According to my calculations

WWII Lasted a total of 6 years.

Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.

6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds.

In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.

It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.

That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were gassed and burned at Auschwitz alone.

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Other urls found in this thread:

according to my calculations, OP is a faggot

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The cremation time was debunked before

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I-i think you are onto something, user

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no, not this time. this time it's fp is a faggot

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While true, OP is also correct

also, where do the masturbation machines fit into this time frame?

Even at ONE MILLION people it’s still a challenge

>Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.
Why are you assuming that every single Jew who died in the war was gassed? Why aren’t you factoring in death from executions from gunfire, starvation, brutal labour, disease and so on? Is it because that doesn’t fit your narrative?

>According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.

>It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp.
Why are you assuming that every single Jew who died was cremated? Why are you ignoring mass graves such as those in Belsen? Why are you ignoring those who were simply left to rot? Is it because it doesn’t suit your emotional bias?

>lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.)
That’s not all you’re disregarding is it? You operate on assuming things that agree with you and disregarding everything that doesn’t.

>The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity.
Again, assumptions that
-every single Jew was gassed
-every single Jew was cremated
-only 15 Jews can die simultaneously
-all dead Jews were transported by the same unsourced “elevator”

Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1
at least read basic history, it all started in 1942 at Wansee. so you can take 3 years off your calculations

> starvation, brutal labour, disease
shoah is "systemical murder", it's only about executions. of course in a world war, there are many other ways to die

Show me the claim that 6million Jews died directly from execution?

> Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews
the first lines of the holocaust article on wikipedia

>death from executions from gunfire, starvation, brutal labour, disease and so on
So what you're saying is that they were internment camps of the most common sort that you would find in most war torn countries during the 20th century?
>mass graves
Ain't nobody got time for fancy graves
>left to rot
The Reich was under a lot of pressure during the last days of the war, no country would have pampered prisoners in that state.
>Never forget the six gorillion!
The cow has been milked dry Chaim

Did you just stop reading after that?
>The murders were carried out in pogroms and mass shootings; by a policy of extermination through labour in concentration camps; and in gas chambers and gas vans in German extermination camps

Not seeing an argument here

>Why are you assuming that every single Jew who died was cremated? Why are you ignoring mass graves such as those in Belsen? Why are you ignoring those who were simply left to rot? Is it because it doesn’t suit your emotional bias?

Well to say they were "simply left to rot" doesn't make much sense desu. Rotting corpses carry the huge risk of spreading disease, and there were a lot of soldiers working in those camps who obviously didn't want to get sick. It's also why at auschwitz they apparently dug up the mass graves to burn the bodies. Your Belsen example only holds true for 10,000 people.

One of the biggest pieces of ammo for holocaust deniers is the lack of skeletal remains. That's why the cremation angle is pushed so hard, because it provides an explanation as to why there as so few skeletal remains from millions killed. But the counter argument is that they couldn't have possibly been able to burn that many bodies. Your argument of "well many starved and were killed by execution and labor" is actually pretty irrelevant, because those bodies would still be burned.

Then post the proof faggot.
Simply sayibg work has been done is not the same as doing the work or even showing the results.
Why can't socialists understand causality?

well done

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There's documentation on how many Jews were shot and how many died of starvation or disease, which make an estimate of around 1 million if we believe those documents as presented by the official narrative, which means most died by gassing or forced labor also according to the official narrative, the figures are still ridiculous.

Don't forget, "1 hr" cremation time includes.
>Cleaning up before starting.
>Heating up
>Have some respect to the body being cremated
>Cooling down the cremation surface
>Carefully collecting remains in a receptacle for the next of kin
Nazis on the other hand had no reason to do any of the above

Not to mention, open air cremation ( chuck some rails, put fuel underneath it, mass cremate as if it's 4th July BBQ )

Mate I lived in Bergen-Hohne for 5 years, on the actual camp. Towards the end of the war things like body disposal and disease prevention couldn’t be carried out. Don't dismiss things just because they don’t agree with you, the conditions at Bergen when the British arrived has devolved into madness in the absence of a structured guard force.

