Daily reminder that Japan is under persistant attack and your weeb pedestal-placing fantasies of Japan being "too based to fail" only makes the situation worse. Acknowledge the problem and do something about it.
Daily reminder that Japan is under persistant attack and your weeb pedestal-placing fantasies of Japan being "too based to fail" only makes the situation worse. Acknowledge the problem and do something about it.
Other urls found in this thread:
>and do something about it
sorry nip, busy trying to save our own asses.
it's not my fault your country has too much onions
It would be rare for a Japanese person to reach out, especially to westerners.
I am weeb btw.
>Thinking there's a still a chance to save what's left of the Jewnited States
Unfortunately, America is mathematically past the point of saving. The replacement rate of high IQ races is too low especially when compared to the massive influx of shitskins flooding in and breeding at exponential rates. Even if every white woman in America started pumping out three kids today, it would still not be enough to overtake the multiplying brown hordes. America had its chance, and now it is empirically too late.
Japan, however, still has a chance. If the people became woke, and if the kike poison is killed off in its larval stage, Japan still has a chance to recover.
We are the last developed country, the last high IQ society that has any chance of surviving. We are the world's last hope, but our window of opportunity is rapidly closing.
What do you want us to do about it? You guys aren't here in great presence so even if autists got really into the issue it wouldn't help.
It's on you nips to resist it. The west has largely fallen to 'modernity.' Please show us the samurai spirit and buck it like Poland is.
Are you really Japanese? Seems like /pol is full of fake Japanese people.
African student in Kyushu punches referee
In the Streets of Japan : One Love Jamaica Festival Odaiba 2016
Niggers in Roppongi
Jews have been in Japan since the 1500s.
It goes back quite a bit further than that, my friend.
Japan user, after World War 2. The U.S. spared destroying a culture like Japan after firebombs and 2 atomic bombs for this reason. You guys need to stand up for yourself. Use the basics that you mentioned. The last high IQ country and people living the longest. Fight nip. Fight.
haha, well done englishu-teacher!
Your english skill is too good to be a japanese.
Anyway, real Japanese are in 5chan, not 4.
I can't read moon runes so translate the picture at least.
>Every thread suddenly has randoms linking website urls.
Leave him alone. He is crying for help.
Yaoi is life.
>He is crying for help.
> Unfortunately, America is mathematically past the point of saving
Who's he crying for help from? It's too late for all of us. Europe is worse off too.
Who? Who's going to help them? Who's going to care with bigger problems of their own?
In fact? Considering all the troubles white people are facing in every white country on planet earth and it's pretty much ALL worse than Japan?
Shut the fuck up OP. Why should I care?
You're not the issue right now anyways.
You're crying about a splinter while I'm being stabbed to death. Stfu.
You Jaos should only allow high IQ nonjaps in the country?
I already saw how Japanese women are taking American Los Angeles Latino culture. That shit is funny stupid and sad.
You Japs should kill, chop up, and eat niggers to show people you Japs eat anything and to fuck off niggers.
Your country's most based citizen spends his time jerking off to idol bands, writing homoerotic scenes into his manga, and playing dragon quest. That's all that needs to be said
How times have changed
based!! HunterChads needs to rise up!!
2 years go I went anime revolution and sat in on their plan on how to make japan gay friendly
The blue print is influence institutions
Japan has been under attack for 78 years.
How do we help?
Make Nippon Great Again
We already control the entire board of /a/. Jannies fucking hate us though
>Bend over to the West
>Comply with everything they say against China, Iran, and North Korea
>Get turned into a fag infested collapsing dump
You reap what you sow.
