Climate change is real

You are the "dumb side" they say you are.

The "evidence against climate change" you post here is all easily debunked - you believe it because you are stupid.

Attached: global temp.png (1596x907, 346K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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>zoom out on the temperature, no one has ever done that before besides us skeptics!

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This is pointless to debate

Everything is pointless to debate on the internet.

Especially with dumb people.

I bet if you shrink the temps down to thousandths of a degree it looks even scarier. Please put an end to your life.

>its only a degree, the temperature changes all the time!

Allowing internet access to your kind was a mistake.

Attached: ice-28388442.webm (1728x1080, 1.48M)

It's common knowledge the medieval warm period was warmer than it is now. Your graph is evidence of the manipulation of data or adopting mean measurements which contradict the long-standing and ubiquitously accepted interpretation. You are trying to pass off Science! as real science.

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>It's common knowledge the medieval warm period was warmer than it is now

You're probably talking about the Greenland temperatures where it was indeed warmer, but that was only in Greenland, not a measure of the entire planet.

So you admit youre wasting your time? Whos actually the dumb one here.

If anything the image should show the uncertainty range for the older temperatures, but calling that "common knowledge" is laughable.

I'm sure you get your information from pictures such as this because, well, you're likely stupid.

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Theres a difference between arguing climate change and arguing solutions for it.

This is a socialist power grab and nothing more.

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why should I care even if it is?

Constant productivity is not the goal of life. You entertain me.

It's not fake, it's just the Greenland measurements which people often confuse with global temperatures

Attached: Warm_Holocene_with_8.2_kYr_Event_Greenland.png (1280x832, 136K)

So what are your planned proposals on how to fix the climate then I'll sit here and wait because there's nothing you can do. No amount of money is going to stop the climate from changing, and even if it could it's probably not desirable because you're fucking with the natural ecology of the planet to an extent that could inevitably lead to the extinction of all life.
But I mean, sure let's pay a little more for gas, cars, and electricity, and hope that while all those elites and corporations get rich off of us that the sea levels won't continue to rise, instead of talking about structured resettling of the coasts and sea-walls.

>You are the "dumb side" they say you are.
>The "evidence against climate change" you post here is all easily debunked - you believe it because you are stupid.
You do understand that if you have a massive conspiracy theory about the world ending in 12 years, that it is your duty to provide the proof.
It is not the job of the common sense people.

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That makes you less retarded, more selfish but I can't call you a retard.

That looks to be bullshit as well. Greenland GISP2 temperature charts posted by skeptics never mentioned they end with the year1850 as present. I don't have the most up to date version here, but from 10 years ago it was here.

I'm not sure what that that version is sourced from but that looks to be the same thing in a different format.

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>there's nothing that could be done

Well, only because retards like yourself/ Moron.

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I got to say, you must be dumber than everyone else in there thread.

Did you really think someone of any importance suggested at 150ppm plants would go extinct? Meanwhile for all of our modern history we have been over those levels?
You are hopelessly stupid, you don't deserve access to all the information in the world because you are an absolute failure.

>That looks to be bullshit as well
It's literally the exact same data source you blind idiot

>Greenland GISP2 temperature charts posted by skeptics never mentioned they end with the year1850 as present
This comes from Wikipedia. However, when looking at the 1855 to 2009 temperature increase in your updated chart, it doesn't even seem out of place compared to how jumpy and noisy the rest of the temperature record is. The records show frequent temperature spikes of greater than 1 C per century.

What happened to the taylor dome?

That is the damage control story after Michael Mann tried to rewrite the warm period right out of history. It's ice core data so there is only so many locations where they can take a sample.

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Yeah, we all gonna die. And this is good news.

You faggots wont post this chart with a hundred thousand or million year timescale because you know you would BTFO yourself.

Please go argue with these folks. Sounds like they had to put up with Hanson and the other global warming retards while they were at NASA.

Go ahead tell me how you're going to fix climate change. Again I'll wait.


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This. If they wanted real science they would still use the Taylor dome. Of course they see higher c02 in Hawaii on a fucking volcano!

