You've clearly never seen a Bernie Sanders supporters car user.
Matthew Collins
These pictures were shared on bergbook, what peaked my interest was how the stickers were placed upon the vehicle, they follow the same sort of pattern that did
William Anderson
license plate is Jer 2:21
Jeremiah 2:21 I had planted you like a choice vine of sound and reliable stock. How then did you turn against me into a corrupt, wild vine?
idk what it means but I found that interesting. Also this guy is probably schizoaffective or something. The only people who plaster messages all over their cars are schizophrenic but this guy seems at least somewhat functional despite being poor.
Zachary Powell
People that have schizophrenia don't drive around in cars and put bumper stickers all over them brainlet
Aaron Parker
>t. license plate >Jeremiah 2:21 New International Version (NIV) >21 >I had planted you like a choice vine > of sound and reliable stock. >How then did you turn against me > into a corrupt, wild vine?
Ryan Brown
Not sure if trolling or if you're genuinely that stupid.
Austin Collins
>You've clearly never seen a Bernie Sanders supporters car user. To be honest, I haven't.
Just looks like someone went on tightrope records and ordered every bumper sticker they could, except the actually offensive ones for some reason.
David White
I don’t spend my entire day watching over my vehicle, it is often unattended in parking lots. I don’t need to be replacing all my windows every fucking time I go for groceries.
Colton Davis
This is why I hope whites are replaced by Hispanics.
Could it be the reputed atomwaffen dirty bomb false flag?
Articles have been planted claiming (falsely) that the alt-right has been itching for a bomb--plus pic related. The only other FF involving insane bumper stickers was that Florida van guy; they've never used this tactic with a "shooter."