Half of the money they used to bail out the banks in 2008 has been lent to banks using Federal Reserve overnight loans in just 4 days.
Some banks paying 10% interest to one another for overnight loans.
What the fuck is going on?
Half of the money they used to bail out the banks in 2008 has been lent to banks using Federal Reserve overnight loans in just 4 days.
Some banks paying 10% interest to one another for overnight loans.
What the fuck is going on?
The world is already in recession. The Fed is just trying to make sure we're the last to fall. Don't worry, user--we've still got at least 10 more years we can squeeze out of the dollar before it reaches 0 value. Negative interest rates coming soon.
basically what that data is saying is that despite the fact that some big banks are sitting on piles of cash, they are refusing to lend it out. the only explanation for this that i can conceive of is that all of those banks are afraid to lend it out, because they think one of their buddies is insolvent. they dont know who it is, so they would rather not lend it to anyone--but they smell the stench.
either that, or they know a recession is inbound, and they want to hold a liquid dollar reserve to snatch up assets at steep discounts on the way down.
Yeah that makes tons of sense. Those news articles are scary. Are the jews telling fellow jews to prepare? White people just watch fox and cnn lol.
10%÷ 365 cool it fag. It's more convenient than a company liquidating assets for temporary cash shortages.
If you account for inflation its already negative.
((They)) are crashing the system on purpose. Or they really are retarted enough to think MMT can actually fix it. I hope the latter.
We DROVE the world into recession to save ourselves. Trump is a cutthroat motherfucker doing exactly what he said he would do. He has murdered Europe and China at the same time while setting up a new set of allies in India, Japan, SE Asia, and Mexico (under new trade law).
People signing their own death warrants. If it all goes tits-up, this won't be forgotten.
Wym! explain more.
Europe already running with negative interest rates and QE-infinity until the wheels fall off the printer, the machine catches fire, and the whole building goes up in flames. we're just shortly behind them. like i said--a decade or so, and the game is over.
>Some banks paying 10% interest to one another for overnight loans.
>What the fuck is going on?
Check the news. A few of the larger drug cartels have started to cash up, that is launder their cash big time. The banks are taking 10% loans often from each other while funding the loan payments with drug money.
Hey Mike can I borrow $100 from you I'll pay 10%. Sure thing!
Hey Steve think I could borrow $100, I'll spot you 10% for it. Right away buddy!
Oh look we now both have $110.
Pablo has now converted $20 in drug money into $20 of interest the source hidden away in the international banking markets of over night loans and interconnected ownership.
The Japs were the first to really popularize interconnected ownership. With companies owning each other making it nearly impossible to actually figure out who controls what and moving huge amounts of money in dividends around. This method was adapted by the drug cartels that make money hand over fist, but have trouble spending. The Mafia way of owning businesses and making fake sales was too slow for the cartels. So they moved into banking and that really let speed up the process.
Whenever you see a crazy movement of rates that's one or more of the cartels trying to clear out a few trillion.
The Euro has been a zombie for almost 10 years. It's death is certain, the only question is how long they can drag it out. Doesn't look to be much longer now.
>Whenever you see a crazy movement of rates that's one or more of the cartels trying to clear out a few trillion.
Who the fuck is dumb enough to lend government money for 10 years to get less back?
Those who have precious metals are going to come out big after this collapse.
good theory imo. Fuck man. Shit like this scares me.
I see that little cuck in the corner.
Don't click that shit Jow Forumsacks.
That is Glenn Beck trash looking for clicks because his buisnesses keep crashing and burning. Let the boomer starve don't click that shit.
I think peak oil is a meme. That 80year one has me shook tho.
Revolution to civil war, civil war to ww2, ww2 to last tuesday.
This is why I have multiple wallets on different VMs
2nd civil war and it's already in progress, you just don't recognize it as a civil war yet
The 20% move in oil broke the derivatives market. Oil represents literal trillions of $ worth of contracts for oil to be delivered up to 10 years into the future.
Then the banks let people leverage their options by allowing them to borrow up to 100X what they put down to trade small % moves in the price of oil.
When oil moved 20% overnight, the counterparty chain broke and the banks lost more money than they had because they loaned it out to traders who all went bust at the exact same time.
So they keep scrambling to borrow so they can maintain their derivatives contracts that they've underwritten.
The whole thing is looking so fucking sketchy when you have interest rates on the 10 year lower than any point in history but the overnight lending rate is higher than ever...
Dont worry FED already started the quantitative easing while Trump pretend the are not already on overdrive "fixing" the recession signs
>literate people
you're just retarded, that's all
>randomly asserts drug cartels have anything to do with it
do you have any reasoning or proof?
>What the fuck is going on?
Globalist money laundering.
if any bank were to publicly declare insolvency in the near future, i'm 99% certain it would be Deutsche Bank.
ok now that theory is plausible, but there is still no real reasoning or proof.
I think a better guess is that bitcoin is being artificially propped up by the Fed for a little while to slam the goyim's dick in the door.
