A declaration to "pagans" and "atheists"

I am tired of hearing you guys argue over wether or not you should allow Christianity.
Christians are and remain the backbone of all right-wing and nationalist thought, and the bulk of their movement.

If you so much as dare to raise one finger against us, we'll cut your fingers off, and make you bury your own children alive before we kill you.

Nope. Our relationship is one-sided. You need us, we don't need you. One of us is worth ten of you, and we outnumber you two hundred to one. So keep it nice and quiet, unless you'd rather be nice and dead. Maybe go out into the woods and die raising kids who aren't yours like Varg.

This is our movement. You're nothing to us and we will hang you little pagans and atheists with the pedos.
>muh race
Fuck off.
Your "race" isn't sacred, only God is.

Now you may complain and squirm, you may cry, but it changes nothing, pray to God that he will be merciful because we will not.

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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 19:12&version=KJV

We could work together. We could have Odinist Christianity. Both religions of the Whites could syncretizie. Christianity and Paganism are really simular.

God isn't real. Grow up.

One does not ally oneself with evil. One does not merge with evil. You satanists will be wiped away, so you better bend the knee and bend it fast

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Nah. You're outnumbered 280 to one, and are literally degenerates who will have to go to the Negro's ethnostate in Wakanda.
Sick of your shit.

Yeah, Wakanada for you too.

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My pasta is stale.

Closer representation of Jesus.

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Kinslaying is one of the first sins of mankind according to your own book. Be gone, Cain.


>Christianity and Paganism are really simular.

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really? all that effort and you don't even take the 60 seconds to get a native filename. and you memeflag. It doesn't even matter if we respond or not does it? you get payed for posting -anything-, so long as it doesn't get you banned, don't you?


>Google biblical description of jesus
>nothing but articles from people explaining why their take on it is correct.

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When Jesus recommends cutting off your nuts, you ignore him. Why do you cherry pick your holy scriptures? You buffet Christians are insufferable bores.

I am not saying do it but if you do, remember to sterilize the knife with a lighter or something.

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 19:12&version=KJV

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keep it in yer pants reverend and put down the PCP pipe


Matthew 6:31-34
>So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.





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Following the teachings of Christ leads to nihilism. It's the same as Buddhism he preaches detachment from the material world.

>Matthew 6:31-34
Matthew 6:31-34 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

31 Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ 32 For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; and indeed your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But strive first for the kingdom of God[a] and his[b] righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

34 “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

every time the word pagan is used in translation the original word was "goyim"

In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads:

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, :What shall we eat? or,
What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your
heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

The World English Bible translates the passage as:

31 “Therefore don’t be anxious, saying, ‘What will we eat?’,
‘What will we drink?’ or, ‘With what will we be clothed?’
32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things; for your
heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

כי את כל אלה מבקשים הגוים הלא ידע אביכם אשר בשמים כי אתם צריכים לכל אלה׃

jesus preached irectly against the GOYIM הגוים


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>כי את כל אלה מבקשים הגוים הלא ידע אביכם אשר בשמים כי אתם צריכים לכל אלה׃
>jesus preached irectly against the GOYIM הגוים

כי את כל אלה מבקשים הגוים הלא ידע אביכם אשר בשמים כי אתם צריכים לכל אלה׃

jesus preached irectly against the GOYIM הגוים

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anything to say for your case kike?

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You're threading are boring and achieve nothing.

Christianity is a lie. Make believe. Its a Yule tree, not Christmas. Your identity is a make believe identity.

see this an my answer to it

house of lies

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You posted an image of an effeminate antichrist and are pretending you are on the good side? You are no different than a pagan as I can tell you dont even know the gospel yet by the unbiblical things that have spewed out of your mouth in your op.

Here is real eternal life for anyone who wants it from a real saved person: youtu.be/WDEBz25lGdY

>t. Ass-blassted hellbound gaytheist

>The bible way to heaven


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ahahahah you refuse to even reply to my post

כי את כל אלה מבקשים הגוים הלא ידע אביכם אשר בשמים כי אתם צריכים לכל אלה׃

jesus preached irectly against the GOYIM הגוים


Jesus, of his real name Rabbi Y'ushua ben Yosef, preached directly agaisnt GENTILES הגוים

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btw ἔθνη translates to "nations" not "gentiles"

>πάντα γὰρ ταῦτα τὰ ἔθνη ἐπιζητεῖ· οἶδεν γὰρ ὁ πατὴρ ὑμῶν ὁ οὐράνιος ὅτι χρῄζετε τούτων ἁπάντων.

