're on to us, boys!
And if any niggers are actually reading, I want you to know that we are extremely accommodating to you if you hate jews. Just look at George Lincoln Rockwell and the Third Reich. Join with us, not the jews.
>white supremacist missionaries are now spreading out across the globe.
How does it feel boys?
It’s a joke I swear, shits like comedy
These fucking rats have zero shame
>Genocide whites
>Jews can't camo anymore
>White guilt doesn't work on non whites
>Non whites can't run things so they also collapse
We die and everyone dies.
>internationalization of white supremacy
What a timeline
Just keep bringing it up in casual conversation, lads. Of course I'm talking about America, but they can't fucking jail you for saying this shit here. Just keep pushing. We will see the dawn.
I've done that with a bunch of my friends and had very successful results.
Good, keep up the fight. We're making inroads like you wouldn't believe.
They're good at subterfuge and rule navigation, but poor at creativity. 110th and final time.
>It's those greedy rich bankers user
>Oh Indeed! It's not just greed though, they are mostly Jewish and secretly hate non Jews.
>They control most of the media too..etc
Planting seeds
>muh 109 times
Where are you stupid faggots getting this number?
lmfao gets me every time.
Did that not happen?
some of those are the same countries but at different times, they were kicked out of 109 different countries
>pearl harbor was inevitable
You're so fucking retarded it's embarrassing. Just stop.
You can't be serious.
I believe it did, but the whole man in a loincloth squatting in the jungle saying "fucking Jews" is hilarious to me.
By ignoring it because it's laughable.
Fuck off jews, this entire thread already wants you dead. Your chutzpah is worthless here.
they won't get that kind of participation from the plebs this time, draft or no...
I just wonder whats next. Jow Forums banned or something?
Do it jew, I dare you. See what happens.
An anti-Zionist Jew.