Gangsta rap

I remember back when I was a kid growing up, hip-hop and rap was forbidden for me to listen to because of niggas and all that yada yada yada.

but y'know, i listen to shit like this now and it's just very real. certainly bops. and i very much do so appreciate it and consider it as art.

i have no hate against the negro. we both have been equally wronged and cheated into losing what should have been rightfully ours.

you're our brothers too

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and that is why we were drawn to it.

This is how zionist subvert decent people. We think we are rebels when we are destroying our selves and society.

nah bro that's not what i mean. the songs illustrate reality. in a perfect way

you think coolio is condoning that way of life?

>Appreciating good music = destroying own culture
Better stop watching anime while you're at it

Black music is unironically better.

i don't mean what i'm saying in an "oh based black guy" sort of way. you know, fuck niggers and race mixing and all that. i hate that shit.

but after the race war is over, and we overthrow the jews and all that. why can't we chill, y'know?

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the only defense of rap is that all the white muscians of the recent decades turned out to be shitlib fags

there really wasn't any alternative
I used to listen to shit like 2pac growing up, got called a wigger by people listening to gay indie rock
now they're all libshit negro lovers like the musicians they listened to.
I never took it seriously, it was just entertainment so I'm fine.


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they wanna kill you and have no interest in chilling

nah bro i know a ton. they cool.
bruh what we have here in america is way worse than "rap"

based op. Not black but the truth is were all in the same slave boat

>nah bro i know a ton. they cool.
you're a retard, zero are cool. not a single one alive on the planet

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from well over a billion negros?
not one is cool?
man that's awfully close minded.

At the end of the day, we're all niggers.

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why send me that? what does that make you?

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>calling him bro
Niggers are simply not on the same mental level as Whites or Asians, think what you'd like, but this is entry level knowledge.

Tupac was based. Great story teller.

wew lad

I can't believe there are so many of you dipshits now.

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>cutfags will never know this feel

Can't spell Crap without rap.
Enjoy burning your coal, you will pay the toll.

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I grew up on 90s rap cause it was all around me. That shit is poison. Turned so many kids at my school into wiggers. They would go on summer vacation and come back with weird ghetto accents trying to sound like niggers. Really fucking sad and it's been going on for decades now

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take refuge in liberia, retard.

Absolute degenerate shit

All this fake rapper shit.... at least Non Phixion keeps it real, talking about the conspiracies right over our heads.

fuck yeah man. Rap music is dope.

>white people produce good and entertaining music
>cia writes lyrics (2pac specifically was an asset)
>get a nigger that went to art school and was basically just an actor to "rap"
Its a good formulae if a bit obvious. If you actually listen to the music its about niggers nigging out and committing crime but wants to avoid repercussion. In one breath they say "we kill cops" and "cops oppress us". Doesnt take a genius to figure this out.

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>rap is good music
Holy fuck kill yourself immediately.

Refuge from what? You're the one who seems to be scared of everything.

Then one of them comes out with a song either calling out the Jew or saying they should raise their kids and fix their community and they get pushed into obscurity by (((someone)))

From white nationalism, retard.

Excellent taste.

I'm a true blue hick with a lot of guns. Most other hicks I know aren't faggy nazi larpers either lol where's ur army klaus? Are all your Jow Forums buddies gonna rise up and lynch the niggers?

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>nazi larpers
Fuck off kike.

You're a naiz, retard.

American white nationalism is real and everywhere and you're done. Your hick friends are irrelevant. They can go with you.

> nazi larpers
Liberia was specifically created by amerians to send blacks to.

Your beloved nazis didn't even exist at the time, retard.

Wanna see a youtube beef where someone does a diss track against Boogey.

Like LTG or somebody

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Fuck off you fucking nigger or nigger lover (which is just as bad). Nigger. Beyonce.

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Holy fucking memebots. Why exactly are you so scared of random other people? Explain to me what it is that makes your suposed way of life worth preserving. Bonus points if you can avoid buzzwords

"you're scared"
stop gaslighting
being aware of something doesn't mean you're scared
bring it on, pussy
> Explain to me what it is that makes your suposed way of life worth preserving
because it's mine and this country is ours
the fact that is objectively superior is merely and added benefit
preserve your shit in liberia, the country that is yours.

In high school, I member when me a friend did a diss track using the "hit'em up" instrumental. Everybody got a piece of it, they got pissed and tried to come back with their own, even with corrido style tracks.

It's pretty sad that so many kids like yourself are letting crusty old cucks socially engineer their gay agendas into your heads on Jow Forums. You ever hang around any of the lesser species? Sometimes they almost seem like regular people. Just going by your behavior in this thread, it's hilarious to think you actually consider yourself superior to these boogie men you heard about

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Try saying something of any substance, retard.

> I think you're wrong
nobody cares, retard. You have zero ability to persuade anybody with your vapid nonsense.

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I think niggers are lucky to be in America.

