How many decades until USA becomes the first country with more transgender people than cisgender?

How many decades until USA becomes the first country with more transgender people than cisgender?

Attached: nu-usa.png (1280x674, 27K)

Infinity years.

eventually they'll evolve into futanari girls

Not gonna happen m8, the day of the rope will commence before such a thing

Please be correct Sr. Rodriguez

That will literally never happen , considering nearly half of them kill themselves post operation.

Depends on how many children they molest before they kill themselves

not happening, faggot

Attached: notalltrans.png (589x323, 14K)

Im a bad goy

You mean Brazil?

none because trannies can't breed

>less than 1% of population
>Jow Forums obsession for no reason

Impossible, traps are 0.5% of the population already and none of them are having any children

Attached: transkys.jpg (720x437, 31K)

but they reproduce like zombies, if you know what I mean

War will solve this soon


the Rothschild spoke, sorry USA

o shit the jew spoketh 20 years maxed we fukkked nigga

brazilian trannies face competition with literal animals because brazilians will fuck and get fucked by anything

Reminder that you're 3.8% of the population and don't forget to dilate, faggort

I give it 5, maybe 6 years.

based and whitepilled

never because it's a genetic illness that affects far less than 1% of the population.

I just want to absolutely obliterate a traps asshole with my cock. Idc if you call my faggot, homo, etc... dominating a failed male is the ultimate redpill.
Think about it, its even more based than fucking a woman. A father spends years raising their son to be some alpha chad, and you single handedly destroy all hopes the father might have. I can imagine some father hiding in his study facepalming, literally seething over the fact that you are tearing apart his son's asshole, who doesn't even have the decency to refrain from letting out constant quivering moans. Then the father has to witness his failure of a son leaving the bedroom trembling at the knees.
This is the ultimate alpha-chad move, and its not even gay. The romans and greeks were absolutely right about smashing boypussy, you can't even deny this.

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>The romans and greeks were absolutely right about smashing boypussy

they were so right they eventually collapsed, I hope murica follows the same way

>I hope murica follows the same way
it won't, it will become a trapnostate