As a Hong Konger, I’d like everyone to know that the west has brainwashed all of you into believing that communism was a failure. I want nothing more than Hong Kong to unite with the mainland.
I’m begging you all to realize the truth. If only you knew how much better things could be.
Brody Sullivan
Luke Johnson
Good luck OP. The """people""" on here are beyond saving...
Carson Butler
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society. Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies: >Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD >Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD >To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people. gommies.gom/fug/gommies.gom/starve/
Da sdages of gommunism. >Sdage one Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two Withering All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three Gommunism. No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
I'm tell you these guys, don't have any brain cells to run between each other. Doesn't hurt to try I guess...
Xavier Nelson
Most people blame this on DA JOOS You are so close..
Carson Russell
Before you can fully understand communism and call yourself a socialist, you must read these books! They will describe the essentials of Marxist philosophy, theory, economics, and how to apply it.
Many people try to bring up arguments against socialism that these books have debunked. Many of these arguments don’t even have a sound basis.
Communism has been tried many times and it has failed each time and then commies say it wasn't real communism. Yet when capitalism is tried, it's always successful. Even if it's when it's not real capitalism, where there's strict regulations, taxes, and wealth distribution. So for communism to work they claim you need to "strictly adhere" to the principles of Marx and any deviation will result in mass starvation and or an oppressive regime. While for capitalism to work all you need is private property, the people owning means of production and a somewhat free market.
Here's a look at North Korea verse south Korea, same genetic population, same geography, same traditions, yet one of them has abolished private property, seized the means of production and does not have a free market. You literally can see the devastation from space.
The ones without brain cells are the commies, who neither learn from history or even the present.
>capitalism is always successful No, it hasn’t. >North Korea South Korea doesn’t have the endless amounts of sanctions and blockades that the north has had placed upon them by western imperialism. The only (important) country that will actually trade with them is China, and even then, they’re doing surprisingly well for the,selves with what they have.
Nicholas Hughes
>commies will say it wasn’t real communism Because it technically isn’t. They are all different forms of socialism attempting to achieve communism. We, real communists, look at all of these past socialist states and take lessons from their mistakes. They’re attempts are legitimate and we appreciate them, they brought both good and bad things. Usually, they were just as poor before socialism as after (usually improved them after) but people like to ignore that fact.
William Reyes
Russia, Cuba were Marxist Leninist. China is Maoist. North Korea is juche. Cambodia is pure evil. Etc.
Cooper James
I am a natsoc but I think the chinks in Hong Kong need to shut the fuck up and accept what they have. China is a homogeneous and strong nation. It is clear that kikes and the us are pushing for democracy the most subversive system to exist in Hong Kong. The Chinese government should mow every last treasonous piece of filth that is protesting.
>South Korea doesn’t have the endless amounts of sanctions and blockades that the north has had placed upon them by western imperialism Those sanctions can disappear any time, they just have to denuclearize. The west has tried many times to negotiate and NK always backs out, even now Trump is trying and progress is slow. Plus "well" is a subjective term, compared to many nations in Africa yes, compared to the rest of the civilized world, not really.
But that's the point, with Capitalism you don't need to strictly follow an ideology, just a few economic principles, and who's to say those nations wouldn't have prospered more from capitalism much like South Korea?
Robert Walker
It's just their way of managing the party line. Deng Xiao Ping was a pragmatist. The basis of Chinese political ideology is to restore China to its former glory by adopting western knowledge form sciences to politics. They should just drop the veneer and call it in Confucius term, the "Great Unity"
Leo Ramirez
The reason the DPRK doesn’t want to give up their nuclear weapons is because they’re afraid of what would happen if they did. In their eyes, the USA bombed every building they had in the Korean War until there was nothing left to bomb. They and many others believe they would have been invaded a long time ago with out the scare tactic of nuclear weapons.
Depending on what kind of deal they’re able to make (I believe they want the USA to move troops away from their border) I believe they can one day be as prosperous as South Korea, but they’ve had those sanctions for a very long time and it won’t be overnight.
Jaxon Watson
ctions can disappear any time, they just have to denuclearize. The west has tried many times to negotiate and NK always backs out, even now Trump is trying and progress is slow. Plus "well" is a subjective term, compared to many nations in Africa yes, compared to the rest of the civilized world, not really.
But that's the point, with Capitalism you don't need to strictly follow an ideology, just a few economic principles, and who's to say those nations wouldn't have prospered more from capitalism much like South Korea?
It's just their way of managing the party line. Deng Xiao Ping was a pragmatist. The basis of Chinese political ideology is to restore China to its former glory by adopting western knowledge form sciences to politics. They should just drop the veneer and call it in Confucius term, the "Great Unity"
The reason the DPRK doesn’t want to give up their nuclear weapons is because they’re afraid of what would happen if they did. In their eyes, the USA bombed every building they had in the Korean War until there was nothing left to bomb. They and many others believe they would have been invaded a long ti
Nathaniel Thomas
max cringe
John Russell
>communists >human
John Rivera
When you think your making an argument but you’re not.
Hong kong has been the way it is since Bongs gave it to China you retard that was what they agreed upon >Taiwan is china yeah and Brazil is a part of the states because its South america right? Youd be one of the first to be euthanized under Hitler
Bentley Cox
Lmao. I want China to just annex Taiwan already and go full tianamen square on Hong Kong.
Benjamin Hill
When did I say Taiwan is China faggot? It’s like some of you fucking idiots can only make an argument if you interject something completely made up to counter. Further more Taiwan is a fucking island off of the coast of China Brazil is thousands of miles away that comparison is fucking idiotic even if I did make that claim. Hitler certainly would not gas me you disingenuous faggot. I would have committed myself 100% to his cause and been one of his biggest supporters loyalty is the motto of the ss and I display that. I am just saying the state of China has the right to kill the faggots who want to give away their homeland to kiked democracy. I do not have to agree with a commie rat about anything other then the right for them to enforce their laws. Why the fuck should l give a shit if some bugs get squished in the process I have no interest in a chink nation to begin other then to see it remain homogeneous which is the only thing good about commie China.
There’s a lot of idiocy here right now. Good thing some people are actually going to click on the links instead of listening to retards trying to use memes as an argument.
Jack Adams
Communism is gay and smells like shit If you wanna be left wing just join da STRASSER GANG
The people don't own the means of production under capitalism. Also the DPRK was far richer then the south during the 50-60 and became what it is today due to embargoes, isolationism Chinese manipulation and a shit leader. Small Socialist countries are always an easy target for class cucks but there's tons of capitalist countries that are worse off that aren't embargoed.
first off, dude spongebob? Youre here cause strasserist fags were banned from plebbit, be honest We all know Otto sucked the juden cock during the niggerfront days strasserists if anything were either prussian commies or nazi that didnt do their homework on communism suckballs
Matthew Brown
Don't talk shit about my BROTHA Gangstabob. I would take a bullet for him and the rest of my GANG. Though I do agree the Strasserists didn't do enough in their day against the Jews
But it'll be different this time bro just trust me
Brayden Rodriguez
i kinda like you nigger depending on your tone of voice and accent and if you speak like you type irl you would be a funny housenigger providing you can use the fork i cant be bothered to teach your kind
how do you become prosperous when your only recourse is threatening to kill yourself?
Noah Lewis
>tfw no food
Liam Jenkins
It doesn't work. Government redistribution of wealth kills enterpreneurship and any incentive to work hard unless really ideologically driven. USSR could have survived if it had implemented economic reforms aimed at the creation of free market. Supply-demand > gosplan. Always.