Also well done on using my example of a mass grave to reduce the existence of mass graves entirely to Belsen, and then subsequently understating their usage to 10,000. Pretty slimy arguing technique no?

And then you go on to argue against things I didn’t say? I’ll make it simple for you, I was debunking the OPs retarded post that every single Jew who died during the war was Gassed. There you go, now you can focus on the point at hand sweetie
Assuming you have a source other then your arse, you’re also making the assumptions that those sources are accurate, either wilfully or even possible to be accurate.
Another point I omitted was the comparison to modern crematoriums, which are specifically designed to take a single body, to mass crematoriums

Uh, no. It doesn't include any of that. Modern crematoriums leave the body in the oven for 1.5-2 hours. Learn a bit about the process before you talk.

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>Gas vans
literally a Soviet thing. Kikepedia.
>Hey Hans, ve are runnings low on the diesel
>I know, Franz, but we must asphyxiate das juden!

It's made up by the kikes themselves, at least take a look at your own fabricated sources before spouting shit.

The Krauts were trying to tell them.

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Are you retarded? The op directly compared to modern crematoriums, but you have an issue when other facts about the modern cremation process are highlighted as it disagrees with your emotional bias?
I didn’t use Wikipedia as a source, he did. But only to pick and chose which parts of it agreed with his emotional bias.
Please try and keep up sweetie
>source says something that agrees with my emotional bias
>source disagrees with my emotional bias


Nice calculations user, I might use this. but are we sure only one body was put in the oven at a time?

>Nobody will ever do the math to figure this o-

And you picked the parts that agreed with yours despite being clear bullshit

Literally the opening paragraph
>Despite this, calculating the exact numbers of individuals who were killed as the result of Nazi policies is an impossible task. There is no single wartime document that spells out how many people were killed.

Before I’ve even broken down your own source, I can see right away that your number of 1 million is wrong

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>Adding mass reduces burning time

Isn't the actual death toll of jews around 20,000? mainly due from Typhus and starvation?

Daily reminder, Zyklon B is a delouser and isn't poisonous to humans.

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>Mate I lived in Bergen-Hohne for 5 years, on the actual camp. Towards the end of the war things like body disposal and disease prevention couldn’t be carried out. Don't dismiss things just because they don’t agree with you, the conditions at Bergen when the British arrived has devolved into madness in the absence of a structured guard force.

Im fine with the idea that towards the end there was chaos. But that doesn't really say anything about my point that it's unlikely for the majority of those 6 years that people were just shot and left to rot in the open like that for the reasons I gave before.

>Also well done on using my example of a mass grave to reduce the existence of mass graves entirely to Belsen, and then subsequently understating their usage to 10,000. Pretty slimy arguing technique no?

If you have information of a verified mass grave containing more than 10,000 corpses, please share them. I haven't found any. Pretty slimy of yourself to assume that is what I was trying to convey with my argument rather than address it.

>And then you go on to argue against things I didn’t say? I’ll make it simple for you, I was debunking the OPs retarded post that every single Jew who died during the war was Gassed. There you go, now you can focus on the point at hand sweetie.

But that's an irrelevant point since he plainly said that in his calculations, he dismisses completely the time it would take to go from the gas chambers to the crematorium. His post is STRICTLY about how long it would take to burn the bodies vs. how many were burned vs. over how long. That's it. You're trying to skirt around his argument by focusing on the gassing, which is completely irrelevant to his main point. THAT is being disingenuous.

Did you even attempt to follow the argument? He claimed that the 6 million is purely a claim of those who died to the state organised executions in camps and attempted to use a Wikipedia source to back that claim up, a Wikipedia source that refuted him in the same paragraph be quoted, but he strangely omitted the part I quoted.
Try and keep up sweetie, you’re embarrassing yourself here

Not just gassings and crematings, user.
Jews were also killed by the groups with a bullet in the back of the head and put in shallow mass graves in the polish forests.

