Ukraine's gdp per capita is about $ 2,639 which is half of Iran's gdp per capita. Therefore, Ukraine is poorer than the third world countries, such as Iran or Thailand. But how can the infrastructure of Ukraine look like a developed country? In this vlog, Ukraine seems to have a better infrastructure than some American cities.
Ukraine's gdp per capita is about $ 2,639 which is half of Iran's gdp per capita. Therefore...
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No shit people fucking it up.
Things being simply cheaper, including labor.
GDP is a meme.
because USSR was superior to US
even the most looted remains of once great nations look better than your average neoliberal hellhole run by GOP
and yeah, GDP is a total bunk designed to make the 1st world seem prosperous
>falls apart
>Imagine if America imported those beautiful Ukrainian goddesses instead of nigger, pajeet, chink, mudslime shitskin subhuman immigrants.
usa it's just a few decades away from a process of balkanization
unlike racist eastern europe meme, ukrainians, russians, poles and hungarians don't seem hostile to south koreans or asians. i've seen many south korean backpackers' vlogs, but it's mostly favorable to say that they come from south korea from videos of south korean backpackers who have traveled to eastern europe or russia. the really racist countries were the islamic countries of the middle east and north africa. dunno why, but even north african, turkish, and middle eastern muslim immigrants in europe didn't seem to like asians.
>Ukraine seems to have a better infrastructure than some American cities.
All built by the USSR. There's a reason why former Eastern Bloc countries have by far the best and cheapest public transport in their big cities.
>unlike racist eastern europe meme, ukrainians, russians, poles and hungarians don't seem hostile to south koreans or asians. i've seen many south korean backpackers' vlogs, but it's mostly favorable to say that they come from south korea from videos of south korean backpackers who have traveled to eastern europe or russia. the really racist countries were the islamic countries of the middle east and north africa. dunno why, but even north african, turkish, and middle eastern muslim immigrants in europe didn't seem to like asians.
We don't disrespect educated civilized first worlder Asians like SK or Japan. The Asians we disrespect are noisy, rude and unpleasant Chinese and Southeast Asians smugglers.
Eastern Europe lacks jobs and enough wages. Except this, this place is good to live.
Because most Russians want to live in South Korea, so Russian women are willing to give their wombs to marry a South Korean for citizenship.
I do not know what you are talking about. There is no place in the world where Asians are welcome. Even in Asia, white visitors are more welcome than Asian visitors. Westerners are treated good for no reason in Asia, While, Asians are treated shit for no reason in the West.
Difference between developed and developing countries.
>Eastern Europe lacks jobs and enough wages. Except this, this place is good to live.
Doubtful.. All the young people of Eastern Europe left for Western Europe.
Das rite, yellow boi, this is the power of the BWC
>Because most Russians want to live in South Korea, so Russian women are willing to give their wombs to marry a South Korean for citizenship
i guess u are talking about the k-pop, k-drama and anime fangirls. these dumb annoying young girls believe that south korea and japan is heaven. and they want to meet a korean boyfriend and live there. but they have low iq and can't even speak korean nor japanese.
Why haven't all the western men just strolled in to take their women yet?
Ukraine is a looooooot better off than any shitty third world country
good luck in your fight against thr Russians, uke bros
Yeah right, bull fucking shit. How many Koreans, Chinese and Japanese have American/Western citizenship versus how many Americans/Westerners have Korean, Chinese or Japanese citizenship or even anything beyond just a tourist visa? Its almost fucking impossible, meanwhile in America citizenship and visas are handed out like fucking candy to Asians. Asians then set up their own businesses, fraternities and even neighborhood ghettos in the West that are completely closed off to the white locals.
Yeah when Asian countries start having whites do that in their countries, then you can start crying "Boo hoo racism!" A Korean crying about white people? Thats hysterical, Korea is the most xenophobic and homogenous country on the planet. White people cant even enter many businesses there. Look in the fucking mirror before speak about westerners, you crybaby gook.
America is a dump everyplace except the middle of a city they force poverty and slave wages
Because it is actually twice higher.
I'll explain. It is like 40-50% of economy is not part of any official research because it is in the shadows. I am a small business owner and I know like a dozen schemes to evade taxes. I am not even talking about offshore schemes that are basically standard for major business there. Even our current and former presidents are using Cyprus, Panama, Hong Kong to move their capital overseas.
I hope white lads who don't have a gf/spouse find hope in Ukraine, Poland, and Russia. Because I hate racemixing and I think it's terrible for white people to have a non-white baby with black or brown skinned women. Think of the prince of UK. His wife is a black woman. UK is officially blacked!
GDP of Uzbekistan is beyond Zero but compare it with New York metro
It is a beautiful metro. It reminds us of the artistic Soviet style metro in Moscow or Pyongyang. The metros in South Korea is clean and modern, but it looks very cold without any humanity. And Sadly, Most buildings in South Korea are like this. Modern, Clean and Cold without Humanity and Sense of Humor.
How is Iran a third world country, user?
(6:40 for really cute Persian girl)
There ^ Every thing is clean and well maintained, especially the historical and cultural sites. almost no full body hijabs (whatever they are actually called) and people are well dressed and clean.
How is that considered a third world country, when Tent City (LA) is not?
What's the deal with the gook squiggles.
Them ain't Koreans my dude.
Aren’t you that bugeater that argued korean food wasn’t unique?
