why doesn't someone just build the fucking thing
Why doesn't someone just build the fucking thing
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First issue is they would need to figure out first EXACTLY where to put it, the holiest of holys must be place in the exact position as it was. Also
>According to various ancient sources, including Sozomen (c. 400–450 CE) in his Historia Ecclesiastica and the pagan historian and close friend of Julian, Ammianus Marcellinus,[14] the project of rebuilding the temple was aborted because each time the workers tried to build the temple using the existing substructure, they were burned by terrible flames coming from inside the earth and an earthquake negated what work was made
they simply cant
>First issue is they would need to figure out first EXACTLY where to put it,
ok well they seemed to figure that out fine the first two times. is there some sort of planning commission for studying the matter?
>>According to various ancient sources, including Sozomen (c. 400–450 CE) in his Historia Ecclesiastica and the pagan historian and close friend of Julian, Ammianus Marcellinus,[14] the project of rebuilding the temple was aborted because each time the workers tried to build the temple using the existing substructure, they were burned by terrible flames coming from inside the earth and an earthquake negated what work was made
superstitious nonsense
if that is superstitious nonsense, then why care about the temple at all? it doesnt matter than eitherway.
Build it, smash it, build it again to shut that stupid prophecy up forever.
They can't, because they don't have the ark.
they haven't built it because jews are not good builders.
I've heard that the ark of gabriel is the ark. That's why Suadi Arabia took it back from Antarctica.
We need an Antarctica thread, someone was suppose to spill the beans before winter.
It is too expensive. We don't have the money to build it.
we already did
What a fucking retarded concept
If I go to Israel and lay one fucking brick for this thing apparently the world will end
1 fucking brick, Semitic religions, not even once
Everything needs to be in place, red cow was already found.
has all i have on antarctica. and while im at it with all i have on all the different fringe issues.
MC McNigger says build it.
nothing legit Jewish existed when Alexander The Great's army swept through the region on his way to Egypt.
Jews were "created" some time between about 250BC and when the Romans found them.
Anything to the contrary can easily be shown to be a laughable fraud.
And the Romans didn't exactly find "Israel". The Jews were about #3 or 4 on list of local groups.
As long as hebrew "people" dont exist im game
God destroys any attempt for them to do so. Julian the Apostate learned it the hard way.
This was supposed to be something new though, a glacier breaking or a mountain cracking and revealing something.
Also, what's your take on the 12068 year cycle?
rabbi, the Third Temple was already built...
...and destroyed.
Your Moschiach or whatever isn't coming. We slammed the door in his filthy kike face.
Persians, Assyrians, and Egyptians have accounts of the hebrews existing before your claims.
I don't want to tear down Fort Antonia, home of the 10th Legion after the Jewish extermination.
>Also, what's your take on the 12068 year cycle?
Not sure what you mean. That the earth lives through a cataclysm every 12k years? dont think so. Simply because one cataclysm seems to have been the comet around 12.500 years ago and another seems to have happened around 3k BC (the global flood). as such if there is a cycle its not that big. If that is indeed
is all i have on ancient history, if this was indeed what you meant. would go more into it, but im tired and go to sleep now. good night.
>the holiest of holys must be place in the exact position as it was.
That would require Jews to admit that they are liars and that the true temple location wasn't even on the "temple mount".
This will never happen.
>they simply cant
we couldn't build it because the moshia had yet to expel the jews back to the holy land,but there shouldn't be any problems now.
we just need the west to wake up and turn on the arabs and push them back to the saudis somehow,too bad those marxists atheists won't give a hand in this divine mission.
>we just need the west to wake up and turn on the arabs and push them back to the saudis somehow
Oh, the west is waking up alright but not to what you are imagining kike.
Because Jews are schizophrenic and need ritualized feedback loops to do anything.
Because the golem false god Israel births will be the world's most powerful A.I, and they haven't quite drained the US of all of their high-tech knowledge just yet.
Just google the phrase "big data connectivity and artificial intelligence" (with the quotes) and look at how often, and in what contexts, Netanyahu has been talking about this.
>How NeoCon Billionaire Paul Singer Is Driving the Outsourcing of US Tech Jobs to Israel
>Several U.S. tech giants including Google, Microsoft and Intel Corporation have filled top positions with former members of Israeli military intelligence and are heavily investing in their Israeli branches while laying off thousands of American employees, all while receiving millions of dollars in U.S. government subsidies funded by American taxpayers.