>The blue print is influence institutions
that's always been the blueprint, famalam
Why should we help you? What has any of your people done for us? Whites in Japan are treated like second class citizens. I'd rather help the Jews at this point
don't go to /a/ anymore but hunterchad posting always makes me crack up
especially when they go to war with jojofags and my reddit academia
>how to make japan gay friendly
>The blue print is influence institutions
Yep. Temple University "Japan Campus" just opened a week ago. Let's take a look at some of the offered classes:
Art History Writing Intensive: Art and Queer Theory
Contemporary Japanese Art
Arts in Cultural Context
Special Topics in Asian Studies I: Social Inequality in Asia
Japan in a Changing World Order
Special Topics III: Japan's International Relations
Ideology and Social Change in Japan
Writing Seminar in Asian Studies: The Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia
Writing Seminar in Asian Studies: Immigration and Integration Issues in East and Southeast Asia
Politics of Identity in America
Representing Race
Dissent in America
African American History to 1865
Contemporary Media Issues: Journalism and Japan's Geopolitical Impact on the World
Ethical Issues in Journalism
Journalism and Globalization
African Americans, Equality and the Law: Weapon or Tool?
The Making of American Society: Melting Pot or Culture Wars?
Development & Globalization
Japan in a Changing World Order
Human Sexuality
Topics in Psychology: Prejudice and Discrimination in Japan
Topics in Psychology: Intercultural Marriage
The History & Significance of Race in America
Ideology and Social Change in Japan
And there's much, much more. And yes, the head of the faculty is Jewish, many of the professors of these classes are Jewish. They are here in Tokyo, Japan, teaching Japanese students on a daily basis the same cultural marxist curriculum that is being taught at Berkley and many other (((higher education))) institutions in western countries. It should be no surprise then why the younger generation is so supportive of social justice now.
Oh brother
It's usually wan piss. We'll just be in the thread talkin, and the autists will raid the thread with images that prove they have the reading comprehension of a toddler
>And there's much, much more. And yes, the head of the faculty is Jewish, many of the professors of these classes are Jewish. They are here in Tokyo, Japan, teaching Japanese students on a daily basis the same cultural marxist curriculum that is being taught at Berkley and many other (((higher education))) institutions in western countries. It should be no surprise then why the younger generation is so supportive of social justice now.
its all so tiresome jfmsu
Providing you with the decaying corpse of western Civilization as a monument to the sins of multiculturalism should be "doing something about it". Right?
I live in driving distance of Temple University's main campus, most of the people who went there from my high school were retards who were emotionally attached to the idea of big city life
Why do you guys always know which fucking images I will decide to enlarge
this a bad thing because?
>That feel when no Japanese milf to mating press.
>You Jaos should only allow high IQ nonjaps in the country?
They should also at least show some support to the country and not be the kind that undermine it, so they should be careful of who they let in and not do it en masse.
pic: learn japanese or go the fuck back to whatever country you came from
And your country's culture chops off dicks of small babies and give them their foreskin to your Jewish overlords so they can get their money...
Listen yellow monkey, either get guns and do it yourself or tell us where to place Fatter Man
We re-built what we destroyed of your country, and you guys can't defend yourselves?
I mean you are an occupied country and have no access to weapons.
But hey, life in nippon is good right?
Never forget those words nip.
>weeb pedestal-placing fantasies of Japan
>Jow Forums is 1 person
boring, fix your country yourself sushiboi
Literally no one go in that university besides gaijin and japanese commies.
Their internet site and their courses are in english for god sakes. Stop this nitpicking, blackpilling bullshit. I bet you are the one behind all of these anti japanese thread.
Can't spot an Engrish teacher
Are you new here or what?
t. hapa who hates his father
Fuck you at least we have English
Why don't you send out some giant bipedal robots armed with the deadly Absolute Zero Cannon, then? Didn't your magical girl squadron take care of things?
>Wahhh my country is being attacked by shills and is going under just like everyone else wahhh
Join the club retard
what do you think about israel
Japs are done after WW2 just like Germany. There is nothing to save. They're just another mutt colony.
The usual...
let the nip speak
Create powerful anti-degeneracy memes and nationalist memes for japan to stay japanese you guys already have the best culture in the world for fuck sake time to weaponize it and save your skins
I haven't interfered him in speaking to you.
I didn't agree with Montaser if that's what you think...
>too much onions
Newfag detected
Wishing you well in the fight op
Kek, thanks for sharing that
Get fucked chink