We have yet to dig one up

>Are you retarded? The op directly compared to modern crematoriums, but you have an issue when other facts about the modern cremation process are highlighted as it disagrees with your emotional bias?

What the fuck are you even talking about? The process is completely irrelevant to the OP's math. It takes AT LEAST 1 hour for modern crematoriums to burn completely through a body. That DOESN'T include ANY prep time. Just the burning of the body. This is in addition to modern crematoriums being more advanced than the ones in the 40's. So the idea that they took less than 1 hour can be thrown out the window as a non argument.

It's amazing, i mean truly amazing. Germans were able to carry out this huge grand conspiracy without a single document ever being generated or talking about it ever on their code which was broken early in the war. They truly are efficient and the master race

Aren't you legally obligated to say that though? If you scrolled passed without saying anything I bet they would've revoked your license kek

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Lol drink dish soap, kike

>>you are a shill, or a retard, or both. If you are so sure it is safe just empty a can of bug spray in your mouth

>the majority of those 6 years that people were just shot and left to rot in the open
Why are you arguing against things I didn’t say?

>If you have information of a verified mass grave containing more than 10,000 corpses
Again not what I said? You reduced my entire argument of mass graves to its example, as if a single mass grave was the entire total because I used Belsen as an example. Why would you do that?

>His post is STRICTLY about how long it would take to burn the bodies vs. how many were burned vs. over how long. That's it. You're trying to skirt around his argument by focusing on the gassing, which is completely irrelevant to his main point. THAT is being disingenuous.
He’s trying to attribute all estimates 6 million deaths to a single method and disposal, my post are refuting that premise. I’m sorry the facts make you so emotional when they disagree with you

where a french-potato shill? long time since he was here

You are retarded lol. No one in this entire thread said that Jews were only gassed or anything like that. You're terrible at this, I hope you're not being paid.

It’s entirely relevant, he’s trying to equate shoving the Nazis shoving 15 bodies that they consider subhuman into a modern crematorium designed only for 1 body to be respectfully disposed of and collected, to make up numbers to validate his emotional investment in a Jewish conspiracy

Except the strangely silent OP, eh?

this, actually they killed much more that 6 gorillion just jews themselfs cant figured this out

>french-potato shill
buddy, is this you (french-potato shill) with new vpn? i glad to meet you

Do you want to say that jews can't count?

>Uses absolutely bullshit claim of gas vans

You need to account for the holocoaster, electric floors and wank machines, goy

here's the rub, the holocaust did happen, it is just greatly exaggerated by kikes.

That's the sad part. Kikes are lying about the holocaust, but "revisionists" are also not telling the full story. Yes the Nazi regime hated Jews. Yes, there were squads of nazi soldiers going around, rounding up jews, executing them, and putting them in mass graves. This primarily happened in eastern Europe under the Einsatzgruppen. Hundreds of thousands of Jews died from this. Perhaps over a million.

Millions weren't killed in gas chambers. They weren't turned into shoes etc. It's kind of sad, the overblown hyperbole of the holocaust has caused people to doubt it completely. Dumb jews

You’re excessively focusing on one very minor point, one that you yourself haven’t been able to refute

1-2 million burnt in camps
1million in mass graves
1 million lamps
how do we get to 6 millions

1 bullet could go through 5 jews if you lined them up

All in all
I saw Aryan Malta poster
All around good day
Wish I had stayed in that golden thread

something like this dumb jewsbut that is not limited to germany, in fact one country who accepted running from eutope jews was a fashist spain( and portugal), Allies didnt accept them

Okay first off newfag, one post by this ID OPs are not strange or uncommon
Secondly he did not make that claim, you inferred it yourself because you are dumb. Simply put. You just dont understand.
The OP was putting out numbers that show how disproportionately small the numbers of Jews that could have been killed and cremated at the very largest concentration camp in an ideal situation versus the number SIX GORILLION. I mean how fuckin stupid are you that you dont see that? Try going back and reading it, maybe read it aloud
Might help in your case

2 million soap bars?