Dude. Theres like 20 homeless people that sleep on the street corner by where I live in Tampa. You cant tell me the economy is ok, what a fucking croc of shit.
POMO is QE-light. the fed has already started QE--they just dont want to admit it. this whole overnight lending situation is just the warm up.
peak oil is absolutely a meme - a meme a decade old. energy supplies are assured for something like 50 years, by which time we won't even need it and if we do we'll be able to get it using new technology.
Bretton Woods is dead and Trump is killing the petrodollar. He has repositioned the US and basically dropped the global trading protections we used to offer. The rest of the world is scrambling to figure out their next move. The USA will be fine - only to be undone by progressive commie infiltration.
>99% certain it would be Deutsche Bank.
Someone is this year's Lehman, count on it.
So we're getting that drug money back from the narcobeaners, 10% at a time?
thats what i dont get about this whole shitshow. why arent people stacking PM's by the truckload and we see a massive gold/silver spike instead of people investing in negative yielding treasuries?
You don't get it - WE determine the price of bitcoin, not the fed or other fags. If they have a huge position and are about to dump it, we'll buy it at discount and then they will be broke. You can't corner a market and manipulate price when there is a controlled and known supply.
The petrodollar was dying, regardless. That's why we tried to overthrow 7 governments in the middle east, to try and keep everyone selling oil for U.S. dollars.
What Trump did was deregulate and maximize energy production in the U.S., so now you'll always have something to buy with a U.S. dollar.
It won't stop it from dropping in value, but at least it won't be worthless.
Trillions of fake money are keeping the economy "running" since 2009 and that's why you see such an unstable world: nationalism growing in continental Europe, Labour in the UK, (you see in Argentina what Venezuela would be without the problems), revolts and protests in the third world, etc. Trump worked to avoid a complete meltdown in the American economy, but he burned the world economy with it.
This was the analysis released last year by a group of economists from a far-left party here.
>You cant tell me the economy is ok,
They're not homeless, they're junkie drug addicts. The economy is fine, in fact the biggest weakness in the economy is all the drug addicts aren't working. The CULTURE is fucked (jews), but the real economy is better than it has been since they let China into the WTO.
Hilldawg was going to keep overthrowing countries even worse than we did before, in order to keep the petrodollar.
because most people have no idea what's going on - the information field is an absolute mess and no one knows what is really happening.
the fog will lift soon and there will be a panic move. PM will benefit but BTC moreso.
certain parts of the economy are healthy, while other large portions are zombies. the problem is, the fed wont allow a correction to occur to allow darwinism to run its course--so there is no way to truly know who is doing well, and who is just pretending. i guess we'll find out soon enough.
what Trump is doing is restoring goods production in the US. our energy exports are a temporary band-aid while that ramps up. USMCA is designed to include Mexican industrial production as a backstop for USD.
>other large portions are zombies
which ones? they can be left to die. As far as I can tell only heavily-financialized businesses are in any trouble and everyone else is doing very well.
Syria and Iran were next on the list, but Russia stepped in, and Trump got elected, so the project froze up.
ISIS was supposed to overthrow Syria, with Syrian oil fields split between the Saudis and Israel.
jews are raping whites
Yes. Ukraine was our response to Putin's Syria dad-dicking. It's all about getting Pars gas field energy on a pipeline to Europe to undercut both Iran (other half of Pars field) and Russia (monopoly supplier to Europe).
That failed.
>which ones
most newly listed tech companies in the past decade for starters.
Jeeez, Beck's really blimped out.
you don't get it
the Fed moves in to control any market of value by any means necessary, it's the palace of jewish power.
(after probably pumping it) they crashed it from 17k with propaganda and posturing over regulations and shadow funding and other things I don't know of, they had to compromise because you are right to an extent, you do have a say in its price.
>known supply
you saw that whale alert right? you know that some of the original bitcoin accounts have been untouched since nearly the beginning and hold ridiculous amounts right?
the glowkikes have probably gotten the keys for at least some of those wallets
not to mention they could have huge positions they acquired through intermediaries (maybe they allied with drug cartels like it was suggested in exchange for political support)
>You can't corner a market and manipulate price when there is a controlled and known supply.
why would that be true?
have you ever seen the housing market lol?
2008 became the norm now they're doing the same but without telling anyone thats it
yeah this seems like one of the last stops for people to get off the ride.
buy PMs, buy guns and ammo, buy land if you can
>If they have a huge position and are about to dump it, we'll buy it at discount and then they will be broke
unless of course they are about to implode the economy
Sure, but who owns them? Their valuations are pure bullshit and I believe most like Goog and FB are actually strangling the real economy.
you are incredibly ill-informed.
prove it
>about to implode the economy
even ore reason to buy BTC. what part do you not understand? there's no reason to hold cash savings in USD right now it is literally guaranteed to inflate.
You're not smart enough. What you need to do is not trust the people you are reading and instead trust people who are telling you things that you don't understand. They're the ones not selling you anything.