ISR Scriptures:
>31Do not worry then, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
>32“For all these the nations seek for. And your heavenly Father knows that you need all these.
>33But seek first the reign of Elohim, and His righteousness, and all these shall be added to you.

>muh rabbi yeshua
Enjoy hell, ass-blasted JIDF shill. Its hot.

Atheist here, I’ve never advocated taking away anybody’s First amendment right of freedom (or from) religion. I fully recognize your right to practice Christianity.
We can’t pick and choose which groups we apply freedom to. It’s a bit silly to paint us with such a broad brush—atheists are not a monolith, just as Christians aren’t.

Reminder all "muh rabbi yeshua" shills will burn in hellfire and all the shilling they do will never change this fact.

lmao greek? REALLY? GREEK?

the greek versions were translated BY JEWS fro; HEBREW to GREEK
greek version has no more value than an english or spanish version of the bible
the original text is in hebrew and the word is:

כי את כל אלה מבקשים הגוים הלא ידע אביכם אשר בשמים כי אתם צריכים לכל אלה׃

and the word in question is הגוים

הגוים, can you translate that for me? it is the word chosen by jesus to describe the people who he hates

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Oh yeah, well, uh... fuck you buddy

kek its literally what they always go back to

they get exposed, then refuse to even aknowledge the posts, then resort to insult and namecalling

then the next day they pretend none of it happened as they try to corrupt the minds of th epeople they prey upon to recruit, who werent there to see their lies debunked

gradually I began to hate them

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There is no hell and you have a peanut for a brain.

>There is no hell and you have a peanut for a brain.
and he worships a jew

one hell of a combo

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>brainlet christcucks getting mad that everyone is waking up from the thousands of years of lies
What happened to spreading the other cheek?

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piss off kike

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... AND he never got back to me after getting metaphorically assraped

well off I go, this has been nice exposing the lies of the judeochristians

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>Genesis 18:18
>Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty GOY, and all the GOYIM of the earth shall be blessed in him?
goy=nation. it does not mean a non jew, unless forced to through translation
there is no hebrew or greek word for gentile. the entire bible is full of this.
its true that jesus said he came only for his lost sheep of israel, but also said jews(it does say jews) do not believe in him because they are not his sheep
not that theyre not his sheep because they dont believe, but theyre NOT HIS SO THEY CANT BELIEVE
he said that they wouldnt go over the their houses until he came back. they could have easily gone over the jews within a month
various people make up who the jews are today, but even back then they were not hebrew israelites

Bait and spiced lol

youre always using the meme flag to hide yet, nazis were christian.

Oh look. The same D&C thread you've posted every day for like a fortnight.

Stop replying to this thread you stupid fucking newfags.

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> goy=nation. it does not mean a non jew, unless forced to through translation
> there is no hebrew or greek word for gentile. the entire bible is full of this.
> its true that jesus said he came only for his lost sheep of israel, but also said jews(it does say jews) do not believe in him because they are not his sheep
> not that theyre not his sheep because they dont believe, but theyre NOT HIS SO THEY CANT BELIEVE
> he said that they wouldnt go over the their houses until he came back. they could have easily gone over the jews within a month
> various people make up who the jews are today, but even back then they were not hebrew israelites

cope cope cope more cope

>some filthy ass christian circlejerk site

cope cope more cope

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I think, I m done making a point here, cope all you want while I m gone, make up new lies, have fun in your delusions, I m out

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multiple times a day. i should be better prepared as to not look like a total spaz
forgiveness please
run away. even if its a christian site its filled with ns propaganda and you tried to defeat it with a wiki, like this is a japanese card game
stay defeated

>pagans: "lol ur god is weak look at odin"
>also pagans: dont actually exist because crusaders BTFO them 1000 years ago