>whenever someone disagrees, I sperg out!

It's bullshit in that it stops over 100 years ago. I'm not saying the updated version is supposed to be the best representation of global climate change - as you mentioned, it's only Greenland. And bullshit is not the right word, more misleading. But it does make a major difference.

>And bullshit is not the right word, more misleading. But it does make a major difference.

Well, this chart does say it ended in 1950. My point was that even if you included up to date temperature records, any normie looking at this wouldn't comprehend the temperature increase because the rest of the thing is already so damn noisy

>That is the damage control story after Michael Mann tried to rewrite the warm period right out of history

I don't know too much about how global temperature record was obtained, and how well it can be compared to the Greenland Ice Cores. That's entire fucking career to study

When the jig is up, they're gonna say chemtrails fixed global warming. Screencap this.

You could do some research and let me know?

Why should 7 billions care about the conditions existing when dinosaurs roamed?


The first step would be getting retards on board with it.

>say something abosolutely retarded
>get called out on it

>ahahaha you look so dumb insulting them!!

That makes you just as dumb.

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>+/- 0.6C over a 150 year period
OMG we’re all gonna die!!

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Climate change is real indeed, and that's a good thing!

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Ill take the bait. Im bored. What's the solution?

You can find the data here:

It starts 95 years before present, present being 1950.

No one cares about your stupid opinion.

Getting retards to get on board with what? Climate change?
You need to figure out who is outright denying that the climate is changing, the people who are saying that it's not caused by humans, and the ones who think it's a cycle that will continue no matter what we do.
Because depending on what the real scientific answer is, the solutions are different.
But you still haven't told me what your solution is. Because you know as soon as you say carbon tax, you're going to lose the game.

Your thebone posting graphs as evidence, you should be able to tell me why they dropped the historical measure for something new and why I should accept the volcanos measurements as a replacement

>What's the solution?
If it doesn't involve culling everyone who is not ethnically European, it's not a solution.

>they're gonna say chemtrails fixed global warming

This is plausible if they use chemtrails to seed sulfur dioxide

If being intelligent was all that was required to understand the various climate inputs and mechanisms, the models would be accurate.
Even the average of the models is not accurate, they are all wrong in the same direction, duh...

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> Oh nooooooooooo, almost 0.6 degree.

It's not a bad solution.

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Today's climate change won't have any lasting impact. 65 million years from now, it will be like nothing happened. So why all the fuss?

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Odd graph. Law dome and Taylor dome seem to completely contradict each other at where they meet

how about this one?

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Thats right goyim! You're responcible for the global cooli.... I mean, global warmi...i mean climate change thats happening right now! Trust me, we're scientist and sxientist know what they're talking about! Trust us!

Whataya talking about india and china and Africa!? What are you, a racist!? White people are responcible for all these terrible terrible things once again.

Now, dont have children, dont have homes, dont get good jobs, eat bugs and garbage and live a horrible terrible life. What are you saying about Isreal!?! Oy vey all the anti semitism here! Eat the bugs goyim!!

Attached: Antisemiticroth-1000x900.jpg (1000x900, 233K)

>no ice bad

Only the poor people and some older folks. Some economic problems.

Sorry I'm not much of a solutions guy. There's some reduction we could do that would help probably. No chance everyone gets on board in time is my guess.

The fact that we still have to argue about what is happening makes it a bit difficult to work on solutions.

I think it's adorable how you think I'm somehow itching to say "CARBON TAX!!!" I don't really follow solutions, I don't think any politicians have it right when they are demonizing nuclear when we need something to transition with.

Are you impying the volcano gives off CO2 and they are just measuring that? A lot of people do.

still not getting around, human caused climate change means too many humans and we must shed 6.5 billion people in 12 years.

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I like how skeptics think a intellectual is to be taken seriously when they are agreeing with them, but ignore the rest.

Nothing matters in the grand scheme of things I guess, man.

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The vast majority of high quality long-term temperature data comes from the US. Much of the planet has very little or none at all recorded data. I highly doubt the currently published global temperature record has any scientific validity, given shall we say... the current climate

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Here you go.