>How Israel and its hi-tech industry are winning the US-China trade war
>In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to ‘marry Israel’s technology with China’s capacity’
>Benjamin Netanyahu Ordered to Hasten Jewish Messiah's Coming [by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, himself widely believed to be the Moshiach, early 90s]
One of the obstacles is that it's supposed to go in a certain spot.
A spot that's currently occupied by one of the holiest mosques in all of islam.
Ah, you haven't been redpilled on it yet.
There was no comets, but a shotgun like effect from a mini-Solar nova.
It ties back into the ancients spoken of in many legends, as well as the sun.
The druids are considered all dead now, but one of the last ones also talks about this, and why the order of druids was even a thing.
Also, I just found out the Antarctic mission just left European ports in the last few days.
Hopefully the truth is revealed soon.
If the temple was actually built. they couldn't control white evangelicals.
We're not going to turn on the Arabs. Fight your own wars. Stop tricking us burgers to fight your genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine.
>There was no comets, but a shotgun like effect from a mini-Solar nova.
ah, i am aware of it, just like the interplanetary thunderbolt theory. could be either of the 3, but it was described by the aztecs as "rain of fire" which fits all of them
either way, im sorry, but good night
Bullshit! The last time you kike fucks tried to build the temple was under Julian the Apostate, and God smote you heathen fucks with fire coming out of the very foundation of the destroyed temple.
You aren't building shit because you aren't God's chosen people anymore. Christ came, He's the Messiah, meaning you ain't getting your kike paradise on earth with goyim slaves. Renounce your blasphemous Talmud bullshit and accept Christ or perish in Hell's flames for eternity.
Because they’ll have to level a mosque to do it, which will trigger Armageddon.
Because the Dome of the Rock is in the way
the roman were given order to spare the temple
and the priests couldn't have enough brain cells to remove flammable materials on the outside
Whatever happened to that “it will happen when the weather cools” prophecy thing?
>Because the Dome of the Rock is in the way
It's not though. The temple was never in that location.
The Brazilians already have.
Yes but the Wailing Wall is and the Wailing Wall is considered by the world community to be the remnants of the second temple. Literally that’s all that matters. Optics.
We don't need the west. We have two of the most based politicians in the Knesset right now.
Even further off the mark then the proposed third temple from where it should actually be
because of it's effects on the many minds of many, some very powerful, people
The Lord still actively communicates with you guys, doesn't He?
>Yes but the Wailing Wall is and the Wailing Wall is considered by the world community to be the remnants of the second temple.
Yeah because some of the stones were moved there and used in the wall, not because they believe that the wall was part of the temple.
Only Levites can work as priests in the temple and they lost all their genealogies. They have no idea who's a Levite and who isn't.
And how much does that actually matter? It probably should matter a significant amount, but how much does it actually matter?
good luck diverting attention to israel while you guys are blowing yourselves on the streets,the fourth reich will come,from here.
alright,sit down an embrace the return of the "indigenous people" of englandstine francestine and swedenstine,you can't partially legitimize an invasion.
in his own ways.
this. and it's underground.
I really hate the fact that the Scofield bible hijacked Christianity in the USA and their understanding of prophecy.
Pre-Milennial Dispensationalism is a huge mistake.
There are not two olive trees but one, with the wild olive grafted into the kept olive.
The Church is Israel.
All these idiot pastors quoting Jesus and saying he was warning of the second coming, when he was actually pronouncing judgement against Israel and the end of the old covenant.
>Only Levites can work as priests in the temple and they lost all their genealogies. They have no idea who's a Levite and who isn't.
They know.
>muh fourth reich
Hitler was a Jew who protected Jews by putting them in secure camps while they were being prepared to colonize Palestine.
>The second it will be build it will get the arabs to a new level of butthurtand then wage war on us and lose again and we gain territories
Okey, now I see your point.
Lol, wtf is this?
They already have, OP.
Terry already built the Third Temple.
>superstitious nonsense
Actually it's historical fact that the Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate tried to rebuild the temple multiple times, and for some reason it kept getting destroyed so they gave up
Tell me more
They aren't trying hard enough.
Oh user doesn't know? They've already built all the relics and vestments. They've even begun doing animal sacrifices on the third temple's altar.
is he a luchador?
Preach, thank you for those wise and true words brother. May you walk in Christ's peace.