Jow Forums has been predicting this shit for 12 years... no happenings
this, and he's not being hyperbolic about the guaranteed part. QE is coming, 100%. you have a choice--take your USD and gamble with it at the equities casino and hope you can master a pull out before they pull the plug--or lock in the value of what you have now with PMs, and wait for the plug to inevitably be pulled. i know which route i'm going.
Does anyone have suggestions for red pilled places to read about finance. /biz was murdered by ecoin shills...
>Deutsche Bank.
And they would deserve it
i loved that movie as a kid.
>Jow Forumstardation
bitcoin requires societal stability
no one can mine or transact if there are even scattered power outages
>What the fuck is going on?
My guess is that Deutsch Bank is about to go under.
QE/POMO and this other linguistic wizardry is the big trick. let me restate it for you in terms that make more sense:
The USD is being devalued. That's what QE and any version of it really is. This is a good thing if you are a debt holder, like the USA is. But if you have cash, put it in something that won't inflate and watch it soar.
Currency of a sovereign government has never reached 0 value. To assert that the USD will be the first is absolutely asinine.
Additionally, a recession is defined as two negative quarters of GDP growth in a row. That hasn’t happened since Obama’s first term.
Your entire post is low-IQ drivel.
>what Trump is doing is restoring goods production in the US
No. If he was going to do that, he wouldn't have given corporations that outsourced in the first place tax cuts with zero preconditions for in-sourcing production. What he wants to do is outsource to India and Vietnam and Indonesia to replace China and build a revised network of foreign vassals to attack the historic foundational population of the United States with.
These are exactly the conditions that allow a market corner to be executed.
if networked computing and fucking electricity are lost then money is the least of your worries you idiot. Mad Max isn't coming - get a history book.
devalue would probably be a better way of putting it, but i understood what you meant the first time user.
you sound like someone who just learned that they're an idiot, but can't let the rest of the world know.
It's okay, we won't tell anyone.
nigger, what?
It's a reasonably good guess. The other banks agreed to let Lehman die in 2008 because they were playing musical chairs and the music was about to stop - there wasn't enough chairs to hold everyone. The same thing is happening now and it appears DB is the designated loser.
DB crashing kills the EURO, which is why globohomo through the FED is trying to prop it up. I'm guessing the overnight repo market is mostly going to support the one failing bank that other banks refuse to lend to. But the rate is great so the good banks are also lapping it up, which masks who the bagholder is.
DB is the easy guess. If it's anyone else, holy shit nuclear bomb.
If he guarantees that the production in those states is done in USD...
>if its anyone else
please let it be HSBC
They can corner about 15% of the btc market according to my math. They need it because any bank who wants to still be a bank in 20 years will need to own a btc position.
They are not trying to steal your fiat through a BTC scam - the likes of Goldman literally stole $10 trillion dollars once and own half the rental housing in the USA. BTC's cap is nothing to them in terms of an asset to acquire for profit beyond a little dip and dunk trading.
They want a position because they know that it's an unstoppable force. They know that YOU will be richer than them if they can't get a hold of a big position. This is why they FUD it in public and buy in private. They can't buy too quickly without pushing the price up, encouraging competition. They need to keep price steady while FUDDING as many idiots as possible. Look at volume - that is the real story.
When the first major bank collapses in a rhyme of the 2008 crisis BTC will look like the safest port in the storm for anyone under 45.
I'm poor.
What's the best thing to do to prepare?
KY or Vaseline??
suit yourself, nigger
Can the system withstand a bank the size of DB going down though? Doubtful, with all the counterparty risk - both known and hidden. The last 10 years have caused asset prices to rise so much, imagine what the (((bankers))) have hidden in $1t of assets.
HSBC is actually a patrician guess.
Then it doesn't help regular people in the US. Time to wrap your head around that. The historic US population is viewed, by jewish Trump, as a permanent threat to be exterminated. The jobs aren't coming back because they don't want resources going to regular people. Only to corporations and their stock price.
as long as you have marketable skills and somewhere to sleep at night you'll be fine.
No, absolutely not. DB literally kills the Euro. The real question isn't who is the Lehman but who is the AIG?
The Fed. There's a scary thought.
Lulz, the crash that is about to happen is going to be hilarious. My only guess on why it isn't discussed is becsuse the scale is just to inconceivable to comprehend. The great depression will look like a Utopia in comparison.
The wise post. We are crashing this globalist plane with no survivors. America in 50 years will be isolated utopia. Trump is doing it right for the next gen.
lehman - DB
and *tink tink tink* posters
>The real question isn't who is the Lehman but who is the AIG?
like it make any difference at the end of the day
The next great depression I guess.
society doesn't have to crash for bitcoin to crash is what i'm saying and you have nothing to counter
stop coping and DIVEST
or if you're as nonwhite as you sound, HODL
Imagine a global recession and the rebirth of a nationalist Europe? Shit skins would shit their pants, they literally declared victory over us before the final goal had been achieved.
Whitey don't forget. Whitey angry. Angriest they ever been.
Let it happen I have nothing to lose
This is the same hunch I have.
It's just a coincidence though, I'm sure, when they openly say they will crash the economy to try to kill the Trump.