Golly, this is easy.

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Exactly. Not only will climate change not matter, but neither will any of the bullshit we're doing now.

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>I like how skeptics think a intellectual is to be taken seriously when they are agreeing with them, but ignore the rest.
As a person of science you should agree that we would be much better off on climate if we were able to rid the world of niggers, yes?

Attached: justthefacts2.jpg (983x3367, 830K)

>submit your data to the court, Mr. Mann.

Global cooling was never the concensus, a brief idea that faltered out very quick. The coupld Time magazine covers you are going to reply with do not represent scientific concensus. This is: India and China should lower their emissions. So should we, Ameircans have the highest per capita use. We should also stop buying a bunch of their products.

Anything else my son?

Well it has some downsides.

Attached: cooling.gif (500x285, 14K)

>Why should 7 billions care about the conditions existing when dinosaurs roamed?
To analyze patterns and cycles of warming/freezing
>You could do some research and let me know?
The domes hugely contradict each other where they meet. How can I trust any of these domes to be accurate?
There is nothing uglier in the eyes of the scholar than willful ignorance, especially when its not your own position

>another model with a sample size too small to be relevant

Post the model that goes back millions of years.

The Taylor dome is about 1000 ft higher than the law dome on Antarctica.
It would explain why the ice cores from Hawaii show much higher temperatures. Even if the elevation was matches the ambient air trapped in the ice would be much warmer.
Well you're already being unreasonable when someone comes to you with alternative theories or with the possible fact that we're too far down the line to do anything significant to change anything. So why wouldn't you also be one of those people who thinks that a simple tax is just going to fix it, why wouldn't you be one of those people who doesn't really want to come up with any good answers or solutions to the mass emissions, pollution, and poisoning of the environment if you're not at least calling out people who don't want to talk about major corporations for what they're doing and want to attack the little man on the totem pole for having a differing opinion?

Reminder to kill yourself by midnight

OP is just shredding everyone in here.

are you fucking retarded

That's one option, I'm not sure how viable it is.

>“Studies have shown that plants acclimatize, or adjust, to rising carbon dioxide concentration and the fertilization effect diminishes over time.”

Sure. Unfortunately I'm communicating with people of lesser intelligence who think a Jewish network are controlling all the groups measuring global temperatures to increase their taxes.

I don't think Africa emits much CO2 as their is not much going on their

Is that a reference to that boomerang chart or whatever?

Scientific knowledge isn't decided by consensus I thought that a smart dude like you would understand that.
As long as there's one person who has research that says something that differs from the majority it's not set in stone.
And even if it were, someone could still come along in the future and say something radical like the world is an oblate spheroid and completely change the basis of all our knowledge up to that point.

I don't want solutions, if there's no planet for white people there's no planet for anyone.
Just sit back, relax and enjoy the chaos knowing that your race will go extinct but at least the jews and niggers die as well.

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I fucking love science, bro!

With his shitty 2000 year graphs? Lmao the earth has been changing climate for billions of years. Post a graph that is relevant because you haven't done it yet.

nah, he's just desperate because the grand solar minimum is going to ream out his asshole and collapse the whole scam of blaming human activity for natural climate variability scaremongering

>I don't think Africa emits much CO2 as their is not much going on their
But you would agree that non-African brown people are a cause of the majority of the world's pollution, no? Why are we being preached to by a 12 year old muttmonster this month?

It's not actually happening.

It's been over for ten years...

First it was 'the ice age is coming!'

Then it was 'global warming is going to cook the earth and melt the glaciers!'
But this was debunked spectacularly.

And now the blowback on the perpetrators

Muh arctic ice!

But this has been going on for a long time

It was proven that climate scientists doctored results, fabricated data, illegally erased data, prevented other scientists from using the data and verifying their conclusions, and knew that the results they got did not find the earth was warming.

The official U.N. IPCC report was fraudulent too

And the statistically fraudulent claim that 97% of scientists agree, was debunked too

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary presents it nicely

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Why are there so many lines? Its hard to read.