The world is more complicated than muh GDP using fake jew owned banker currency which literally does not exist outside of a computer in the form of a debt to measure how a complex set of systems is working.
Lower GDP simply means being less plugged in the global jew network. You could double the GDP of the entire world by opening all borders, but it wouldn't make the world richer or make infrastructure better, it would simply connect more people to the banking scam. Every person interacting with the banking scam would contribute to raising the GDP, even if they are a complete leech to their host country.
Sad than Moscow doesnt`t have that islamic style.looks cool.New metro stations in Russia is also autistic as fuck
Asian visiters are welcome, just not the cunts who want to stay. Couple of years ago I got blind drunk with a korean volleyball team
Koreans are treated very well in my country (CZE), some people may mistake you for Vietnamese (large communities of them here) but even they are treated mostly as kind of locals, people here dont like gypsies and are beware of blacks/muslims.
Where is the girl of the thumbnail? I can't find her on the video
All money in Iran is stolen by the Ayatollah. What's left is given to shia scum around the globe and paleshits (who in fact hate Iran LMFAO)
In Ukraine a lot of money is stolen aswell, yet something goes for needs of the little guy.
Also there're more people in Iran.
Ukraine is big. If I remember correctly, it's the second largest European country, after Russia.
Of course the big cities like Kiev will have modern infrastructure, but huge swaths of the country are filled with Ukrainian farmers shitting in squat toilets, like Africans.
Nigger, I've tried to be kind to Asians tourists before, but they sperg out because they don't know how to small talk.
Don't blame us for being born in an anti-social culture.
dead thread, but still bump
> >falls apart
Sold out by (((elites))), mutt.
So chinks are treating Ukraine as a sex tourism destination now?
Chinese men are Alpha as phuck
islam ruined the persians
same way it ruined the turks
You can only dream of being as good looking as me
Ukraine was a world leader in aircraft design until CIA niggers destroyed all of its industries.
I mean, we only actually started trying to fix shit after we chased out the muscovite puppet president. Before that the roads were proper fucked.
Exactly this. There are tons of Ukrainian immigrants here, running away from their shithole country.
Even though some Romanian cities are really nice and modern (Cluj, Sibiu, Timisoara), there are still wast swats of the country that are complete shitholes. Basically mud huts, dirty running water, dirt roads or roads so full of potholes that you'd think there was a recent war here, people still using a carriages too travel around (not the nice, turisty kind, the ones made out of 10 shitty planks and old car tiers), still loads of functionally illiterate people.
Now, imagine how bad it must be up there, if Ukranians chose this country too immigrate into.
>Ukraine seems to have a better infrastructure than some American cities
no niggers
With so much cheap, but competent, labor in the country it doesn't cost much too to build some decent infrastructure.
>unlike racist eastern europe meme, ukrainians, russians, poles and hungarians don't seem hostile to south koreans or asians
eastern europeans don't hate asians or are racist to them besides couple of slanty eye jokes
stop trying to pick up victim points, nobody hates asians, unless you start doing shit, but then it's hated regardless of race
>implying violent, steppe, cockroaches weren't already ruined.
Turks would have raped and sacked, no matter the religions affiliation (maybe Christianity would have softened them up, I'll agree with that).
That's the Central Asian, locust way. The steppe is a barren hellhole, where only horses thrive. But that dose not matter, since all they need they'll just take from the softer, civilized society, be that as tribute or from the ruins of their cities.
Although I agree that Islam really hurt the Persians, they still managed too preserve much of their identity over the years. Which is why most of the art and scientific advancements came from Persia during the "Islamic" Golden Age.
What really hurt the most were, again, the Mongol steppe roaches. The amount of destruction the Mongols wrought too both China and Iran is unbelievable. Entire grand, ancient cities leveled. Not only that, but since they already had combat engineers from China, they did not spare much of the educated class, nor their places of knowledge (see the sacking of the house of wisdom).
All Central Asians would have pacified a long time ago, if only the chicks could stabilize for more than 200 years and not constantly fight civil wars,
Lol and now you have a kike for a president. Good job. I have been to Ukraine and I find most places pleasant and well kept. You are better than most no white places even if your GDP numbers don't look better. Do not let the kikes or chinks flush away you white genes with the promise of gibs
kike president never promised any gibs,unlike most of the politicians here.
also seems the least corrupt desu, which is pretty important
at least now we have a chance at not being horrifyingly poor forever. No such chance with muscovy.
pacifying steppe niggers was only possible when europeans started using gunpowder weapons and went into the steppe. Chinks could have pacified them if they use their own invention for something other than fireworks. Gunpowder weapons changed balance of power in steppe
More of this russian gook shit.. so annoying.
Can we ban all these chinkoid lefty fuckers from the site please?
their past your future
When China was united and had a great ruler, they nearly always managed too bring the roaches under the imperial boot, gunpowder or not.
See the rise and of Tang Dynasty and rule of Emperor Taizong.
P.S: Chicks did use proto gunpowder weapons against the roaches. Both short range "boomsticks" that, even if horribly inaccurate, did serious damage, by scarring the horses and cannons in the late stages of the Mongol conquest. It was, sadly, too late at that point and the Mongol roaches gained control over the entire China.
>at least now we have a chance at not being horrifyingly poor forever.
This was beginning too be an interesting discussion.... RIP thread, archive this shit
the blond slav is a hot cunt she should choke on my dick