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Where Did “Greta” Come From, Anyway??
Lincoln Roberts
Other urls found in this thread:
Julian Bennett
It's just pedophrasty-
Fuck off glownigger.
Aaron Cook
ask ur mom
Oliver Young
Zachary Jenkins
absolute dead ringer
Angel Jenkins
2003-2019 = 16.
greta thunberg age 16
Juan Walker
>Where Did “Greta” Come From, Anyway??
This woman's cunt:
Jason Nelson
She's a victim of Jewish paedophiles definitely and should be investigated by a security agency.
McCann was a hoax, if she provides a DNA sample you could correlate it.
Katy Perry is Jean Bennet-Ramsey
Christian Nguyen
grain alcohol and inbred eurotrash
Mason Sanders
You have face blindness. She looks like her father anyway.
Eli Davis
That filename the new Apple naming convention you retard
Aaron Bennett
this is worse than a straight to dvd movie
Austin Russell
>new Apple
>calling someone else a retard
Cuckanada everyone!
Austin Powell
Henry Russell
Hey you leave Steven Seagal alone!
Camden Gray
greta looks like she was born in a laboratory
Daniel Phillips
Her handlers are the ones spamming these threads. Who's that girl she's always with? Some Soros connected kike.
Soros was a huge kid fucker back in the day.
Isaiah Gomez
the virgin greta vs the chad bolsogirl
James Evans
Greta has no cobaloma or whatever the eye thing Madeline & Soros have.
Kayden Nelson
Wouldn’t this be a better age progression picture for Madeline?
Lincoln Brooks
Laurinha a fraquejada
Charles Nguyen
wat? they look nothing like each other.
Justin Howard
no. mad had a rare eye condition, that's why she got taken in the first place. go puke elsewhere
Nolan Nelson
vosmece quis dizer Carlos*
Laurinha the unbound, the keeper of morals and last of her clan.
Aiden Foster
Bump this shit, lets make it happen
Michael Wilson
Watching Jow Forums grasp at straws is hilarious.
Christopher Ramirez
Jonathan Green
Slithered out of a dumpster somewhere.