So how did a nation who's greatest limiting factor in the war was fuels manage to completely incinerate 6 million Jews? Can you post an example of the technology that allowed this

You forgot the 5,000,000 "others"

Fuck off kike. Your ancestors may not have been left to rot in this dubious 'Holobunga' story, but you sure as hell will when electric Boogaloo starts. It'll be another Hullabalunga but a real one this time.

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>Why are you arguing against things I didn’t say?

Can you atleast try to stay consistent? If you keep arguing in bad faith I'm going to have to assume you just lack an argument. You said:
"Why are you ignoring those who were simply left to rot?" in this post >Again not what I said? You reduced my entire argument of mass graves to its example, as if a single mass grave was the entire total because I used Belsen as an example. Why would you do that?

You reduced your argument to that, not me. You had no follow up to that argument you made about Belsen. If you would point to a mass grave of more than 10,000 jews killed, then we could give more credence to your argument that a significant number, compared to the 6 million, were buried rather than burned.

>He’s trying to attribute all estimates 6 million deaths to a single method and disposal, my post are refuting that premise. I’m sorry the facts make you so emotional when they disagree with you

The premise of the argument is about how many bodies can be burned within that time period. The method of their death is completely irrelevant in that figure, so once again, why are you arguing against something that's not even the premise? He literally said to imagine if the bodies were instantly teleported into the crematorium. Clearly the crux of his argument is how long the bodies take to burn. Out of all the posts you have made, the only verifiable one of about Belsen and the mass grave accounting for an estimated 0.015% of the total deaths. I've asked you for any larger mass graves, but you've chosen to ignore my request. If you're trying to provide evidence contrary to OP's, you're still about 5,990,000 short. Do better.

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there we go
we solved it

5.5 million estimated civilian casualties in territory controlled by Germany during the war, and obviously the winners blame Germany for all those deaths (even though the brits firebombed Dresden and counted those deaths toward the 5.5 million total). A slim majority, perhaps 3 million, are estimated by "experts" to have been Jewish. The fact is there were no accurate census data on Jewish populations before the war, so neither people crying about the six gorillion nor the people who refuse to accept the narrative have a good source to cite, which is why there's such a big range in estimates. Kike lobbyists rounded up from 5.5 million to 6 million, which is an important number in kikery, and pretend it was all dead kikes.

His entire post is trying to “mathematically” break down the impossibility of gassing and burning 6 million in 6 years.
Try to keep up sweetie

source for spain accepting jews during WWII? I did not know Franco was cool w that

Watch how no shill responds to this because it btfo of their narrative. Imagine all the useless emails you get when coordinating a project with just a few people. Now ramp that up x1000000 because you're coordinating a genocide of a people and everything has to be written down because it's before computers. Yet not one scrap of paper happened to make it through the war. Truly awe inspiring efficiency and dedication. They should've won just on commitment alone. Either way this breaks the normies conditioning because the Jew wants you to get bogged down with stupid irrelevant arguments he can kvetch at. Merely pointing that it's crazy how no documents survived of something that would take mass planning is so mind blowing and a tragic loss to history so we can learn from it makes them nervous because then someone might go looking for said documents.

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Math is antisemitic

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Didn't the red cross do a census in the 30s?

>It’s entirely relevant, he’s trying to equate shoving the Nazis shoving 15 bodies that they consider subhuman into a modern crematorium designed only for 1 body to be respectfully disposed of and collected, to make up numbers to validate his emotional investment in a Jewish conspiracy

How is he trying to equate that? He's pointing out that modern crematories take around 1.5 hrs to burn a body. That's it. That's for just the burning part. Again, I don't know why you're talking about being disposed of an collected, those are completely irrelevant and the time it takes to do those things are not factored into OP's numbers.

btw also they burned more than one body at a time, they didnt clean the ovens between burnings, parts that didnt burn well enough the first time were left in there.
neither of these happen in modern crematoria where you wouldn't want granny mixed with some one else's granny.

