God is a fictional character made up by primitive moralfags to describe shit they didn't understand and to impose their...

God is a fictional character made up by primitive moralfags to describe shit they didn't understand and to impose their morals on everyone

Current climate change trends are caused by human greenhouse gas output

Supply side economics is a failed ideology that destroyed the American working family

There's only one human species and the humane genome has been sequenced

Conservatism is a logically fallacious ideology based on appeal to tradition and the is ought fallacy

Conservatism is caused by swelling in the fear center of the human brain. Conservatives are mentally defective

White nationalists are inferior humans that subscribe to destabilizing policy and are currently the demonstrating their inferiority through their political temper tantrums

Trump will lose 2020

Jow Forums is unhealthy for you.

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*tips fedora*

Remember. You're here forever


imagine reading all of this

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you are not correct

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Lol cry more nigger

>God is real. You will be judged.
>Climate change is real, and that's a good thing.
>Free market capitalism is the best worst strategy.
>Niggers are inferior to Whites.
>Conservatards btfo
>White nationalist want to secure a future for their own and a future for white children. Nothing abnormal about that.
>Trump will win 2020. Easily.

Attached: tenor (1).gif (220x165, 428K)

Imagine being this impressed with your 105 IQ

Okay retart

>God is a fictional character made up by primitive moralfags to describe shit they didn't understand and to impose their morals on everyone

And also hundreds of generations of philosophers and theologians, whom you likely have read none of.

>Current climate change trends are caused by human greenhouse gas output

Nah. It's increased solar activity.

>Supply side economics is a failed ideology that destroyed the American working family

The "American Working Family" is a construct created by the CIA to increase the size of the American labor pool so americans could compete with the soviets. Prior to the CIA backed women's liberation movement nobody knew what this was.

>There's only one human species and the humane genome has been sequenced

Sure bud. But some humans are more intelligent, stronger, taller, than others - and this is largely decided by their local genepool more than economics.

>Conservatism is a logically fallacious ideology based on appeal to tradition and the is ought fallacy

Sure if you think "appeal to tradition" means refusing to throw the baby out with the bathwater and make people feel uncomfortable to sate your own moral urges and to elevate the causes of tiny minorities of people over the majority.

based tranny shill thread.

>Conservatism is caused by swelling in the fear center of the human brain. Conservatives are mentally defective

No, liberalism is caused by an underdeveloped amygdala which is why they are prone to emotional outbursts and extreme irrational fear, (e.g. Trump is as dangerous as Hitler.)

>White nationalists are inferior humans that subscribe to destabilizing policy and are currently the demonstrating their inferiority through their political temper tantrums

White nationalists are white advocates for a white minority (when whites eventually become a minority and have to compete for positions in the socities their ancestors have built.) Any group of activists right wing or left wing has it's share of screwballs especially in its initial stages - like take for instance your average antifa tranny.

>Trump will lose 2020

I doubt it. The Dems haven't produced a decent candidate yet - the only logical choice to beat him is Yang/Tulsi (because Bernie is old and most of the voter base see him as weak as evinced from the last election) but the DNC won't allow that. I think they are trying to rest on anyone being electable after 2024.

>Jow Forums is unhealthy for you.

No shit. So is the internet in general.

What faggotry is this?

God is real
Man made climate change is not
Capitalism worked well enough to get you the computer and internet connection you are suing to post your bullshit
There might be one human race, but there are categories within that race
Conservatism is a perfectly suitable ideology for creating a homogeneous nation state.
The Left is awash in moral and ideological contradiction creating people who suffer from cognitive dissonance.
If White nationalists are inferior, why are you afraid of them?
Trump will most certainly win in 2020
Jow Forums is freedom.

You are an idiot

Post more anatomical studies.


Pls be my ai bf

I’m an atheist but I am so tired of these stupid shitty posts.

Look up to the heavens, brah

Aliens = God

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