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You talk as if modern Christians are crusaders. You're not. You're a population of paunchy sissies that have been completely pozzed by feminism, multiculturalism, universalism, and and every other rotten thing under the sun. At least the pagans had to be conquered by blood and iron. You got conquered by women and niggers.

kek at least we exist
>besides, all that you've mentioned was in fact caused by Atheist postmodernists who spent 30 years eroding Christian values to destroy it from the inside. you'd know it if you weren't a sperm slurping pagan larper like your folklore god odin

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Maybe if your shitty Asian religion wasn't a shitty Asian religion it wouldn't be so easy to infiltrate. That's what you get for being universalists with an heavenly open borders policy, you despicable kike.


>open borders
kek good luck if you think the gatekeepers of Heaven believe in open border policy. It was a mistake for Christians to allow atheists to spread their filthy anti-philosophical theories and hedonism for the sake of civility and human rights.

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No, that would imply that they don't care about anything in the material world. Christ commanded His followers to love and forgive their enemies and to go out into the world to spread the Word of God. Christ dines and sups with whores and reprobates, some of the worst sinners of the bunch and implores us to do the same in order to save them. He does not ask us to remove ourselves from the material world, to stay in a monastary and do nothing but pray all our lives. If one truely believes in and puts their trust in Christ and God, then they can live amongst the horrors and awful temptations of the world and be able to fight them off. Even Christ fought with temptation.

Imagine being so rabidly hateful of a single group of people that you let those very same people convince you to hate their greatest enemy. And why, because it's a split off of the same religion? Look at the religious texts of both of these people you claim to hate.
Christianity says that Christ is the very Word of God itself given human form, to spread the Truth and give forgivness to all mankind, and even the most simplistic belief in Christianity relies on believing that Christ was our saviour.
Judaism claims that this same figure was the son of a whore who deserved worse than what he got, and is currently in Hell, forced to sit in a cauldren of boiling excrament.
These two view points are so at odds with one another that you'd need to blind yourself to all logic and truth in order to believe that they could ever be spiritual allies. You are so focused on hating everything to do with Jews that you don't even notice when what you're doing is to their benefit.
Reminds me of that Stonetoss comic with the tug-of-war.


>Christians are and remain the backbone of all right-wing and nationalist thought, and the bulk of their movement.
Only for White people.
Right-wing and nationalist thought for Indian people manifests in Hinduism.
For Arab people it manifests in Islam.
For East Asian people it manifest in Buddhism.

You wanna come up with a more verbose argument there, champ?

Eventually, all of Europe will come back to the ony true eternal religion. The Sanatana Dharma, the Vedas. Om namah Shivaya, Hara Hara Mahadev Om!

>their greatest enemy

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You are simply causing dissention, stop it. Look, atheists live a saddening life, and pagans are misguided heretics, but you have to understand that they are trying to help defeat the easily recognizable evil that we deal with. Also, understand race is sacred. God values purity, and considers racemixing an abomination.

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Bump. Without Christianity, we are doomed. We must crush the Masonic gnostics. They are in league with the Jews and obsessed with degenerate sex. Without Christianity, they are playing you like a fiddle. Once we have eliminated the masonic order from our own ranks, we can replace them with proper priests. Until then, we are fucked.

>If you so much as dare to raise one finger against us, we'll cut your fingers off, and make you bury your own children alive before we kill you.
You're not any different than a Muslim. You dumb fucks will be killing each other for (at least) the next hundred years.
Eventually there's a going to be a Christian/Muslim/Jew figure that preaches non-violence, and hopefully it will enlighten you savage people.

Haha Christianity more gay-ianity... got em

Yes, Charlemagne and his son Louis believed that Jews could be gradually converted into Christianity. The amount of protection, and in turn, the amount of power that the Jews recieved was one of the reasons for the civil war that caused the empire to become divided.
I will not make excuses for the follies of imperfect men. They wanted to save the Jewish people from sin, and failed. Simple as that.
>Eventually there's a going to be a Christian/Muslim/Jew figure that preaches non-violence, and hopefully it will enlighten you savage people.
That was supposed to be Christ, but people tend to block their ears to His message and pretend to hear whatever they want in order to justify their hatred and violence.