Thats not a secret

we just living in dumb world

Maybe you should take my advice and read it again, darling sweet summer child of mine

>manage to completely incinerate 6 million Jews
Why are you arguing against things I didn’t say?
Are you claiming none were left to rot? In Belsen alone (make note of the word “alone” please) British sources claim almost 15,000 unburied corpses in the camp during it liberation.
I don’t understand why you keep focusing on single points as if it was my entire argument or reducing my arguments down into a single example as if it was the entire sum of the total.
He literally did when he ridiculed the ability of mass crematoriums by using modern crematoriums as an example

This. Also factor-in that Germans were like fucking Romans in the sense that they recorded everything. Plus, actual literal Roman records have survived to this day. Nhatsees obviously loved spending valuable fuel because they must have burned all their records as well as the sixty million Jews.

OP was not a faggot for once

Hey faggot

Reread the OP

leaving mass to accumulate in the oven wouldnt speed things up
quite the contrary

>The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were gassed and burned at Auschwitz alone.
not according to any jewish TV/radio host even today

While this is all true, there's also the obvious problem that there weren't six million Jews to kill in Hitler's custody and that nowhere in the entirety of the millions of documents worth of cracked German transmissions that the British stockpiled after breaking the Enigma Code is there even one reference to an order to kill all the Jews.

What bamboozles me is that people never think this out to its logical conclusion. If you were going to kill all of the fucking Jews, why would you kill them in small groups? Why wouldn't you just do what the Germans actually did when executing huge numbers of people and just machinegun 20,000 of them at a time?

The entire Holocaust narrative as it is set up is like reading an account of a knife fight written by someone who got everything they know about knives from playing Skyrim. In Cambodia, where my family is from, you could kill millions of people in a WEEK with farm equipment without breaking a sweat. But apparently in Germany, it takes a year to do what we could do in about four days.

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I addressed this here , you can only address so many holes in logic with a Naziboo posts with 2000 characters

only few parts didnt burn well enough. also they mixed several bodies with different fat content to control the burning ie fatso with skinnies etc

Wow how nice of them to admit that they were lying after they've already hanged thousands of people for a crime that didn't happen.

jews cant into a real world questions and engineering, their only field is deep math\philosophy

It's funny because on the holocaust memorial site the introduction goes straight away to trying to prove what happened based on the lack of evidence. 6 million were killed "in secret", all records were immediately destroyed, soldiers were ordered to keep complete silence, anything written down and pass on was immediately destroyed upon receiving it. I remember reading that and saying "so wait...there is no evidence?".

It's crazy how many people treat it as a factual evidence based occurrence.

Nice non answer. You seem to be implying that the Germans had a more efficient way of cremation an dim asking you to demonstrate it.

>when OP is the best post, and First post is the faggot

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you need to teach yourself on such technological processes like burning etc, one step aside = stop factory for couple of days\weeks
its impossible

>60 million total deaths during ww2 between combatants and civilians
>that means almost 20 people a minute were dying during those 6 years

wow really makes u think... guess it's all fake..

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what do you mean well enough?
what is burning according to you think solid mass dissappears?

>they didn't clean the ovens
>they used a surplus of valuable fuel to burn bodies and records rather than use it for their much needed war
>also destroyed valuable manpower by murdering POWs instead of putting them to work
For an evil empire who managed to do such a thorough job and set the benchmark of systematic genocide, the Natsees sure were a stupid and forgetful bunch, weren't they?
Next you'll be telling me they forgot to oil the wheels on the Holocoaster.

Why would you post just to concede the argument instantly by drawing a false equivalence?

they say 6