>ark of the covenant literally spirited away to signify the covenant is fulfilled in Jesus
>curtain between the holy and most holy rent asunder to demonstrate to the entire priesthood at large what has happened
>hurp durp better cover it up so we can stay priests
Verily I say unto you, they have their reward.
they sure do, holy check
but those were not jews. i know i know, jews=hebrew israelites but really no, theyre not.
the people who you listed will testify to that.
It already happened, I didn't save the thread, but basically all those prophecies already came true.
Ty for this annon godbless
The Muslims would go crazy
Based Crentes Evangelicals
can't have two temples of solomon in a one
temple of solomon system, dipshit.
It's been built again, just in a different location.
Layout is vertical rather than horizontal, but functionally the same.
Holy of holies etc. included.
it's about mind control, they'll violate davids land
rights and build on the temple mount.
get out of here underwearanon
Weird that they have sacred geometry on the front of their altar. Must be Kabaalists...
Nah, I enjoy Jow Forums
And my underwear is pretty sweet.
Side note, I just noticed my ID says "Zjon" lol
Angel Moroni more like angel moron-i
lol there are no good Mormon jokes.
Mormons don't have any legitimately humorous stereotypes.
Pic related.
how dumb do you have to be to think muslims, globally remembered for putting mosques on other people's holy grounds like flagpoles of conquering nations, are the victims being flag'd on here.
do you have time to discuss the works matt stone and trey parker
can't wait to sit dick waggin naked in my radioactive chair like a fucking boss again
hurry up you fakes
>Side note, I just noticed my ID says "Zjon" lol
Truly God's 'new' chosen people.
>how dumb do you have to be to think muslims, globally remembered for putting mosques on other people's holy grounds like flagpoles of conquering nations, are the victims being flag'd on here.
Stfu kike, make a real argument.
>the works matt stone and trey parker
>Mormons don't have any legitimately humorous stereotypes
I don't see how those are mutually exclusive.
That musical didn't produce anything that was truly memeable.
I'm LDS.
We do believe we're God's chosen people but we don't believe it's new.
We believe we're descendants of scattered Israel (10 lost tribes).
Specifically white north-western europeans being Ephraimites.
You got that wrong mormanon.
We believe the 3rd temple hasn't been built yet.
The 3rd temple will be built in Jerusalem on the temple mount.
There are prophetic temples as well as general consecrated temples for practical use.
Temples have been found outside Israel from when Israelites traveled outside of it.
The tabernacle itself acted as a portable temple.
Matt Stone and Trey Parker's work on Mormonism isn't really that great. It's semiaccurate in some regards.
I grew up in an exmormon family but then converted. I saw the Book of Mormon musical before having done so.
The musical really doesn't make fun of mormons as much as it does make fun of wesern naivety and the non-western world. As well as just gallows humor/absurdism.
Even then, they've been consistent in making the joke that mormons are great people and that "only mormons go to heaven."
redpill me on mormonism
Pretty based, take lessons from misisonaries
more particularly how do you explain Mr Smith's incorrect translations of the egyptian papyri
>You got that wrong mormanon
My bad, it was a quick-post.
I wasn't thinking about the whole third-temple thing.
Look up FairMormon
Summary: We do not claim to know why the text of the Book of Abraham (or the missing Book of Joseph) is not in evidence on the fragments of papyrus that were recovered. Critics, of course, simply assume this to be conclusive evidence that Joseph was a fraud. From a believer's perspective, however, there are several possible theories to account for this: 1) The text was revealed much in the same manner as that of the Book of Mormon, without the need for the actual papyri, 2) The text was present on portions of the papyri that are missing, and 3) The Book of Abraham manuscript was attached to the Book of Breathings manuscript and was lost. 4) Perhaps there was a way of understanding the Egyptian ideograms anciently that is unknown to Egyptology in our day, yet to be discovered, deciphered or acknowledged, that could yield an interpretation of a text that is different than the standard Egyptological reading.
Also, Hitler is gonna be in Mormon Heaven
thanks user, good read
>incorrect translations of the egyptian papyri
There's a whole academic study on that.
I have the book somewhere, lemme see if I can remember the name of the author.
The extremely over-simplified explanation is:
"He couldn't actually read Egyptian, duh. He wasn't 'translating.' He was looking at the papyrus as a catalyst, along with some other revelatory tools, and then dictating whatever words or visions came into his head (from God). If God didn't give him the same info that was on the papyrus, then that was God's choice, and it is what it is."