>Well it has some downsides.
I'd like to hear them

>he doesn't know about Michael Mann and the hockey stick graph

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OK it's real. Now act like it's real. Give up your car. Don't by any Chinese or Indian shit. Go Vegan. Convince Gore, Dicaprio and the other activists to do the same. You want us to follow your hysteria, you better show us by example. Otherwisw fuck off.

I know, user. I stopped caring what both sides think about anything. I also realized that there is no way to get through to them. They've made up their minds.

MAD Magazine had a good saying for those types.

>Some people's minds are just like concrete: all mixed up and permanent.

Attached: Mad Magazine.jpg (225x225, 10K)

What happened in the Antarctic during that same time? What was the net sea level rise?

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Global warming activists dont get listened to because they would propose to fix the problem by stealing more money from poor people through taxes rather than leading by example. Leonardo DiCaprio and Greta are perfect examples of this. Nobody believes your unsettled science when you cant even act on your own beliefs yourself.

Climate! believers seem to commit almost every one of these logical fallacies in their arguments.

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Lol muh solarz minimumz. Solar minimum is expected to reach it's minimum next year, yet global temps have steadily increased since the 70's, dumbfuck. Solar activity doesn't explain the warming, or global surface temperatures will rise and fall with it. Asshat.

>>“Studies have shown that plants acclimatize, or adjust, to rising carbon dioxide concentration and the fertilization effect diminishes over time.”
well, shit, better trash all of those actual greenhouses, they obviously don't work

Meanwhile, US Corn yields track the rise in Carbon Dioxide. So, in the real world there is no diminishing effects

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It's 3 am and I'm bored. Fine, let's argue.
Since you can easily debunk any argument, riddle me this.
As more CO2 decreases exponentially in effect, the current amount already absorbing well over 99% of possible radiation, give me the reason why more CO2 would still lead to warming.

It really does take the mind of a child to just handwave away eternal problems like poverty and hunger.

>Are you impying the volcano gives off CO2 and they are just measuring that? A lot of people do
No I'm implying its kinda odd to set a mild trendbwith one measurement, then replace the latest data from a completely different location to proclaim the trend was broken. Stop dancing around the obvious problem with your graph.

grand solar minimums are a different animal, silly goose

global temperature has risen since the last grand solar minimum, shocker

>To analyze patterns and cycles of warming/freezing
Maybe. Skeptics usually like to go "THE CHART THINGIE WAS BIGGER 10 MILLION YEARS AGO THAN IT IS NOW - WE ARE OK!" Even though conditions in the past were warmer, that does not mean the effects of climate change today won't have negative effects (see: coastal cities).

>The domes hugely contradict each other where they meet. How can I trust any of these domes to be accurate?

Not really huge.

>There is nothing uglier in the eyes of the scholar than willful ignorance, especially when its not your own position

A guy asked me to argue to people on another website, I declined.


>you're already being unreasonable when someone comes to you with alternative theories or with the possible fact that we're too far down the line to do anything significant to change anything

I denied that person because they were claiming there was nothing we could do to change the climate, when we are the ones who changed it in the first place. Are we fucked at this point? Maybe.

Do you even understand your question?

No, I will not eat bugs, Mr. Shekelberg.

it's more practical than mining a significant fraction of the earths crust to manufacture billions of electric cars and solar panels, lets just hit the reset button and release the captain tripps virus.

Attached: The_Captain_Trips_Virus.jpg (620x950, 239K)

>when we are the ones who changed it
Who's the 'we' you mean here?

Going back to the 70's for your comparisons is not a valid scale of measurement. Try again, this time make sure your manipulated graph goes back at least 100,000 years.

And if I showed you a graph of staggering increase in the last 50 years compared to the last 300,000 years, your answer would be???

don't fall for the sulfur-dioxide-cools-the-atmosphere meme user

it is a factoid not a fact, the reason they want to spray sulfur dioxide is simply that it is poisonous. it doesn't affect the temp

Submit your data to the court for criss examination Mr. Mann. Tim Ball disagrees with it and believes he can prove you wrong. Just submit the data.