Take a moment and re-read our conversation. You are the one trapped in the Jow Forums hivemind. I'm just being real with you. I highly recomend taking a break from this board for a bit. There are paid influencers at work here to make normal conservatives look like retards. Don't be a sheep.

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I grew up around niggers and spics my entire life. There is absolutely no point to niggers in society and any benefit spics bring is outweighed by how awful they are in general.

is this lemmy?

youre a sick fuck for getting off on this crap.

fuck anime. fuck nigger music.

Another vapid waste of text from you, retard.
You can't convince people that africans should not be sent to Liberia.
Sending the Africans to Liberia has been the normal conservative position since 1821.

sure thing memeflag.

>defending niggers and Mexicans
So which one are you?

I grew up around white metheads and drunks. Shit people are going to act like they're in a world star video no matter what color pussy they were shat out of. Does that mean none of us have any place in society?

Fuck yeah. That's a man who lived.

Absolute retard logic. That's as dumb as people who say we should go back to europe. What's done is done.
God bless a nigger that knows what he is.

Lots of them are super mellow and good natured actually. They just get used to people instantly assuming the worst about them and they develop instant defenses to put up. There are lots of total shitheads who serve no purpose, but that is found in any race. Don't hate all blacks though because, honestly, it isn't like they chose to be born into whatever body God gave them. Oh yeah, lots of black dudes are total hipster gay types too and the whole gangsta thing is pretty much black 30 year old boomer tier at this point. Your most "gangsta" Zoomer would have had the shit beaten out of them in the 90s for just being a big fag.

> Absolute retard logic
Not convincing. Sending the Africans to Liberia has been the normal conservative position since 1821, and remains.
>that's as dumb as people who say we should go back to europe
Shitlibs most certainly should. We'll send them back next. Hope you like Sweden, cuckfag.
> What's done is done.
Yes, Liberia exists and you can't undo that.

>I grew up around white metheads and drunks. Shit people are going to act like they're in a world star video no matter what color pussy they were shat out of. Does that mean none of us have any place in society?
Maybe they wouldn't be getting high on meth if weren't surrounded by niggers and Mexicans.

Everything had more soul back then, even rap.
Rap today is just as soulless and manufactured as everything else.

Bone thugs was peak rap.

Cage was interesting

>Not convincing. Sending the Africans to Liberia has been the normal conservative position since 1821, and remains.

So? That's obviously not going to happen dumbass. Why waste your brain on misguided fairytales? There's an actual real world out there beyond your cellphone for you to figure out. I'm not saying go full libtard, but fuck man. Get real.

No sir. My town was exclusively white except the odd chug. I don't think I ever met a colored person until the gov shipped in a buch of filipinos about a decade ago and they are fucking great people.

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>That's obviously not going to happen dumbass.
It's literally inevitable, retard.

Your Filipinos go, too.

Why are you faggots hiding your flags?

>I don't think I ever met a colored person until the gov shipped in a buch of filipinos about a decade ago and they are fucking great people.
Great people to who? To the white people? I don't think so. They are just there to steal from white people and also systematically destroy them while adding absolutely nothing for white people. They are there to vote against white interests and constantly attack whites for "much oppressions!" that's literally it.

yeah, that's why he thinks they are great.

Okay sport. I love conspiracy theories and /x/ ain't shit lately. Give me a quick rundown on the steps that have to happen in order to purge all of the non whites from america.

Because we're a couple of canadian fagposters

t.doesn't know any flips.

I can't help but laugh that there is a whole generation of newfags who identify as unironic nazis because of memes.

Around Blacks, never relax.

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because u guys can’t make your own resources. the lower half of your bell curve is actually, unironically, less than worthless since they actually take up resources.

You have to go back.

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>Give me a quick rundown on the steps that have to happen in order to purge all of the non whites from america.
A few votes.
> t.doesn't know any flips.
the Philippines is filth. the reason they are in your hick neighborhood is because they ruined their own country

>bark bark whimper unintelligible dog abuse noises
>wipes face
>guess I’ll go be a fucking smooth-brained nuisance to the rest of the world
I hate Canadians so goddamned much. I hope your beagle cums in your lungs and you have to walk uphill to get help.
Your country needs an enema and a leader whose eyesight isn’t ruined from staring at the top of gloryholes.
I don’t know why they bother putting “mounted” before “police.” It’s redundant. Everyone in Canada has been mounted.

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>A few votes.
Lmao. Wait, are you actually being serious?
Nah, nobody here would be that deluded. You're an obvious kike shill.

OP the true is hidden in the open. The crazy and comedian can tell it, watch this comedy.

Basically a power group hijacking the industry asking them to insert an agenda to the lyrics, instead of normal protest, pain, feelings and ideas rappers had. Why? Because over all early rap was all about struggle and we all struggle and do sacrifices to keep up the "system running".
>Divide et impera.

> you're a kike shill for thinking it's doable
you're a kike shill, you filipino invader.


Based schizo poster. Why don't you just chat with this bot

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it's your beloved jews that are predisposed to schizophrenia, you retarded negroid worshipper .

Hip hop and rap was good until like a decade ago.