What percent of posts on Jow Forums are made by paid shills representing a government agency or private lobbying firm?
What percent of posts on Jow Forums are made by paid shills representing a government agency or private lobbying firm?
Who knows
Anyone that's not voting Trump, Yang, Bernie, Tulsi or Marianne
= Boomer, Glownigger or NPC.
>Paid shills
0%. I doubt even a single person is paid to access Jow Forums in any official capacity.
There are a lot of shills, but that's a different story.
unpaid interns rise up!
~70% including bots
All you have to do is look for bait threads. Rival glowies read off their lists of "facts" and acceptable topics all day to each other. Jow Forums only ever posts about current events. Or their blog.
Who is hiring? Available for phone screens for the next 12 minutes. State level actors only please.
I wonder how much they pay.
100% of my posts.
I can't say which one.
I work for the Dpt. of State but I come on here during my breaks so not sure if that counts
Not much, most shills are just discord faggots with no life.
one would figure all the data collected here would be of some use, but it isn't. Jow Forums to the alphabets is probably just another place they hope to nab the occasional alt-right faggot who went off the deep end.
I’d say that 80% of OPs are shill or shit posts. It’s worse than it has ever been right now. Not a big deal because it is always getting worse. A newfag has no chance of discerning a real poster from an agent/shill/troll.
ive always been down to shill i just dont know how id go about it
Idk but its a huge waste of money
I don't get paid but I am a shill.
Not much.
95% of OPs
65% of regular posts
Reminder that glowniggers are bronies.
>Share Blue
> Media Matters
Let them spend. A fool and his money are soon parted.
A fool and her presidency were soon parted too.
Can a DACApede join a government agency? Which?
t. DACApede
I got one of those glowing tarrant threads deleted the other day. felt good
In eight chan it was much worse... every single day, 24/7... the (((Tarrant))) threads kept getting bumped by (((enthusiastic anons))) DESPITE the rest of the threads moving like molasses